Early evening, Overcast, 6.8F/-14C
I know we're supposed to want way more
Every day that went by made it clearer that they were not getting back to the Estuary, at least not anytime soon. The snow was thick, and they still had no clear idea of where exactly they had been dropped, or how far that was from home. Viorel was maybe starting to warm up to the trees a little more than he had been before, but he really missed the salty smell of the sea. It was thoughts like this that had sent the teen on an ambling wander following the closest creek he could find. This one was much nicer than the rapids where he had met Clover, this one burbled happily and the earlier today the sun had shone through the branches casting a nice warmth onto his dark coat.
It had been such a pleasant afternoon that Viorel just hadn’t stopped walking, just followed along the banks and enjoyed the sound of the water. Eventually he had grown lazy and had flopped down in a sunny spot for a rather drawn out cat nap. By the time he had woken up the sun had disappeared behind the clouds and the world was beginning to grow dim. Yawning widely the Valle boy blinked hard a few times, trying to wake himself up. It was so tempting to just stay here and keep sleeping, he was sure his cousin and his brother would find him eventually.
We may never leave this valley