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you're drifting in my lane — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Becca who has 89 posts.
Inactive Pup
Romanov Archer
hoping for maybe @Nicolò or @Enoki but anyone is welcomed <3 || Sunrise, Cloudy, 31°F (-1°C)

Romanov Archer

He had found it hard peeling himself away from the den that morning. It was early and still somewhat dark from the clouds smothering the sun. Romanov had found it too cold to go back to sleep no matter who he tried to steal warmth from. Groggily he stumbled out of the den. The young Archer boy worked his way towards his favorite stone to lay on. The stone certainly didn't seem as big as it did just two or three months ago but it still had plenty of room for him to sprawl out on.

Slowly he climbed up the stone, laying down on the cool surface as it sucked away the heat from his fur. The piebald boy let out a soft sigh, eyes still heavy with sleep. He allowed his lids to come together as amber eyes hid away from the world. He likely would have felt better if he stayed in the den but it would be no use. Eventually, everyone would drift out to go do their jobs and he'd be left alone. It was better to be alone in his favorite spot than it was to be alone in the den. Maybe he'd get lucky and the sun would come out to warm him.

Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
As much as Enoki would have liked to deny it there was no getting around the fact she was getting old. Nothing made that fact of life more clear than the recent onset of colder weather and with it the familiar ache slowly seeping into her joints. Mornings were the absolute worst when it came to ridding the stiffness and actually becoming useful toward every day task, but as a full time mother and leader there was little time to sit and wait for her body to be ready.

Today was no different as a low grunt sputtered off her inky lips after the first attempt to stand, the dull ache already making itself known in her hips before she could blink. Luckily it seemed the children had already left the confines of the den to start their day along with their father, granting Enoki the privacy she silently needed to warm her muscles up and accept the fact she wasn't a spring cub anymore. 

Eventually the ache began to ebb and all was right in the world again, slipping out into the brisk air with a shiver to follow before ebony paws followed the fresh trail of her son. What could he be up to? 
Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Becca who has 89 posts.
Inactive Pup
Romanov Archer

Romanov Archer

Eyes opened up to spot the piebald form of his mother in the distance. It did not surprise the boy that she had trailed after him. Or perhaps he was thinking too highly of himself and she was simply doing morning rounds. Regardless his tail thumped against the slab of stone as he stayed put. A soft bark leaving his mouth to beckon his mother towards him.

Romanov had no idea if she'd want to settle next to him again so soon after rising but it was worth a shot at least. Of course, if she didn't want to lounge and wait for the sun with him the young Archer had no problem trailing after her on one of her patrols.