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somewhere along in the bitterness
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

The downpour struck its crescendo on the last leg of his descent. Erebos found himself returning to the land of Relic Lore after escaping over the blood red range. He had let them build inside, all of those bitter feelings he felt toward Phineas. It had been a great attempt on his behalf to make things work, to remain with the wovles of Magnolia Glen and serve under his sibling. But the more he saw of Phineas, the harder the other man worked to keep things together, the more angry Erebos grew inside. He couldn't understand; why hadn't Phineas put all that effort toward holding his throne back home? Why had he abandoned them then only to rise to every occasion here? What more could that tattered pack be worth to him than his own flesh and blood? It caused a deep, unsettling feeling that knotted his insides, and because he couldn't trust himself with such emotion, he left.

His venture to the other side of the mountains had been incredibly uneventful, allowing too much room for thought. Perhaps that was what brought him back this way, a guilt of sorts. Something deep down perhaps wanted to try again to be with Phineas and Thanos, but he told himself that he was looking instead of Aeolus. Wouldn't he better understand how Erebos felt? Whatever it was, he couldn't quite stop it. He was little more than a machine these past few days, allowing his instincts to lead him back over the Sierra Hills and through the tumultuous rain. Though the rain soaked his coat and caused him to take chill, Erebos thought little of seeking shelter. It was only until he become so miserably cold that he could think of little else that he sought something that would give him respite.

Erebos took cover under a red slab outcropping, stepping from bloodied mud onto dried clay. Red stains crept up his blanched legs, ruining the grey-scale his gradient coat created. He curled up in order to pull the entirety of his body out of the rain, as the coverage was not very large, and set his maw upon those dyed limbs, orange eyes casting out toward the forests of cold water creek. Now would be the time, he decided, to figure out a plan.
Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
(@Erebos sorry about the lateness D: But look at the spiting fire Thanos has!)

Thanos had been wandering around the outer-skirts of Magnolia Glen. Exploring the land and making sure nothing dangerous was coming close to them. So far it seemed clear. Though it was out of no where that a down pour of rain drenched his coat heavy. Not giving up on looking around the area the youngest Argyris male wandered to a huge red hill. He thought he might have heard one of the members talking about it but he really couldn't remember. Slipping away from that train of thought his mind slipped into something more easier. Making sure his bulky body didn't slide down the hill from the rain.

As he carried himself up the red hill Thanos thought he smelt something familiar. Could it be one of his brothers? Without any hesitation he set off at a jog carrying his waterlogged and robust self after the scent. Finding a little covering Thanos stopped about a foot away from it. He could see his brother. Erebos. It was hard to find the words to say to him. Should he be angered at the his older brother, or be glad he was alive? It was then that something inside of him blew up and wanted to scream at the man. Erebos had never been there for anyone it seemed. Erebos was an selfish, no good, bastard of a brother. Letting a roll of thunder emit from himself Thanos closed the space between them.

"Oh my, what do we have here?" Making his words sound amused and sarcastic the tawny male laughed deeply before continuing to taunt his brother. "Why it appears I have found my dear brother Erebos. Did you think you would just leave your brothers behind hoping to find Phineas and play nice? But in reality your still the brother we all hate, I hate you, I'm sure as hell Phineas hates you. Though I'm not sure about Aeolus. I left him coming after Phineas to do the right thing." As the rain kept pouring down onto Thanos he just stood in front of his brother with a glare that spoke of his anger and displeasure to his brother. Really the only thing that would bring the male pleasure was a look of utter disbelief on his brothers' face.

Tired of waiting his brothers response he decided to slander his brother some more. "I think when you weren't around everyone was happy. Being the bastard of a brother you were and still are it gave me a chance to step up and be the center of attention. Oh! You wanna know a secret? Well if you think about it, it isn't really a secret, that is if your smart enough." The words trailed off his tongue like poison. Even if this all hurt his brother, Thanos felt no guilt of saying it. Instead he was pleased that he could say this all to Erebos. Without letting his brother wait any longer for his so called 'secret' the bulky brother continued. "Truly I think we all know that I was the favorite out of the litter. Especially after Phineas proved his worth, next was me, then Aeolus. You know why you aren't on the list? It's because you couldn't do a damn thing that would please the pack, or anyone! Do you hear me? Or are you denying the truth like the cowered you are!?!" Oh yes, that was it, that would set his brother on the edge of tears or war.

