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Skinny Love — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain

A good solid half an hour had to have passed before the patriarch forced himself to retreat from the carcass, the outline of his stomach now a bulge from the pounds of meat that lay within waiting to be digested by the enzymes and acid. Another bite and surely he would have exploded from over-consumption, but it felt oh so good to have a full belly once again. Lifting his dark masked face to scour his surroundings the slithering snake of his tongue slid past his ebony lips to lick away the blood that stained the cream of his cheeks and chest. It was a mess upon his face, but a mess that was just as quickly removed as it was created. Vesper had yet to notice the woman he would need to thank for the meal glancing skyward with shut eyes as his own head soon lowered to rub back and forth against the colorless and pure snow at his paws. Slowly the remaining crimson to his cheeks was washed away by the melting snow beneath his motions, in turn absorbing the liquid life to change from its normal white to an off shade of pink. Once more the regal king was properly his handsome self.

A wave of lackadaisical sensations washed over his agouti pelt, upper body bending to stretch in the form of a bow while his tail straightened out behind him and jaws parted to allow his tongue to roll forward like a carpet as he yawned. Yes, the Vuesain man was content now. Shifting his golden gaze now onto the woman on the other side of the carcass he slowly made his way around to her, quiet in his steps as to not disturb her first moment of true relaxation. Keeping his pools on her body he now truly noticed the changes since her arrival to his lands. At first meeting she was nothing but a pile of bones with a thin bit of fur so brittle and dull to drape over them. There wasn't much to her then, but now though she still remained the overly submissive woman there was color returning to the hairs of her fur and the points where her bones would protrude were now beginning to fill out. Slowly she was regaining her strength and this pleased Vespertio. Eventually she would return to a healthy state on the outside. Inside, there was no telling what was truly going on. Perhaps she may even find herself filling the empty space beside him. He doubted they would become mates like he had been so close to becoming with Athena, but a pack needed a lead female regardless of their titles to one another. They would be equals, but lovers or mates he didn't see happening. Not with the way his heart was shutting down to his emotional side.

But that did arise a question he would need to answer soon within the coming months. Breeding season. Would he pass on his bloodline come spring? Frankly Samahain would be the only female in the pack of age to carry his future legacy, yet he had no idea what he was going to do. Bringing forth pups would help the pack grow, but maybe it would be best to wait until next spring to pass on his genes. That way the pack could be more stable instead of the rocky ground they now stood on. They were only hanging on by a thin thread at this moment. A thread ready to snap at any second.

Played by bcmuffin who has 49 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Quick little snippit to wrap this up <3

She waited quite happily until her leader had eaten his fill and then she waited some more. When she was almost certain there would be no repercussions she slunk forward to tear at the chewy skin and fur that almost everyone else would look over. It certainly wasn’t the most desirable part of an animal but she had been starved for long enough to take what she could get. It took a few strong tugs before she worked the scrap of skin free and she quickly withdrew from the bulk of what remained.

Happily she trotted away, sable scrap waving about in her jaws before she settled down to chew on her small prize. She was certain she would be happy here, and she would lay down her life to protect her little slice of heaven.
