Partly Cloudy — 75° F/24° C
Summer just kept getting hotter and hotter, with no amount of panting or running back and forth managing to keep Lugh cool. On days like this, he often cooled off by swimming in the nearby pond. With the sun still climbing up into the sky and the day growing ever warmer by the hour, Lugh decided it was the perfect time for a dip.
Humming a little tune to himself, Lugh trotted down the familiar path that lead to the local pond. It was sort of a gross puddle, musty and stagnant, and as summer wore on it just kept getting smaller and smaller. It wasn't really a place Lugh would chose to drink from, but it served its purpose for just getting one's paws wet.
Lugh certainly didn't think it would last all through the summer, but couldn't help his surprise as he pushed through the last few yards of tall grass to find... nothing. Lugh's ears folded down and he frowned as he surveyed what had once been a cool retreat. The little pond was gone, though not dried in its entirety, leaving behind a muddy circle where the last bits of water clung to the soil and the reeds that once struck at its bank sadly wilted.
It wasn't the end of the world, and if he traveled just a bit farther towards the treeline he would easily find fresh, running water, but he was already here anyways. Lugh stood for a moment as he considered his options, then walked to the center of the mud patch and laid down. With a horrible loud squelching the herbalist stretched his legs out, front and back, then rolled back and forth as he coated himself in the mud like the world's weirdest looking pig.