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Stir Crazy — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Namara who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kassander Mikhailovich
All Welcome to anyone in the pack :) Hover for translation.

The cave was packed with all the herbs he could find within the confines of Whisper Caverns but the rest were running a little low. He sighed as he stood up and paced around the medicine den. He'd been there, trapped within the confines of the territory, and he couldn't stand it. Titan was out and about and his pupil was getting a lesson from another. He had to admit, it hurt his pride a little bit. How was he supposed to be effective if he couldn't even train his own student? Nevertheless, he had to wait it out. He went over to the back hand corner of the den and looked about for something, anything, to calm him down. Lavender was not very effective, it just made him sneeze when he breathed it in.

He started to talk to himself. No, not talk, he began to argue with himself. "Yesli by ya mog uliznut' na neskol'ko mgnoveniy. Net, ya ne mogu, ya eto zasluzhil. To, chto ya sdelal, chtoby zasluzhit' eto tochno? YA ne byl tam, kogda ona nuzhdalas' vo mne. Ona byla sleza v yeye myshtsy, i ya ne byl tam. YA nikogda ne uchil Titana o myshechnykh slez. Vot pochemu ya zasluzhivayu etogo." The arguement would go on for a good five minutes before he plopped himself back on the ground of the den with a frown. He could hunt and run the borders but he felt like he would not be very effective. He was no dominance demanding creature so if he ran into a wolf on the borders, he wouldn't be a help but a burden. Hunting was something he preferred to do with a partner because he just couldn't focus.

Why couldn't he just focus?

(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2014, 09:31 PM by Kassander.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
I feel like they have to make up! <3

The alpha knew that he had completely succeeded at being a complete ass to Kassander the day that his niece had gotten injured. Ash had been quick to the defense of his relative and knew that his reaction had been quite uncalled for and unneeded. He had meant to seek out the man and apologize for his awful behavior, but if he did that, then he feared that the male would then view Ash as someone who went back on his word, and the bulky male was far from that. And so the days had dragged on. Still there had been no appearance of Dziban, which was smart of the other man if he so wished to keep his life. He would not have Athena and Little Rory having their hearts broken again due to someone else's stupidity. The little girl was under his protection and watchful eye now and he would be damned (again) if anything were to happen to her.

His thoughts wavered from his protective nature to the pack's healer when the scent of the man wandered past Ash's nostrils. The alpha had many things that it was time to make right. So with a reluctant sigh, the large man slunk silently towards where the Healer's den was, Kassander's scent heavy in the air to the point where it was almost choking the Hervok. Without much thought he entered silently, only to see the other man's back to him. Lifting his posture to a much more dominant stance, he spoke clearly and calmly, as if it should have been obvious that he had entered the den, although it would have been hard to do so with the stench of herbs in the area. "Kassander, I believe we have some things to discuss." His voice was chill and cool, no warmth within his tone what so ever. He wished to get this encounter over with and hopefully get back into the other man's good graces.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Namara who has 57 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kassander Mikhailovich
@Ash <3

The scent of herbs that Kass had whirling around him had somehow masked the scent of Ash as he entered the medical den. Perhaps it was just Kass zoning out mixed with the smell but that was an argument with himself for another time. A voice was what had set up on edge as his head snapped up and looked around. It was Ash. He quickly stood up with a slight nod. What was it they were going to discuss? His curiosity had been piqued as he lowered his tail in submission to the man as he gave him a curious glance and a confused greeting. "Ash." The word was slightly distorted with his still thick Russian accent. Kass glanced at the ground and then to his paws before looked around the den.

His eyes were going to wander anywhere except Ash's dark colored form. He gulped as he kept his gave wandering. It was awkward, conversations, to him still. He had been so relaxed when talking to Titan because Titan was his pupil but he struggled with many English words, more complicated words, and it had made him insecure. He would say them fine and then not be able to and it was the fact that he could mess up that had made him insecure. Net, prosto sosredotochit'sya i uspokoit'sya. Mozhet byt', on ne tak s uma bol'she. He convinced himself. The stir crazy man hoped that perhaps the leader would allow him to wander about off the territory, if only for a little bit, so he wouldn't drive himself mad.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

The alpha knew that Kassander still struggled considerably with his English, but there was no doubt that it had gotten much better now that he had joined Whisper Caverns. The alpha watched in amusement as the Healer froze, seemingly surprised that there was another presence in the area. The other man whirled around to face Ash and bowed respectively to his alpha, to which Ash dipped his head in acknowledgement of his respects. There was a quick mutter of his name, and the brown man took that as his cue to say what he needed to say. So flicking his tail above his back awkwardly, he opened his mouth to continue, "The other day, when my niece was injured, I acknowledge that I was quite harsh on you with my punishment. I therefore release you from the ban I put on your travels." He paused then, letting this information sink into the healer's mind. There was, however, something that Ash did want to make clear.

After letting a few more moments of silence pass between them he spoke again, "That being said, I would appreciate it, if until Titan has received his full training, or another trained healer is accepted into the pack, that you will not travel too far away from the pack territory, just in case you are needed." Ash waited then, making sure that Kassander understood fully well or what was being asked of him. There were many things that could go wrong, and Ash preferred to have his pack members checked up on as soon as they could, and with the best care.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief