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`no church in the wild. — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Meglin who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Llyra Rumel
ooc; Its my first time playing this side of her, so I apologize for how choppy and confusing some bits can be. Hopefully I learn to work it out though more posting.

<blockquote><span style='font-family:Times New Roman'>
<i>Thu-thump. Thuu-thump. Thuuu-thump.</i>

Her heartbeat began to slow. It was audible as she slowly took to consciousness.

<i>Thu. Thump. Thu. Thump.</i>

She snorted, shifting her frame against the earth beneath her, consciousness continuing to flow back to her mind as her heartbeat steadied into a slower pace. Unbeknownst to Llyra, it was the vanishing of nerves that constituted to the audibly slowing heartbeat; to Llyra, it was nothing more than her indication she could awake once more and continue on her Journey. Again she snorted, letting a single eye flicker open to be greeted by the cheerful grins of poppies and daisies. Though the sun had begun to make its cascade for the horizon, her sharp eyes and nose could still sense the flowers.

Immediate anger overtook her. <i>That bitch.</i>

She couldn’t contain a snarl from escaping her jaws as she laid, one eye open, on the bed of wildflowers. Quickly Llyra climbed from the field and shook her pelt free from any debris, her eyes narrowed as she scanned the sleeping earth. Perhaps the other wolf was still around; it was always her hope that she could awaken in time to catch this other <i>'Llyra'</i> in action. However, as it has been time and time before, it appeared the other wolf must have already vanished.

Llyra knew the motive for this ‘attack’. At times when Llyra was left in confusing situations, she knew not the motive for <i>'Llyra'</i> and whomever else accompanied her. But this time, she knew. Second <i>'Llyra'</i> was trying to paint a false façade that this Llyra was vulnerable; weak even. Weak and vulnerable enough to be sleeping against the ‘pretty flowers’. A field of flowers; a clever way indeed to have Llyra killed, but Llyra felt lucky enough to have awoken before any threats befell her. She snarled once more, ballooning her ego with the revelation that she outsmarted the other <i>'Llyra'</i> and abolished her plans to bring Llyra to her demise. Her muscles tensed as much as they could through the skin and bones that blanketed her frame. Anger in her heart, she decided to analyze the current situation; perhaps find a way back to a place she had greater knowledge of. The place was indeed foreign. She had not a clue as to any potential threats roaming these flowery fields, and Llyra wasn’t keen on uncertainty. But how did she get here?

The confusion was short lived, receiving a well-versed response from her mind; <i>it was the other Llyra who brought you here.</i> How it happened, Llyra did not know, nor did she care too much. All she knew was once this <i>'Llyra'</i> was found, her own life could return to normalcy. The grudge this other <i>'Llyra'</i> harbored toward her was fairly acceptable, she dare say justifiable even (though it boiled down to some petty childhood junk, so she had heard through rumor), but it angered Llyra deeply that this female chose to play these 'games' instead of involve herself in direct confrontation. She attributed this fact to the conclusion that she was obviously a threat to the other <i>'Llyra'</i>, and this only made her feel more powerful (despite the physical state which noted otherwise).

<span style='color:#923170'> “Don’t think you can hide forever, my sweet angel,”</span> she hissed slowly beneath her breath, the rage continuing to rattle her bones. Field of flowers. This one was new. She growled and advanced towards a void spot in the field, directing her speech at the non-existent wolf she hoped to be hiding in the surrounding terrain. <span style='color:#923170'>“I will fucking destroy you, Llyra.”</span> </blockquote></span>
(This post was last modified: May 07, 2012, 06:18 AM by Llyra.)
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
You're totally fine :D
<blockquote>A lonely earlybird chirped in the silence of the dark morning, singing to no one. It quickly hushed as Volkan passed it, her form swiftly slipping through the darkness beneath the branch on which it was perched. Its mere presence threatened to stir a growl in her throat. If only this night would last for a few more hours, the wolf thought as she moved quickly along, then she could find some peace for once. Instead, another blaring, hot day loomed ahead, and Volkan would again be forced to shove her thoughts aside as she tended to the Creek's borders. Like a forlorn spirit the gray female wove her way aimlessly, only a shell of a direction leading her with determination to wherever she was headed. The south of Reloc Lore was inviting to her when the confines of her pack's territory became stifling, and so tonight, she moved to the beating drum of her own heart, and the chirping of that stupid bird, who'd begun singing again somewhere behind her.

