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Swan Dive Down — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer

Infatuation, while being something Skoll could have possibly been acquainted with, was something the Archer royal had not been able to fully process. He understood how to be caring (to some degree) and how to show affection with the giving of gifts and tokens, but to say that Skoll had a "crush" on Piety would have fallen on a rather confused and offended ego. As it stood, it was apparent that he was rather taken with her - from how attentively he was paying attention, all the way down to the way the rhythm in his footfalls exactly matched hers and the way his tail mirrored hers, especially when she gave it a wag.

Their shoulders touched for the shortest of moments and while it drew a gasp from her, it had sent a chill down the space between his shoulders. If he could have tensed and stopped just to collect himself, he would have; it took everything within him to keep himself together and not make such a big deal over the fact that she had just accidentally touched him and, in turn, collected in her pelt his signature scent. When the silence came between them, he was relieved to find that it was not even awkward or tense, which was also another first for him, and it was with actual patience that he waited for her to reply.

When her lips parted, his gray-eyed gaze went to her face again with another small smile, taking in that she had thought about teaching or - lo and behold - scouting, which was something that he had been trained to do as per his mother's request. Visions of the both of them exploring the whole of Relic Lore flickered behind his eyes, with her moving about during the day as he crept about under the cover of night. A perfect partnership perhaps.

Their eyes met and Skoll was actually the one to be the first to look away, the sides of his muzzle and cheeks heating up under the black of his fur. "I could ask you the same thing though," she said, making the ear facing her twitch. "That is-" she paused and he couldn't help but to slow his pace and look at her from the corner of his eye. "if you don't mind me asking."

"I don't mind at all," he divulged, honesty now lacing his words. The enigmatic side of him dared to rear its shadowed face again, his voice being taken over with the sort of tone that would suggest that he would prefer to keep her guessing and leave everything unspoiled, "But, I don't have anything set in stone either." His secrets would be something she would have to earn.

"For now, I scout, though," he lent. "Especially for my mother, when she needs to be in two places at once."

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

He spoke of being a scout and for a moment her heart skipped a beat. She was so excited to be talking to a scout and a prince. Piety's tail wagged letting Skoll finish his words. "That's rather nice of you to do that for your mother, Skoll," Piety lightly nudged him, this time meaning it fully and nothing stopping her from letting their fur mingle for a moment. "I'm sure she appreciates it very much. I know I would." Stopping for a moment to let the words reach Skoll, Piety decided she had one last thing to say. "So you know a lot about these lands then?"

As they walked together Piety found herself enjoying even the silent moments. Nothing about them was awkward. In fact she found it drawing herself into Skoll's personality and looks even more. Something about those ghostly eyes drew her own dried riverbank eyes to steal a glance at them every now and then. So stunning in every way possible..

"Do you think they, your family, will like me?" A soft whine was given away into the cool air. She was nervous to become a failure, especially be distanced from her new friend. @Skoll seemed so nice and kind and sweet! Oh how her heart and mind swooned at the thought of having to part ways. He was her first friend (maybe even crush) that she had found. Couldn't she stay forever in these woods? Happy with her life forever? But her more mature mind barked at her telling her that fairy tells like that didn't exist. Especially in these unknown lands.

[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Grey who has 448 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sköll Archer

"That's rather nice of you to do that for your mother, Skoll," she commented. Skoll fought to keep his eyes from rolling in their sockets. Of course he would serve, protect, and keep an eye out on things for his mother. The Leader of Willow Ridge... Silly girl. The prince's pace kept to a slow, leisurely stroll until he knew they were getting very close to the borders Angier had just marked. He could already sense that particular musk curling about in his nostrils. A snort left his snout but he still looked to his darling angel of a companion with a kindly smile.

"I do," he said, answering her first question. "Every nook, every cranny..." A part of him figured it would be a good time to incorporate a bit more charm into his half of the conversation."All the good hiding places and all the secret caches." He could have winked, enticed her further into the idea that he was indeed someone that she wanted to be around. As if she could learn a thing or two from him.

Her second question made one of his brows lift in mild curiosity. Just knowing that she worried about whether or not his family - a part of him was certain that she meant his mother and sister - would like her made him somewhat tense. He came to a standstill, turning to look at Piety with a scrutinizing gaze. His nose twitched. She didn't seem sick, disoriented, airheaded, or stupid; well, to him, she was a little nosy and a bit self-conscious but he figured by now that he would do what he could to stamp those qualities out of her. Even if just slightly - he rather liked her being curious... so easily strung along with a bit of coaxing.

The prince's head tilted in such a way as to emphasize the assurance that could be had from the sight of his his close-lipped smile. Oh, dear pet... His tail gave a broad wag of its own, "Don't you worry about that; I'm sure they'll like you." ...and if they don't, I would make them. "Just you wait and see."

One of his forepaws lifted and hung in the air for a split second, as though he were hesitating to do something, but before long, he had moved forward and gently nudged his nose to her pale chin. A subtle, wordless reminder to keep 'looking up' and a brief farewell. "You wait here, first, though," he whispered quietly, his heart fluttering about in his chest as he withdrew from her. "I'll be back for you if I can find my mother. Don't fret."

He stiffly took a few steps backwards, his gaze never leaving her until he was about a wolf's length away. His jaw jumped and he gave her one last look, the sort that clearly told her that he would miss her. "Piety," he uttered her name instead of the usual, straightforward 'goodbye.' They would see each other soon enough and the utilization of her name was something more like an exchange of permission to allow one another to leave the other. He turned his back on her then, racing through the willows without so much as a second glance.

He would not return to her. He would not go around in search of his mother or Angier. Instead, he would go to the very place where he knew he could not be bothered - the willow tree where his cache of strange findings laid beneath the snow - in hopes that he could untangle himself from the web of emotions that the angelic girl had sprung upon him. He needed every single second of time before she was accepted into Willow Ridge (something within him was so sure that she might have found it within herself to seek out his mother and step-father on her own) to figure out and quell the strange stirrings in his chest.

(Skoll exit.)

i'm a dreamer, i'm a man
i'm doing whatever i can to make the bad things go away
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

There are darknesses in life and there are lights,
saint & sinner
and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.

His words caused the Santoro female to relax a bit. Surely she was just overreacting to this. Things would go almost perfect she bet. She had met Skoll, made a friend out of him (maybe more..), and now all that was left was to be greeted by his mother or father. "Oh, well I guess you're right. I mean maybe I'm just overreacting about meeting your mother." A soft smile graved her ebony lined lips. All she figured she had to do was mention Skoll and use her manners. The bam. The snow woman would be in. Or she hoped it would be that simple and easy.


Her name sounded like raw honey coming from his mouth. It made her gut bloom with flowers and butterflies. Perhaps it was the way he said to so delicate as if she was some sort of small fragile animal. The way he said it made her feel like he actually cared about her feelings and thoughts. Wagging her tail in a sort of goodbye she would whisper his own name back. "Skoll," Although she knew they would meet again soon enough Piety was already upset by him having to leave his side. Of course it was only for now and she would eventually be blessed with his presence again.

When Skoll had become out of sight Piety took a seat and closed her eyes tightly. "Lord, what have I done to meet such a caring man?" A small smile plastered her face like an eager pup. Ah yes, Piety was oh so very lucky.


shutterstock / Grey / 2015
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T