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Rise Up — Nomads Pass 
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Played by Amritha who has 48 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Asta Fleetfoot

Mapplethorpe would find no surprise on Asta's face. Indeed, it was very much what she had been expecting. Hearing it spoken, hearing it solidified into something so certain... that perhaps caused the ball of nerves in her gut to tighten a little further. But she managed to her hold her ground and nodded once, sharply, to indicate she understood perfectly. As his tone eased up a little, the nerves dispersed and would surely disappear in a few moments time. Asta's tail swayed a little behind her again.

"I'm assuming that you have taken your vow?" he was saying, asking.

Asta readily recalled her first meeting with Naira on the peaks, where the young wolf had been eager to seek out the distant calls of other wolves. That very day Asta had pledged her allegiance - her loyalty and all that she stood for and could offer - the the pack. Maybe not in so many words. But she had. And if she was nothing else, she was loyal. Another brief nod and a "Yes sir" from the young wolf signaled her affirmation of such. However, after this she paused, her ears pricked. She had journeyed back to the Pass with Naira. Since then, Asta had gathered some understanding of this most secretive pack. It was both strange and new to her; she felt a familiarity in any case. Her parents had not been militant, but their expectations and behaviors concerning the pack had not been unlike Naira's in many ways... so Asta made her assumptions to fill in the gaps in her logic.

Asta stared at Mapplethorpe, the image of a man proud of his pack, of its (and his) place in the world. This man had praised her - again, however indirectly - and she had to fight a smile in favor of a more serious expression flavored with just a touch of uncertainty: "I... have some understanding. But I would not mind hearing them more... directly," she answered. She wanted it spelled out. She wanted there to be no room for mistakes on her part. If she failed then it would be her responsibility... and no one else's.


Totally realized Asta has no idea what Thorpe's name is yet. xD
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased

"Yes sir," she confirmed with a nod. A rather complacent smile found its way onto his masked features. Boy, this one was quite competent compared to all the other Nomads he had met in the past. She indulged him further by asking him to inform her of the laws both Naira and Rhysis had laid out, the instructions which Mapplethorpe had adopted solely as his way of life.

"Everyone is on border patrol," he began, voicing @Rhysis' rule word for word. "As a wolf of Nomad's Pass, we do not take kindly to wolves who find themselves on our borders. If they are seeking refuge amongst our numbers, you are to test them in any way you see fit, but you are not to call for Naira or myself unless you know or believe them to be a beneficial addition to our numbers. On the other hand, should they pose any other question, get rid of them... in any way you know how.... Kill them if you must."

"Secondly, secrecy is what keeps us and our pack safe. Under any circumstance, if we find any rogue led here by directions or open invitation, I will see to it that you as well as they are properly taken care of." He paused briefly to assess her facial expression and body language before continuing, "Secrets, sometimes, only go so far. If any pack mate is in need of assistance, you go to them. We, Nomads, are not just loyal to Naira Aquila, but to also to one another, through and through 'til the bitter end. The reason why, is this: We take no allies from nor pledge fealty to any other Relic Lore pack, and we have already made some enemies with the wolves of Poison Path to the south and Swift River to the south-east... We are self-sufficient and will remain as such unless our Queen commands it. If you watch my back, I will certainly mind yours; you will find that any other pack member would do the same." His voice lowered significantly, pronouncing her name slowly as to garner every ounce of her attention, "Fleetfoot... Everyone who isn't us is an enemy..."

Then, seizing the chance to instill within his new subordinate a new rule his Queen and ex-Leader had not dictated, he slickly added, "We are not just guards and hunters and trackers and scouts though, you must realize... We are the Keepers of Nomads Pass, protectors of its legacy... of Naira Aquila's bloodline. It is expected of all who has taken their oath to care for and look after her family. By no means should the Aquila name be marred or spoiled beyond its present splendor and power. It is your duty as well as any other to ensure their welfare. Without them, we would not be where we are."

The Advisor shifted his weight from one forepaw to the other idly, putting into place o orne last statement before he dismissed her. "If anyone proves to be giving you a tough time, tell them that Mapplethorpe will be sure to have a word with them. In regards to anything else, do not hesitate to ask for Naira's or my assistance." He gestured with a quick, downward tilt of his muzzle to the rabbit she had caught, "Be sure to put that to good use... now off with ye if there are no questions to be asked or other business to be settled."

(This post was last modified: May 22, 2013, 08:07 AM by Mapplethorpe.)
Played by Amritha who has 48 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Asta Fleetfoot

Everyone who isn't us is an enemy. Those words would flock to Asta's memory from this point forward, whether she meant them to or not. More than anything else the man said, those were the words that echoed in her head, cemented themselves deep within her center. The Nomads were survivors. The Pass was their home, their shelter. The Lady was theirs to protect and keep - above all else. If ever Asta faltered, she would deserve to be removed from the pack. Cohen, the last of her blood-family she'd ever known... he could never come back. He was dead. The pack was her family now - she was a Nomad. They were all she had. She would never betray them, not willingly. At least, her young mind could not imagine circumstances where she might.

It was only when he'd finished that Asta shifted again at last, her own muzzle pointing to the hare between her forepaws. She had no doubts what she'd do with it. The Lady was their center, and her children precious beyond measure. If Asta had not realized this before, she did so now. She would take her catch the Naira, an offering for her... and a thanks for the family the young hunter had gained in being brought to the Pass. She must never forget the thanks she owes.

"Be sure to put that to good use... now off with ye if there are no questions to be asked or other business to be settled."

A grin spread across the girl's maw before she could stop or think about it. "Thank you sir," she responded with a quick bow of her head. A moment later and the hare was in her jaws again. There was, undoubtedly, a bit more swagger in the young woman's steps as she made a beeline for @Naira's den. She'd do quite well here, she suspected... Asta smiled even through the hare, I am a Nomad.
