Oppressing hunger - it was a constant pinch in her gut, and one that Vlarindara had done her best to ignore since the lowest had returned to Grizzly Hollow. Usually when she became hungry, she was able to find *something* to eat.. whether it was a fish chased from the waters in Jasper Rocks, or some left-overs from one of the packs hunts. Vlarindara was still far too weak to be of much use on the hunts, her stamina low enough that she could barely cross Grizzly Hollow territory without becoming short of breath and weak legged.
Of all the nights for her stomach to act up - it had to be *now*. She had known that Jaysyek and Borden.. or she HOPED it was Borden at least were expecting.. And had done her best to leave the food cache's alone, and to scrounge up a meal for herself. However, the entire day spent hunting had proven completely futile and she was left with nothing to show for it except weary legs and muscles shaking with fatigue. The wolfess had crept back to her nest of leaves well after dark where she collapsed and fell into a fitful slumber.
Prior to dawn, however, her stomach protested quite painfully, forcing the ivory female to her feet to do something she'd not done in a few days - head towards the food stores. She intended to stop by the tree and simply pick at one of the smaller bits that was available, to leave the rest for the pack and Jaysyek's growing litter. However, once she arrived, the smell of blood and meat caused her mouth to water... and the pink tongue to slide along her lips of its own accord. With her stomach growling loudly, Vlarindara crept forward and snapped her jaws around the remains of a rabbit.
Scooting backwards, the wolfess devoured the thing, bones and all before she turned to return to her bed. That was really her only intention - but her stomach still grumbled, and the smell was simply too much to resist.. so she turned back and once more stuck her head into the trees base and tugged on the nearest haunch she could sink her teeth into. Vlarindara ended up dragging out the remains of a doe.. and her stomach seemed to bubble in glee at the smorgasbord that was lain before it. Guilt rode her as she shifted, mouth watering to sink her jaws into the carcass.. but was soon washed away by the insatiable hunger that left her quite literally.. decimating the corpse - or what was left.