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Young Volcanoes — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Her son's newfound friend seemed harmless enough. Willow Ridge was not a pack she could recall being familiar with, and as she cared little for the affairs of others outside her own pack, she would only place this knowledge a useful of knowing its location, should the need ever arise. Had she known the strong bonds that rested with the wolves of this pack and those of Whisper Caverns, she might have attempted to gain more information -- instead, at the swarthy boy's question, the honeyed woman give a simple shake of her muzzle to indicate that she would not.

Yes, she offered then, as Orren pleaded with her. Her eyes softened as she studied her son, not understanding his need to socialize with those he did not know, nor would ever hold any true relationship with. But find yourself home before night falls, she reminded him, leaning her muzzle down to nudge his cheek only briefly, lest she embarrass him before his friend. It was unlikely he would make it before the sun set, given they were hours from this place.. but she had at least hoped he would make an attempt to.

Her paws carried her away from them then -- and while she would not linger to spy upon her second son, she would not trail home just yet.. not until she determined Orren also had done the same, in a few hours. Instead, the she-wolf allowed her paws to drift closer to the direction of Sacred Grove, her heart aching with the desire to see what had become of her birth pack's home -- and hope that the pain associated with her terrible memories with it had faded over time.

(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2015, 07:29 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
@Orren do you just want to fade this with your next post? c:


The older woman, Mrs. Baranski, left the two Moppets alone to enjoy themselves. Looking at Orren Deacon quickly move close enough to throw a paw at Orren's shoulder. "So what do you do for fun Orren?" Bowing down slightly the Archer-Lyall's eyes looked up at Orren. "We could play tag, hide-and-seek, or even some scuffling!" Bouncing back upwards with a click of his jaws it had become evident Deacon was more relaxed without Orren's mom around.

Tail wagging behind his back like a banner the dark boy smiled. Most of his ivory teeth being exposed in a friendly manner. It was a true pleasure for the Archer-Lyall prince to social with someone his own age; someone who wasn't his brothers. He just needed a break from the rest of the Archers and Lyalls within the canopy of the willow trees.

As if not even waiting for Orrens words Deacon quickly trotted off towards where a few puddles might be from the previous rain. That was if the sun hadn't dried them up yet. "Come on Orren! I wanna show you something fun!" Stopping to turn his head and look at the Baranski prince Deacon parted his lips. "I mean that is if you don't mind.." Deacon was so use to being able to lead his brothers around he forgot that Orren may not work the same way as his brothers. "It's just some puddle jumping..have you ever done that?" A small smile lacing the boyish face of Deacon. Maybe this would be a good way for the new friends to bound. Get a little dirty together and laugh a bit.

and you're speaking in code
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
Sounds good to me :3

His blond dam declined the offer of introductions with the local leaders, simply shaking her head softly, and Orren was relieved that no more time would be wasted. Finally Kisla gave in to her child's pleading, and the boy gave an excited yip, smiling joyously at her. She left him with a last exhortation, and the black-saddled boy bowed humbly, pressing back his ears in show of submission to her will. When she gave her brief kiss goodbye, her let his tongue touch her jaw quickly in response, and smiled amicably; "I will ma'." He promised, and he truly meant to, but it was very likely that he, once enthralled in play with the other pup, would forget all about the time. Then the woman was off, and Orren turned to face his new friend.

Deacon seemed as freed by Kisla's departure as Orren felt, and soon the boys were head to head, the agouti-esque boy skipping sideways as the other jabbed his shoulder, and quickly moving to strike back, laughing brightly. In reply to the darker lad's questions, Orren simply nodded, snapping his own jaws in echo of his playmate's; any of the suggestions sounded good to him.

When Deacon started trotting off, the copper pelted boy paused in his excited jumping, lifting his head from the play-bow and looking after the other with confusedly tilted head; Where are you going?! The bistre youth was quick to answer the unspoken question though, calling for his new friend to follow, and Orren's tail resumed its enthusiastic wagging. When Deacon went on politely, the other lad was already on his way over, bounding cheerfully, for once Orren was happy to follow - this was Deacon's home after all, so he was sure to know all the interesting parts - but he deeply appreciated the gesture, it was something his parents or siblings would never have thought to do. Falling in step with his new friend, Orren eagerly joined in the conversation: "No. We've jumped rocks though, at home, in the shallows of the river. Even though ma' says it's too dangerous to play in the river. I've also skated on the ice, and me and my sister fished in a pond once!" He was so excited to get to share all of this with someone who knew nothing about it, someone of his own age, and he felt equally eager to hear what Deacon might have to tell; he'd found himself a true freind.

Word count: 413

Thoughts ”Speech”