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.... ooc name: Melorama
.... current characters: Clover, Rochus, and Tuwile
.... how you found us: I live here now
.... your character's initial fight stats: Already assigned
....a role play sample (200+ words): (couldn't find a Rochus post in an active thread that met the word count so I used a Clover one)
Clover crooned softly, returning the gentle touch of nose to cheek, breathing in Vayko's scent with a deep inhale. "I didn't realise it was so late in the day, time got away from me I guess." She murmured softly into the fur of his cheek before pulling back, the wide smile still present on her face.

She gave a half shrug at his question. "Much better now that you're doing okay." Her worry had reached an extreme level for a bit in the beginning of his recovery, a small part of her wondering if that time would have been the one where she didn't know enough to help him. But thankfully he was improving each day, alleviating the majority of her worries.

His next question had her simply staring at him silently, before her ears flicked back and she gave a small shake of her head. "There's just so much to do, and keeping busier was easier than sitting alone and worrying about you." Clover's smile became a tad sheepish, already expecting him to insist that she should be taking breaks. And she understood why he was asking, but knowingly leaving more work for Viorel to do just didn't sit well with her.

"But now that you're here we can eat lunch together?" The rabbit would not be enough for the both of them, but they could easily stop by one of the caches to pick up another morsel.
and finally a bit about your character... An old man who continues to plot and scheme