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loving her was heavier than a leaded red balloon — Beaver Dam 
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Dead Empress Backwater X. Yearling
Khalon Valle
AW to one or two others!
Late night, broken clouds, 37F/3C

from charming to alarming in seconds

Khalon typically looked for any excuse to get out of his shift looking for Torianna, but tonight had come up empty pawed. He had slept well and felt fine, his belly was full and the weather was perfect, warmer than it had been in weeks. In fact it was warm enough that when he stopped moving and took a chance to observe the beaver dam near the borders he could hear melting snow dripping somewhere in the trees.

He was actually kind of happy that his sister was gone, but also resentful how much attention her disappearance was getting her. Sure okay, there had been signs of struggle and everyone was worried but maybe she shouldn’t have gotten herself into such a situation. Plus, a larger part of him felt like everyone was making such a big deal about this and yet every time he attempted to run away he wasn’t sure anyone even noticed.

Grumbling he turned away from the pond, she wasn’t a beaver why would she be here? He would quickly check as few places as possible before going back home without being accused of being lazy or a freeloader.