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feast fit for the kings — The Wildwood 
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

It seemed like it was taking forever for the younger wolf to gather up whatever plant life was required to be applied to the small cut that adorned her haunch and standing mixed with the bruises that lay beneath the surface were really starting to wear on her body. Though fit for her age even she couldn't stand forever and a rumble of her stomach reminded her that her stomach couldn't wait forever to be filled either.  The smell of all the different kills was really starting to drive the huntress insane, especially on an empty stomach. A bite of bison she had brought down earlier with fellow allies sounded mighty delicious at that moment. The pack second could find her there whenever he managed to return with his jowl full of plants.

Shifting her weight to keep the majority of it off her bruised leg off she gave a small tilt of her head to inhale the aromas that filled the area, attempting to sort out the many scents until the smell of bison became most prominent. Limping her way along the scent trail her amber gaze squinted faintly as a familiar coloration of silver and cream crossed her path. Another quick sniff of the air revealed it to be the Woodlands hunter, Iopah. 'Ah, perhaps she is off to dine on bison as well.' She thought to herself, remembering the day the two woman and a few other wolves hoarded around a rotting bison carcass  that could easily feed an entire pack for at least a week. That feast was delicious, but old meat never compared to the delicacy of fresh meat still warm from the blood that once flowed through the many veins. This thought alone made a puddle of drool form in Enoki's mouth and her pace to quicken despite the limp that hindered her slightly. That fresh meat would soon be filling her empty stomach.  

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
considering how back-dated this's, I'm gonna fade Iopah out. I took some PP liberty with @Enoki . Lemme know if this isn't okay, Ashbash

There was silence behind her and a meal in front, Iopah did not so much as glance back. The bison rose tantalizing before her. It lay flat on its side with legs splayed out randomly. Before last night it had been in good health and it's girth rose over Iopahs head. She circled it once, sniffing lightly over oily hair and noting puncture marks. Her jaws tested the tightness of muscle in a few places before she decided, tail flicking lightly against her hocks.

Besides the wounds created during the hunt, the skin was still intact. Her teeth worked at a jagged opening, hooking molars on the tough hide before pulling back sharply. The skin separated wetly and Iopah let it drape as she edged closer to the now-exposed muscle. A soft scuffling step caught her attention. Pale ears twitched before the huntress looked over her shoulder. Intelligent, gold eyes swept down Enoki's leg at the limp. Her ears pressed back in sympathy and she eased to the side, allowing space for her fellow hunter at the table. The other slid in beside her and Iopah let a companionable silence grow. There had already been enough words between them. The two hunters filled their stomachs and the feast went on around them. It was a feast of allies, three packs coming together and working as one. Iopah glanced briefly at the piebald. They had come a long ways, and she was glad to call the woman, at the very least, an ally.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Just realized Nari was the only WC wolf here atm. -.-

After chatting with the other alpha females, Nari was starting to feel the hunger gnaw at her belly. She spotted Iopah heading over to the kill site and began meandering her own way over to the bison. The gray she wolf gives a speculative glance towards the two Archer's as they share unkind words. Though it was truly the male Xetor who was rubbing her fur the wrong way. She could say one thing for sure. She had never met a wolf quite like him. Normally she favored bold wolves, but he was just an annoyance.

Ignoring the urge to simply walk over and shove him into the dirt, because that was Elettra's job to do and she didn't want to offend the dark lady, Narime simply walked closer to the scene. As she walked past the pair of wolves she gave the younger Archer a venomous glare while tipping her head and tail higher to prove a point. She was way bigger than him, and she wanted Xetor to know it as Nari bumped into the black russet male while brushing past. Then her blue orbs eyeballed the bison hungrily before the silver wolf broke into a trot. By the time she reached the carcass her fur had flattened again while her head and tail returned to a neutral position. Taking a spot opposite from Iopah and Enoki, the gray she wolf started working on the tough flesh of the giant creature.

Thoughts of returning to her own territory dawdled within the confines of the silver womans skull. Once their feast was over everybody would be taking their own doggy-bags back to fill their packs caches. Nari wondered how many times she would have to travel back and forth to move meat from the carcass to Whisper Caverns caches. Maybe I'll grab some volunteers from back home to help me..

The wolf ate in relative silence as there were plenty of spaces for everyone to eat without snarling at each other. For now she was content to share a meal with friends rather than her own pack mates. Though she did wonder if there was something wrong about that.

(Narime fade out unless someone wants to talk with her further?)

faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Going to put in my ending as well. I had hoped more would have shown, but there is always next time!

The hunt had been far more successful then the Matriarch could have hoped for, though the mingling between three-way allies less so, as some had left after the hunts to return bits of food back home, some did not show at all and in the case of Xetor, some unwilling to be civil amongst one another and their alliances. Elettra would make certain that @Xetor would gain the proper punishment for getting out of line once they returned home. For now, Elettra was content to eat at the bison before moving on to some of the other food assortments, gaining a taste of various things before getting full. After some discussion with Nina and Narime in portioning out the food that was left over, each wolf take their share of what they could carry before returning back home. While she was certain that she would see plenty of Narmie, as often did the Whisper Caverns wolves and Willow Ridge wolves run into one another, be it on hunts or scouting missions, she wondered when again she might run into Nina and anyone from her pack, granted the much further distance between them. Saying her final goodbyes, Elettra took one of the plump pheasant by the neck and made her way back to the willows.
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2015, 05:53 PM by Elettra.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Nina's single eye watched Elettra's movements and her words. It seemed that a few members of her pack were much more rowdy than Elettra herself. That was of no shock to Nina...when the woman was around Elettra, she always seemed to be in control and that was something that Nina had looked up to the other woman for. No matter what situation she was in, the black woman had always been in control. The golden dam and certainly learned much for the Archer woman and control was definitely one of them. The Willow Ridge alpha was everything Nina had striven to be and she had  not yet succeeded, the task, likely, impossible.