Her mind, irrevocably, was on Naira. Each time she repeated the name inside her mind, she kicked herself. She couldn't shake that encounter; the way she'd played her cards so smoothly only to have basically chucked them into the air at the end. <i>She asked,</i> Volk told herself as she lost herself in the trees, <i>she wanted to know. All I did was give her what she asked for.</i> And yet, there was a shred of guilt left in her for acting the way she had, for having lost control of herself and her emotions. In the end, it just made her want to bite something, to tear something apart, unleash her frustration. This tension brewed behind her pale eyes.

But it abated and gave way to a blank, attentive expression as the sound of a growl echoed from nearby, very nearby. Ears perked, Volk froze, then lowered herself to the ground, nose testing the fresh early morning air for the sign of another. There was a wolf nearby, a female, and she certainly wasn't having a good time. The Creek wolf felt her hackles rise instinctively, as the fact that this stranger could very well be a threat crossed her mind. Yet tonight, there was an odd feeling of fearlessness that persuaded her to track this female down, and so for the first time tonight, she gave herself a destination.

Soon her paws had carried her silently to a hill covered in flowers. In the dim darkness, Volkan's eyes narrowed, and she emerged from the trees behind the snarling female in time to catch her threat. The first thing that struck her was the female's size— not that size was always an indicator of strength or fighting prowess, but it was important still, to know what she should expect from such an inexplicably angry wolf. Inexplicable because the second thing Volk noticed was that... there didn't seem to be anyone else <i>here.</i>

"Who's Llyra?" The roguish female called, her voice cutting the air like a knife. Her stance was altogether impish, her limbs splayed, head low between her shoulders as she peered at the other wolf from beneath her weathered brows. And then, she waited, curious to see where this would lead...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 07, 2012, 06:55 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Meglin who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Llyra Rumel
<blockquote><span style='font-family:Times New Roman'>
The scent of another. A female, at that. The aroma wafted towards her nostrils as soon as her last word was spoken, but she was not given a moment to analyze the scent before the wolf spoke.

She spun elegantly on the heels of her paws towards the direction of this new wolf, her hackles instinctively raised and her teeth lightly glinting through her lips. It was more of an instinctive response to a strange wolf rather than an invitation for trouble, but certainly if trouble was what this wolf sought, trouble was what she would receive. Why was this girl here, and what were her intentions? Surely, Llyra was hesitant and unsure of this new arrival. She had just experienced yet another attack from her sweet <i>Llyra</i> friend and now, following the call to her attacker, a female appears. Her mind instantly crosses to the most logical conclusion given the situation; <i>she must be Llyra.</i> She tensed immediately.

But… her question. Perhaps she was just lying, playing dumb because she had been found? Yet why after two years would she finally choose to show herself and be the one to initiate combat? Llyra lowered her head as her mind danced in a busy scramble, quickly trying to make sense of the situation. Her hollow eyes scrutinized this new girl’s frame, noting the coloration and markings and the color of her eyes. She had heard the other <i>Llyra</i> looked very similar to her; yet this wolf was much more gray in her color than Llyra. The eyes differed as well.