(This turned out to be longer then I expected.)
[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

There was little to no time between Erebos becoming aware of his brother's nearing presence and Thanos' arrival. Scatter thoughts flitted through his mind, chasing away all of his reckless planning. A sigh pushed out of his lungs as he readied himself for confrontation, expecting a guilt trip and to be pleaded back into Phineas' pack. What actually came to fall out of Thanos' mouth, however, was nothing like anything Erebos would expect to come from him.

He sat there in shock as each bullet fired, a stock pile of ammo that Thanos must have been holding inside of him this whole time, accumulating until this moment when it was clear he couldn't keep it back any longer. Each insult and accusation hit its mark, but as they came Erebos was numb to their effects. It wasn't until he was finished, those final words dripping off his tongue like toxin, that a reactive emotion set in. Erebos became furious.

All of them had always been close, honest with one another, and while he supposed he had been the first to break that code with Phineas, it had been out of good will. This torrent of libel from the golden child's jowls was pure malignance. A betrayal in itself as Thanos proved how little effort he had put into understanding Erebos and his motives, and this was born of what? Defending the true traitor? The injustice seared Ere's heart, and his eyes saw the very shade they reflected.

Erebos did everything he could to keep his appearance collected and calm. He had half a mind to respond with his teeth and to force Thanos into submission, or bloody them both up trying. However, while he managed to keep his hackles lowered and his fangs covered, it was obvious that the man was pissed beyond belief. Glaring back at this walking indignance, Erebos responded with a cold and biting tone. He would not take this from his baby brother.

"Christ, Thanos, don't piss yourself," he spat in disgust, but with his own temper now at its peak, his next words would be no more collected than Thanos' rant had been.

"If you'd unglue your eyes from @Phineas 's pedestal and implement the loyalty you accuse me of lacking, maybe you'd spare a moment to ask me why I left. As I see it, you're the blood traitor. How could you expect me to stay there, to hold my head down as that slut and her dildo paraded around, feigning the right to our pack?! Yak on and on about your superiority all you like, but a fool could've figured that one out, fuck ass. We didn't have a place there anymore."

How could he not get it? Was Erebos really the only one that could see things for what they were? His thoughts ran to @Aeolus for a split second, a wonderment as to what his position was on the subject. Erebos hadn't wanted to say goodbye for the conflict it would cause, and perhaps that had been childish of him, but if he was so worthless, why had it mattered? He found himself hating Thanos for holding this against him, as though the entire event were his fault alone.

"I sought him out when I caught his scent, I had every intention of bringing him back; of setting things right! But can't you see it? He's the one that's abandoned you, and me, and Aeolus, and Asphodel Meadows. He ran from us, refused to fight for what was his, but here he struggles for this mutt pack he picked out of the dirt. And you're defending that?"

He didn't want to do this, he wanted Thanos to understand what was really going on. Deep down, he wanted all of them to be together again and happy with whatever home they happened to settle with. But that ideal seemed childish to even consider, and Erebos had buried it. As it was, he was swiftly losing hope for all of his family save for Aeo."I couldn't stand to continue pretending that what he's doing is alright, Thanos. I can't forgive him."

See it my way, Thanos. Just for once, try.

(This post was last modified: Nov 11, 2013, 02:39 AM by Erebos.)
Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
(@Erebos Lots of Emotions=Fast Reply)

The words from his brothers' mouth didn't insult him. Instead (as strange as it may seem) the soothed his hot temper. As much as he didn't want to believe what Erebos was saying, he realized it was true. It was all damn true. How had he been so blind? Here he was slandering his brother for being blind when Thanos was the one really blind. He had to step back from his brother so he wouldn't see the sadness flooding into his eyes. Shaking his head the youngest brother tried to block it all out. But the words just kept coming and coming, his eyes like a dam ready to overflow. Pushing his breaking point he finally had enough, and one single tear rolled down his face.