Things seemed to be settling down now and many others were taking their leave. Knowing that her trek would likely be much longer than the other's, she let loose and quick message to her pack members, gathering them together before they would all depart close to another. She waited a few moments, saying her goodbyes to the two woman, and giving Elettra a quick nod. They would be in touch. Without waiting to see if anyone was going to join her on her way home, the golden beauty quickly made the familiar journey, her body swaying lightly in the wind as a familiar feeling of happiness settled over her. Yes, things were looking up for the time being.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

Finding a suitable seat at the dinner table beside the Woodland woman, Iopah, her jaws were put to work slicing and shredding the meat of the beast before her while a light shade of crimson began to make itself known in the form of a subtle tint upon the ebony hairs of her face from the blood that once provided the beast life. A companionable silence hung in the air between the two woman as they filled their stomachs in preparation for the impending journeys home. There was no need for words to be shared knowing exactly where they stood with each other now. No longer were the two enemies as stamped by their history. Now at the very least they were allies. A title Enoki was grateful to have over the latter. Little by little the others in the area began to migrate to the fallen bison from the smell of its potent and intoxicating aroma, including the three lead females present. Narime, Nina, and the dark queen herself, Elettra. Nothing but the sound of snapping jaws around pounds of meat and idle chit-chat filled the wildwoods until all had their fill. One by one the wolves began their departures with sentimental goodbyes and best wishes to each other.  

Noticing the dark queen make her own goodbyes before snagging a pheasant for the trip home, Enoki knew the festivities were coming to an end and home was calling their names. Following suit to the best of her abilities despite the bum leg slowing her normal speed, a pair of rabbits dangled between her jaws by their ears. As soon as she made it back to the willows they would be buried into a cache for later consumption by another pack mate that had not made the journey with the rest or by the pups. Either way Enoki would not dine on them with her stomach so bloated by the bison meat waiting digestion within it. All in all she had to say today was a success despite the low number of wolves present. Each pack had their representatives and now things would return to normal in preparation for the coming winter.


Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer

Xetor watched happily as his aunt stalked away. He had proven his point, that children had to be disciplined so that they didn't cause trouble for the pack when they grew up. With his ego boosted once more or then spun around and continued to search for the herbs he needed to treat Enoki's wound. The male noted that Titan had disappeared from the area, and that their patient had begun to eat from the bison. These things did not bother him while he wandered closer to a thick patch of bushes and long grasses. Many plants were mixed into the thick undergrowth here, but none of the things he needed were there, and so the dark Archer moved on to the next area. He moved slowly closer and closer to the lady alphas while searching for herbs. Occasionally his wandering thoughts would bring his amber gaze up to marvel at the health of the women as they stood there chatting. Both the tawny lady with one eye and the gray woman were fine looking specimens. He could ignore the fact that the Hervok woman didn't have an eye, and that limp she had. If he looked at her just right she was a colorful gem. The silver she wolf too was rather exotic with her eyes that lit up like the sky.

It wasn't them that he enjoyed the forms of the most though. Rather the dark form of Enoki held his attention as Xetor moved to another patch of brush filled space. He ripped his eyes away from her to look for a plant that would aid in her healing.

I wonder if she likes me... His wandering mind whispered lightly in between naming the dried plants that he recognized. Without realizing it he had moved right up close to the other leaders. He hears a few of them moving and casts his eyes upwards to watch their rears hurrying away. They looked like they were about to head over to eat and once out of sight Tor continued his search for herbs to use. Enoki's rear was certainly more... Well... just more... and he liked it like that.

(Fade Xetor I suppose)

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I think I'm the last one posting to this so Ima fade and archive after Titan post

Titan had wandered away from the rest of the wolves. He was searching for yarrow instead of goldenrod or some other herb that normally wouldn't grow around here. The trees here were nice and thick. Plus there was enough space between them to run full out if he wanted. Truly the place was perfect for prey and wolves alike. Titan couldn't help but feel calm under the giants earth hued trunks.

He didn't hear or see the drama that occurred between his pack mates back at the clearing. Instead Titan delved himself into the forest glad to be out from under the watchful eyes of others. He could be himself here. He could straighten out his crunched over neck and back. Then he could stand tall and relish the feeling of looseness that swung his legs. Titan liked being the center of attention most days, but once in a while when he was stressed he also enjoyed getting away from it all. After this big pack hunt thing he would surely go out by himself for a while. Just to destress and calm down a little.

The wolves roaming the wildwood each ate their fill. There was food enough for twice the number who showed up, and more leftovers to take back to their packs. Surely this winter would be easier with full caches. Then maybe three packs would wait out the winter to find spring just around the corner. Many problems and changes could happen between the future and the present, but for right now all was well and peaceful for the three allied packs.


Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...