But she couldn’t reach conclusions yet. Still tense, she took a step closer towards the girl, her head lowered slightly to allow their eyes to meet on a level plane. Her question; <i>”who’s Llyra?”</i> She didn’t appear to be lying. Still no conclusions, but all initial observations and body language suggested that (unfortunately) she may have just been a random stranger. <i>Damn.</i> So close. <span style='color:#923170'>“That is none of your concern,”</span> she replied coolly, her voice tinted in mockery. <span style='color:#923170'> “Unless you know who she is or where I could find her, which you obviously do not, then it’s a waste of my precious breath to explain to some rogue.”</span> She let her darkened auburn eyes rest on the blue ones of this girl, refusing to remove her glare for even a second.
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>No sooner than Volkan had spoken, the strange female whipped around, hackles raised and teeth bared. The achromatic Creek wolf matched this posture, large ears pulling back in suspicion, her icy eyes narrowed. This female looked outwardly normal enough, just about Volkan's size, though it was hard to gauge from this distance. Whether she could fight, it was impossible to tell. But there was something strange, something manic maybe, in the way her eyes glinted in the moonlight. Volkan fought her instinct to stiffen, tilting her head, a grim smirk twisting across her face as the other female spoke.

Ooh, what a <i>pleasant</i> tone. Volkan met this wolf's glare with a cold stare of her own, enjoying the once-familiar feeling of adrenaline beginning to flow through her veins, bringing her body to life. <i>Precious breath, huh?</i> she thought to herself, her smirk twisting into a grimace. She scoffed, shifting her weight, settling in to the familiar reaches of her body, feeling her toes spread over the cool earth. This bitch was either crazy, or— nope, she could really only be crazy.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Forgive me for intruding," she shot back, a nagging sense tugging at her nerves that she sounded a little like her brother with those words. But she embraced it; for once, finally, the fierceness and calculated cunning she had been bred for beginning to vivify her. Whether or not this female would realize she'd been attacking <i>nothing,</i> Volk wasn't sure. She actually didn't expect her words to even make sense to someone who was this insane, but it wouldn't stop her from fulfilling the urge that had been nipping at her ever since she'd come to Relic Lore.

"I was just wondering why you were wasting your precious breath talking to yourself." </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 08, 2012, 10:09 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Meglin who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Llyra Rumel
<blockquote><span style='font-family:Times New Roman'>
Her eyes pierced into the girl’s own, calculating her motives and level of threat. The body language; it was on edge, attempting to square itself to parallel Llyra’s frame. She noted this in an instant… it appeared to be a sign of preparedness on Volkan’s part, a taunting flag waving in Llyra’s face to note her dismissal of backing down. The girl made it clear she wouldn’t be easy, nor was she letting any glimmer of weakness pass her by. Llyra allowed her lips to lock higher against her gums, tightening slightly as she continued to dig her eyes into the soul of this female. <i>We'll see how tough she is.</i>

She noticed her smile seemed to exhibit signs of scorn (or was it annoyance she harbored?), yet whether her heart could match this level of contempt Llyra did not know. Ah… so the girl did not appreciate her lack of hospitality. The poor dear. Perhaps Llyra should have been more thoughtful. But how she <i>loved</i> Volkan’s response! Oh, it was almost too much. She seemed so affected by the simple words (or lack thereof) and her level of reaction aroused Llyra’s senses. She felt absolutely giddy, her body tensing greater, her solid feet taking the bold move of making another step towards the female. Her larynx begun to bubble, erupting a sound designed to be a laugh; yet the audibility of the sound equated it to more of a monotone hiss as opposed to the bounciness of laughter. <span style='color:#923170'>“You aren’t the brightest crayon in the box, are you, sweetheart?”</span> Llyra cooed, her voice mockingly steady and sweet. She let her fore-paw remove itself from the earth, placing itself a few inches in front, head lowered once more to see how the girl would respond to her leisurely approach. <span style='color:#923170'>“I pity the fool who has the nerve to approach a strange female in the midst of personal business, expects the answer to some <i>ludicrous</i> inquiry that is absolutely none of her concern, and then acts in the manor you’ve presented yourself in instead of abiding by common sense and walking the fuck away.”</span> Her eyes were rabid; this was just divine! <span style='color:#923170'>“How do you know what I am, hmm? What entices you to believe I can be trusted enough; that I’m not a bloodthirsty maniac who will kill you in the spot you stand, who will wipe away that <i>stupid</i> smirk from your face, hmm? And who would be here to protect you. Pah. Coming <i>alone</i> to question a strange wolf.”</span> Her other paws lifted and brought themselves closer to the wolf, hackles on all ends. <span style='color:#923170'>“You understand me, rogue? <i>You are a fucking moron.</i>“</span>

