Maybe there was another place to go, <span class='word'>tramontane</span> pack. Kaid wasn't sure, nor she was going to find out. This was her shot, to this place, to this pack, try to get in and perhaps suffocate the voice inside her that only told her to desrtoy the pack once she would be in. That made no sense to her, and the tawny monster attempted to forget the plan of her insanity.
Here was the border, clearly marked. Halting to the safer side of it, rising her scarred snout to the sky, giving out a loud howl, calling for the leaders, alphas. Her howl was not beatiful, it had very rough tone and it simply didn't sound good, all due the fang that made it impossible to direct the voice to proper direction. But the message was still easy to understand.
Lowering her head, taking a submissive posture already, making herself ready for the encounter. Hopefully she wouldn't have to speak...