Rumors had reached her ears that she was to be training a young yearling who had joined recently named Bane and a small smile caught her face. It was finally something to do! The word had caught her on a good day, as she rotated between the good and the bad, and so she would rise from the communal den that day to eat and later call for the apprentice. She rushed out into the field as she traced the scent of rabbits across the field. She would narrow her eyes as she stalked the prey carefully before she leapt and landed on one. She bit it's neck to kill it before she sat down and continued to devour the beast. She would lick the blood off her muzzle and then groom her fur.
By that time it had already become standard routine to not have to worry about a son to take care of and it hurt to know that it wasn't true. She loved Abadeer more than he would ever know because he was taken at such a young age. A small sigh would be omitted before she rose onto her paws and called for @Bane though she made it clear that the entirety of the pack would be welcomed if they wished to join in the training session. She herself would be going for the guardian role when she found herself fit enough to take it. Who knew, perhaps she would challenge her way up to second too. She preferred not to make plans too far in advance because things could easily change, especially in her world.
She would fall back onto her haunches and her rump as she waited for the boy to present himself. It was barely past sunrise.