She lifted her mug to the darkened sky, a sweet smile wiping across her face as her tail flicked against her back legs. Ah… that second statement. <i>Precious breath… talking to yourself.</i> It was just too much! She couldn’t believe how daring the girl was; how big her balls must have been! Discreetly approaching a wolf as she… the comments she made… her body language…

Her jaw erupted again in supposed laughter.

Of course, most of Llyra’s speech and thoughts were a front; it wasn’t that Llyra had <i>much</i> (if any) of an advantage over the girl. They were of similar height, and it was no secret that Volkan was significantly better fed. But Llyra couldn’t give a shit about anyone or anything; she was vengeful and determined to kill Ly, and nothing else could have mattered. The fact that this strange female was oblivious to this amused her so, and sparked her motivation for her behavior and tongue. She finally brought her head back towards the earth, her eyes reconnecting with Volkan’s again. <span style='color:#923170'>“I’m the only one worth spending my breath on,”</span> she answered grotesquely, marveling at this ‘factual’ statement. <span style='color:#923170'>“There isn’t another soul as grand as I who deserves to hearken this beautiful voice.”</span> Her eyes narrowed. <span style='color:#923170'>“You’re so lucky to be listening as long as you have been. Truly a blessed girl.”</span>

Shaking her pelt once, her paws elegantly side-stepped, repositioning her body to the right of where she had been standing. <span style='color:#923170'>“Now tell me what impelled you to sneak up on a crazed woman, rogue. And let’s be truthful.”</span> Her lips tightened against her gums once more, grimacing, daring the female to speak of anything but fact. <span style='color:#923170'>“If I hate anything more than a <i>spy</i> its an idiotic liar.”</span>
(This post was last modified: May 11, 2012, 04:28 AM by Llyra.)
Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
lololol! if Mr T reference was intentional then I will personally bake and mail you cookies xDDD
<blockquote>An insane rage flared in the stranger's eyes. Volkan narrowed her own as the other wolf began launching into what was apparently going to turn into an entire monologue. Hackles steadily rising, the weathered Creek wolf could've rolled her eyes— but that would mean losing focus on the wolf who was now, invariably, her target.

How weird; her inky lips were flapping, but only random bullshit was coming out. Instead her ghostly eyes moved over every inch of the other wolf's frame: tall, somewhat lanky body. Not very well fed. She could either be strong, or more likely, fast. Every inch of Volkan's brain was dedicated now to sizing her up, and while the bitch's extended rant gave her plenty of time to calculate, only certain words came through to her. Each phrase stirred a retort in her mind that she immediately suppressed, not even so much as a growl stirring in her chest. The key to defeating your opponent? <i>Calm.</i>

<i>“You understand me, rogue? You are a fucking moron.“</i> The words narrowed her eyes, and the smile slid from her face. Pure concentration enlivened her, her hackles on end like colorless, poisonous quills on some beast made of angry, resentful smoke and ashes. Harsh words. Probably so artfully, maybe even carefully chosen. Never mind that <i>this</i> bitch was the rogue after all, and only <i>fucking morons</i> got into screaming matches with themselves. Never mind that this batshit crazy loner was trying her absolute hardest to degrade her, to make her feel like a worthless piece of shit.

But see, Volkan knew as her smirk returned and an almost demonic glint flared in her frigid eyes, she'd heard it all before. Whoever this bitch was, or <i>thought</i> she was— she was <i>no Rhysis</i>, couldn't conjure up words so evil and full of hatred as he could, no matter how <i>smart</i> she thought she was. The thought that someone would even <i>try,</i> the mere idea that this bitch thought that simple words would hurt <i>Volkan Aquila</i>— it was laughable. She'd been through too much to let <i>this</i> fucking bitch get away having used only her words as weapons.

Veins like live wires, their unleashed electricity arcing across the sharp knives of her bristled coat, Volkan twisted her head slowly, eyes flashing like lightning as they caught the moonlight. <i>You done?</i> She questioned, spitting the words inside her mind— but it seemed the bitch had finally shut up at last. Maybe now they could both see who was the <i>moron</i>, hm?

"Keep talking," Volkan seethed, deep breaths inflating her barrel of a frame, her entire body pulsating with calm, volatile fury. <i>Let's see how fucking smart you are. Let's see if you get to keep that pretty voice of yours.</i> Finally, the impish warrior's face spread into a dirty grin.

"Say another word. See what happens."</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 11, 2012, 06:01 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by Meglin who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Llyra Rumel
ooc; lol It wasn't, but that is hilarious!! xD

<blockquote><span style='font-family:Times New Roman'>
There was something about this wolf… something provoking Llyra’s instigation, a something that urged her to continue rather than plead to submission. Was it her eyes that glimmered in normalcy, ensuring Llyra she wasn’t as crazy as she was? Perhaps this should have been something to fear; two crazies together ends in chaos, but a lady with normalcy fighting against one who was insane may have actually been to the disadvantage of the psychologically impaired. But Llyra did not see it this way, nor would she ever. Those who were more normal than she was were so full of reason and rationale; it was too much fun to try and tear apart their confidence and scare the shit out of them.

Perhaps it was the progression of this girl’s demeanor through the course of their interaction… perhaps it was this normalcy that sparked her instigation. There was no immediate jump to the amount of aggression she displayed now, insinuating that perhaps she wasn’t malicious by nature, only by provocation. And while there were all assumptions, they were strong enough for Llyra to take and continue with her prodding. She loved the rage… the fire… the look that blazed Volkan’s pupils. <i>Hit me, bitch!</i>, Llyra raved in her mind, her tail billowing in tight movements against her haunches.

<i>Burn, baby, burn.</i>

This wolf kept her composure to mirror calmness, yet her body spoke otherwise. Llyra noted her hackles, high from the frame in a natural response to her demeaning lecture. She relished the sight, a twisted joy leaking into her bloodstream, her body weight shifting from foot to foot as she watched the female’s temper intensify. It was so <i>precious</i>! Her words had summoned some level of nuisance into the heart of this girl, and even if it was to a low degree, it was nuisance nonetheless. And Llyra was beside herself at her successful bout of manipulation, her <i>amazing</i> achievement at snatching a simple two-word question and twisting it into a near brawl. <i>Fight me, bitch,</i> her thoughts roared once more. <i>Be part of my plan. Help me get ready to take on Llyra.</i> Had a fight ensued, she cared not if she won or lost; her inflated ego ensured that her pride would never diminish. But a fight would strengthen Llyra’s lanky frame, and because Ly had thus far proven to be quite the contender, she was determined to build as much strength, cunning, and skill as possible before facing her <i>real</i> target.

Her tongue fell from her jaw, flicking against her lips before she slowly extended her muzzle closer to the wolf. Once more, her body took a step forward. Her eyes blazed in maniacal delight; heart began to pump faster in twisted joy. The auburn eyes shaded in a dark fog, her lips parted, her vocal cords eerily rubbing together to create a witchy murmur. <span style='color:#923170'>“By your command alone, my dear.”</span> She paused for dramatic effect. <span style='color:#923170'><i>"Another. Word.</i>”</span>

She knew the joke was highly childish and quite absurd (even bystanders would probably roll their eyes), but she couldn’t help herself. Her thoughts roared in laughter to the immature taunting as her body anxiously awaited any movement to suggest physical confrontation.
(This post was last modified: May 11, 2012, 06:56 AM by Llyra.)