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I was a lonely soul but that's the old me — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
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Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

The woman had still been avoiding the pack den and central part of the territory like the plague for fear of what she would find. She had no illusions as to what would happen, in her mind, when she was found by someone who still thought she was insane. She had been cooped up in the den that gave her comfort, a den she knew nothing about but was connected to in so many ways, and she had been quite busy. She had constantly been gathering herbs, as it was still her calling and she supposed some things never left her even when she lost her memory, and she had been storing them in the very den she slept in. She had to stay calm but she felt like she couldn't hide her insecurity anymore.

She had regretted that one day where she went by the pack den and met Silentium. She felt like she was no welcomed because she had literally gone crazy in front of her (supposed) best friend, fellow healer, and alphas. She still had no recollection of her son and had never been really told about him. She had no idea that she and Nina had a strong mother and daughter relationship and because of it, she was afraid of Nina the most. The last thing a fae with pups needed was another fae whom she saw as mentally unstable in the pack. Right? She had curled up in the den she had called home for so long as she tried to drift into a peaceful slumber.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok

She had been so busy ever since the children had been born. She had been ever constantly attending business at the borders that always seem to call out to her in importance and alarm. The mother had not had the time to look for Ashanti, and it had taken her some time to even realize that she had been re-accepted into the pack, which made her angry, especially at Miccah...as he had been the one to accept her adoptive daughter back into their family. It angered her at first but in the end Nina had not enough energy to be angry at the man that she was attempting to get along with, even if she would have preferred Hollow by her side, Miccah was what she had and eventually she would have to accept that.

Today was one of the rare days that Nina was going closer to her borders to her territory since she had birthed the children...without having to be summoned to them. She was stopped, however, when the familiar scent of Ashanti. Her tail wagged behind her enthusiastically and the mother moved slowly towards where the younger girl's scent was coming from. She had always had a motherly tendency towards the woman and so she didn't hesitate to move towards where her scent was coming from, which just happened to be where she had birthed Bane. The Hervok did not say anything and simply called out to her, keeping her voice soft and gentle, ”Ashanti...if you are in there, can you come out please? It's Nina.” Her tail flicked behind her, awaiting for the familiar cream of Ashanti's head to pop out.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

The soft coo of a voice was not expected and to be honest, her head jerked up and fear flooded through her. Her icy blue eyes were panicked as she rose slowly. The woman said that if she was in there... so maybe she could just hide in the back of the den until Nina left! No, even Ashanti knew it was just a formality. The woman had to admit she was curious as to what Nina looked like. She had avoided her like the plague and therefore had never really seen her. She slowly made her way towards the entrance of the den, though she was hesitant about every step. She slowly checked the outside of the den before her head quickly ducked back into it.

I can't do this... I really can't do this. She told herself as she silently paced around the inside of the den. She gulped and she could swear she was almost hyperventilating. Her muzzle opened as if she was about to speak. She wanted to make up some excuse as to why she couldn't talk but she was a terrible liar. She didn't have a poker face and her tone went down an octave when she even attempted to lie. She felt like she was caught between a rock and a hard place and so she slowly moved towards the den entrance. She tried to calm down with a soothing breathe but it didn't seem to work. She didn't say a word but her eyes popped out of the den as she tried to hide from the situation.

(This post was last modified: Jul 27, 2014, 04:18 PM by Ashanti.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The mother had always been a patient woman, but it had been quite some time since she had seen Ashanti, and her excitement was bubbling too high for even her to handle. She shifted awkwardly from one paw to the other, a single emerald eye shining fiercely towards the entrance of the den. Her excitement was soon placed with dread when she realized that as soon Ashanti's head peeked out from her hiding spot, it popped right back in, leaving her there alone. A frown was placed on the golden woman's lips then, waves of sadness hitting her hard. Had someone said something bad about her to the point where Ashanti did not care for her much anymore? Perhaps it had been Miccah who had put false thoughts into her head out the regal woman. The thought made Nina's lip curl in disgust for the male.

That disappeared as soon as the familiar figure of Ashanti once again popped out of the den, and Nina almost couldn't hide her smirk from the younger girl, but she did, and for that she was thankful. It seemed that now that Ashanti had returned she was quite shy and that was to be expected considering the fact that she did not remember anyone from her home. A graceful smile was planted onto Nina's black lips when she spoke, ”Come on out now. I won't bite, I promise.” The golden brown alpha watched her former patient carefully, hoping that she would take her words as a peace offering and would step into the light where Nina would be able to see her.

Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

She had been so nervous but it all seemed to magically dissipate when Nina promised that she didn't bite. Slowly the white phantom form that was Ashanti pushed herself out of the den and looked at her leader with a small yet reserved smile. Her tail wagged slowly from side to side as something clicked. Nina didn't see her as some insane monster, or else she would not have been so gentle with her words. This realization lifted Ashanti's heart up a bit and her smile grew on her face as she dared to speak a few words. "Hello Nina." They weren't quiet but rather friendly and without loss as her words used to have been. She remembered learning what she had learned from Aideen and she couldn't even imagine what she had been like a few months prior.

She had so many questions she wanted to ask Nina. Like why were things so tense between herself and Miccah at the last meeting and why was Miccah avoiding Ashanti like the plague? They were all things that had hit her curiosity right in the weak spot. She had to know. She also wanted to learn from Nina more about the time that she had been in the pack before Aideen joined as Ashanti had learned she had suggested the pack to Aideen in the first place while on a desperate search for herbs for something. She dared to settle back on her haunches so she could sit down. She was anxious to know where her conversation with Nina would lead.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Just a note to you. This thread occurred before the pack meeting, because Nina didn't know that Ashanti had returned, but she had known at the pack meeting.

Ashanti looked so cautious, that it almost broke Nina's heart. Once they had been so close and Ashanti had hung onto every word that Nina had said. Now things would be much different though, and it was just because of that brief slip of sanity that Ashanti had lost. However, the mother's spirits were lifted when a friendly greeting came from the woman in front of her, a pleased smile gracing the mother's lips. The woman she viewed as her daughter seemed to have relaxed considerably, and Nina took this as a sign that she was making progress. She hadn't seen much of the girl since she had returned, probably mostly because she had been den bound, and she hadn't been informed by anyone that the girl had returned home. It was a different experience to feel awkward in the presence of her adopted daughter and so Nina shifted uneasily from side to side.

Finally, as silence stretched on between the two of them, Nina finally spoke, ”So how have you been since you have returned?” Her single-eyed gaze pinned itself onto the Aranna, wanting to know how she had eventually come back and what had happened with her absence. Obviously, something had been keeping her from returned to Secret Woodlands and Nina had no clue what it was. The fact that she didn't know the activities of what were going on within her own home made her quite bitter, but she remained positive for the sake of Ashanti, and would pick out Miccah later when she was available to.