- i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....
He prowled among the creek, his shoulders tense, and his ears pressed against his skull. His blond tail twitching just at his hocks he would stop once, and awhile putting his nose to the sway of the breeze. Brown nostrils flaring he'd taste the air, hoping to catch some sign of any other beast. When nothing came, he continued, his golden green tinged eyes drifting along the easy flowing creek. He wasn't sure what he was really looking for. His life had planned for him, and he had never been use to making his own decisions. Over time being a loner he had grown to like his free agency. Most times he was happy to be without responsibility for anyone but he. The days were so long, seeming endless, dragging onto into the other until they seemed the same. This was what was bothering him. He needed reals structure, and a point to his life. Right now there seemed none.
"Humphh," he grumbled to no one but himself. He was a warrior, not a wanderlust fool. He was craving something of the familiar. He pressed the issue aside. Right now he wanted a drink. He lowered himself along the banks, watching his step against the rough snow, knowing some of it might be straight over water. The last thing he needed to do was catch some kind of cold. Once he got the sense where was creek, and land his nose pointed down upstream. There he spotted a beaver dam's not to far. Squinted eyes he studied the sturdy structure, wondering where the little balls of fur might be. Large, blond paws pushed into the slush just at the creek's edge, and he slurped up a good long drink. Once done, he let the water dribble from his chin before shaking it off. He strolled closer to the beaver's dam, just observing to see if he might spot one.