With a quiet sigh, the beauty pulled herself up onto wobbly legs and slowly but surely, made her way closer to the bank to drink, though as she lowered her head gravity decided to yank her downwards. It felt like it happened in slow motion, at first her head span but next she felt her paws leaving the solid ground. Her pretty eyes could only watch as the icy surface of the water drew closer and closer and even as her nose dipped beneath the surface she was still numb to what was happening. She knew deep inside that something wasn’t right, especially as her clear vision became blurry and her eyes began to sting, yet the delusional female had yet to realise she had fallen head first beneath the water.
Time was moving so slowly; it felt like forever until she could feel her entire body was now beneath the water. Instinct told her to run, but her legs didn’t want to cooperate and sluggishly beat at the water to no avail. Something inside her was screaming, it screamed so loud that she tugged her ears flat to try and shut it out but nothing seemed to work- she didn’t realise the screaming was her lungs, crying out for air.
She was going to die... and she couldn’t even work out why.