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Broken Soul
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Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I guess I'll fade. I'm surprised we got as far as we did with you being grounded an all  XD

Titan sighed at Danica's answer. He nods his head lightly hoping that she would remember to visit this place in a week. He couldn't be gone too long from Borden's side. The elder had to eat some of his tree fungus every day and Titan worried that he would forget to take it.

Continuing to groom Danica, Titan allows his thoughts to drift and muddle as her powerful scent eroded the awkwardness of their closeness. Instead, he was lost in her eyes and delicious smell. The heat inside him burned at his belly making his body stiffen. For a slight moment Titan wondered if he was sick with something. Maybe he had a fever? Danica shifts against him sending a shock through his frame. Her touch felt so nice.

Shaking off his worries quickly, Titan allows himself to cuddle close to Danica. He would probably spend the night with her, just to show her that he was still around. At least now she knew where he was going to be. Titan was sure that she would probably visit him as much as he would try to visit her. Thinking about the future, the dark wolf sighs as he comes to the realization that his next year was probably going to be very busy.

A falling leaf fell from the mostly bare trees above the pair of wolves and fell upon Titan's back. He shifts to look at it for a moment before stepping over Danica's back to maneuver around to her other side. His belly against her back made an unexpected sensation flutter through him. It made him both more uncomfortable and somehow felt really good. Titan's belly clenched inwards as he paused over her rear in a rather dominating position. He experimented once with a gentle movement forward and scared himself as the feelings returned. Laying his ears back against his head totally unsure of what the hell was going on, Titan then slowly moved to Danica's other side like he had originally wanted to do.

Feeling awkward once more at what he had discovered about himself, Titan then moved to groom her back. He had ruffled up her fur a little by climbing over her and he wanted to fix that.

Tonight was going to be a long night if things kept up like this.


Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...