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Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall
Word Count: 289

Tagg shivered in the cold, only glad it was slightly warmer than the blizzard below had been.  Why did he have to arrive in the dead of winter?  Even so, he was glad to be what he'd been told was the Safe Haven for wolves - a place of refuge from humans.  

Tagg's paws and tail dragged on the frozen ground, and his head sagged.  He glanced up at the bare tree branches - a poor brolly against the weather.  He sighed.  He wanted nothing more than to lay down and sleep, but he was afraid that if he did he wouldn't be able to stand again.  He needed to find food.  Even something small would do; a rabbit, maybe, or even a mouse or squirrel.  Tagg knew he needed help, though he didn't want to admit it to even himself.  

Tagg stopped short, nose twitching as he lifted his head slightly.  His muzzle instantly hit the ground, following the scent he'd caught.  It was a wolf.  He stopped again, as if he'd run into a wall.  A pack territory!  He thought, unsure of whether he should be nervous or excited.  He wanted to join a pack, after all.  But if this pack wanted nothing to do with him, he was too weak to try and fight them.  Maybe he would ask and see if they would grant him shelter until he regained his health.  Constant motion took a toll on one's health, even if one hadn't been doing anything that required energy.  Tagg had spent two whole days running; ofcourse he was going to be fatigued. 

Well, it's worth a shot. He told himself, shrugging, and lifted his nose to the sky to call for their leader.

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