Thanos had been the traitor, he was stupid for not seeing what his brother had seen. With all of these emotions balled up in him he was a confused wreck. Did he stay with his brother Phineas any longer? Or was he suppose to walk away like Erebos? One part of him wanted to make Phineas proud, but the other part of him wanted to show Erebos he wasn't blind and a traitor. But he could only choose one side, the good and the bad. He was stuck in between a rock and a hard place. Either way he went Thanos was damned. It was then he looked to Ere with teary eyes before speaking "How was I unable to see I was so blind? I hear your reasons and I understand, but let me ask one thing, what happens if I don't walk away from his lies?"

His head shook softly again and looked into his brothers' eyes for forgiveness for his stupidity. Thanos hadn't ever stopped to take a look into his brothers' point of view, but now he had, and man was it a different world. It was as if something had been different from Erebos' point of view. Something about it wanted him to believe it was the right point of view. Though he knew Phineas would be devastated if his youngest brother left him. Yet he also knew that Erebos and Aeolus would be proud of him. Being the male that Thanos was he loved to have people proud of him. If he could have two brothers proud of him instead of one, well that was big accomplishment in his eyes.
[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
Erebos had been so enraged and caught up in the flood of his own words, he hadn't been able to stop himself, even as Thanos turned away, desperate to escape what was being said. It wasn't until he had lost all momentum that Erebos realized the effect he'd had. Confusion once more entered his mind, and he had to wonder if Thanos was in good health or not, as everything he was doing completely contradicted Erebos' expectations.

"Dammit, Thanos..." Ere muttered, sympathy for his youngest brother settling in his chest. "What's with you doing the exact opposite of what I expect today?"

Erebos was a selfish creature, that could never be debated, but like most animals he also had a soft spot, and that was his siblings. This wasn't what he wanted, to be under fire from Thanos, to return the verbal violence, to dissolve his brother into tears. His paws itched to tread, to remove him from the situation altogether; he wanted once more to turn his back and walk away over the red hills.This fickle feeling shit was a real drag.

"That's up to you to decide, Thanos. If you can forgive him, then stay. ... I won't think any less of you. But I'm leaving. Again."

No amount of tears or heart-felt discussions could change his mind about it, or bring him to forgive Phineas even if Thanos could. He'd already given it his best shot, and there was such a deep dissonance within him about the matter that he had already come to terms with never seeing his eldest brother again. Truly, he did not care what path Thanos took, as long as he was honest with himself. But as quickly as this encounter had de-escalated, Erebos still had a bad taste in his mouth over the things Thanos had said to him. After all, ignorant as Thanos had been to Erebos' side at the time, he'd still wholeheartedly meant every word.

"Hate me for it if you want."
Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
He listened carefully to his brother's words of course Thanos would never hate him "I would never hate you, but let me tell you one thing, today you've changed my view point. I'm taking you as an example and leaving Phineas. If you ever see Aeolus tell him I left Phineas, I want him to know that I'm no longer blinded by the light of pride." Nodding his head at his own words Thanos smiled at Erebos, he was happy they met again. It was about time the two caught up with each other.

Wagging his tail softly the tawny, burly male woofed to his lighter brother. "If I may ask, where do you plan on staying for the winter?" He was curious as to where Erebos would shelter for this oncoming winter. Did he already know about the packs of this land? Thanks only knew of two, Magnolia Glen and the place where the Princess he met slept at night (though he did not know the packs name was Nomads Pass). Waiting for the answer from the other male Thanos took a seat on the bleeding rocks. His fur being dyed a deeper red every minute he stayed on them. As much as he wanted to follow Erebos into the never ending rain, the young brother would soon have to return to The Glen for his goodbyes. He already knew that Phineas might be shocked that his youngest brother wanted to leave so soon. Especially with Winter near them. But he also knew that Phineas would understand.
[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

A fight broke out between two male mountain goats. Hunt Opportunity