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No Second Prize — Riddle Heights 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
Will chuck this up as Morganna's (overdue) exit (did ask for it to be revived before but it was archived again before I got my reply together - meddling poop machines >.<). Just wanted it completed for the sake of tidiness, will archive in a few days unless Skoll has his own thoughts that need to get out.

no one can tell you exactly what you have gotta be
Morganna Archer
you've gotta stand your ground, and fight to save your life

At least not yet. it was a promise that tickled her ears and set a fire in her belly. She could already feel something dark and primal stirring at her very core and her brothers certainty only fed the fire the beast thrived on.


She couldn’t bring herself to continue on. She could feel her sibling like an anchor at her back. What would happen next time if he wasn’t there to hold her in place? How far would her feet carry her before duty pulled her back to the scant protection of willow boughs? This time it was his turn to break the silence that stretched out and the unspoken question between them was finally spoken. She tried to stop her face from twisting, to keep the pull of a frown from the corner of her mouth and to release some of the stiffness that worked its way into her spine. “No. Nuthin’.” she finally breathed, the understanding that he had been just as abandoned as she had settling into her bones. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

Her eyes didn’t need to drift to the sky to realise it was time to begin heading home if they wished to return without spending a night under the stars. While she would relish the escape she didn’t trust the other members of the pack not to stage a coup in the absence of both @“Elettra”’s first born heirs. Brushing past @“Skoll” she moved to collect the herb her eyes had fallen on before, deciding as her brother had so artfully pointed out before her thirst could be better quenched on flatter ground.

They had a long hike ahead of them yet.

template base by GREY | image by KYDNT
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer

Nothing. The dark prince shrugged, letting out an audible snort when she revealed that Asriel had not even thought to tell her, their beloved one and only sister, where he had gone. Once upon a time, when they had been no more than a few months old, Skoll and Asriel had actually come to a sort of agreement to protect Morganna, to shield her and be her guardians should she ever need them. Apparently the golden-touched heir had opted out of it all, leaving the middle-born to pick up the slack and uphold his part of their promise.

Morganna moved back, stepping past him with a brush of her shoulder to his. The sigh that emitted from him seemed like it had been 'uttered' as an apology and he turned around after her lead. She bent down to collect the sprig of skunkbrush before beginning to head down to lower, flatter holdings. As he stared at her back, his lips drew into a straight line. She didn't say anything else and to that, Skoll also had nothing to add.

Willow Ridge was getting far too large for its own good under Angier's reign and there was little the two Archers could do to balance their superiors' interests into their favor, Asriel (by conclusion) had abandoned them both, and with winter on the way, there would also be little else to do besides settle down and weather the cold. They would have enough to eat between the both of them, Skoll was sure, being much older than the four cubs at home; other than that, they were merely sitting ducks just waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Once the princess had begun to stroll back into the familiar presence of trees and shrubs, Skoll picked up his feet and skulked after her, step for step, with his head down and tail level with his spine. This conversation had been one the prince had been waiting for; and, to hear that the both of them were simply waiting for a position of power to open up, thrilled him to his very core... just... he was determined that the first spot would belong to him.


i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away