Cailean froze when he heard the noise. It sounded like someone was being was a loud, screeching sound that he was uncomfortable with. His ears were flattened and his teeth were bared as he crouched amongst the trees. After crouching on the floor for a few seconds, Cailean realised that it wasn't someone being strangled, but they were words being screamed out. He straightened up again, almost sheepishly, quietly following the direction the sound was coming from.
When he saw the small, wounded wolf he visibly relaxed. Nothing he wouldn't be able to handle. His eyes narrowed as he edged towards the wolf, making sure to be cautious. Although he would be able to stop the wounded female from doing anything, he still didn't want to take any chances. He wouldn't even have considered going near the wolf had she not been injured. He didn't know much about wounds or healing, as he clearly hadn't had much experience in that field, but he knew enough to know that those cuts didn't look good.
<b>"Excuse me, ma'am..."</b> he grunted, eyeing the wolf up and down carefully. He was much taller and broader than her, as he had expected, but they both had pitch black pelts, though unlike him she had sparkly light blue eyes, "Would you mind keeping your voice down? It's kind of early and I'm not sure about anyone else, but I certainly did not want to wake up to that noise." He sat down carefully, his eyes boring into hers. <b>"You don't look too good. I mean, your wounds don't look too good..." </b>He mentally cursed himself for being so awkward. He was so awful at communicating with others, he hadn't done it in so long. He wasn't even 100% sure why he was talking to this wolf, except that he felt bad for her.
(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2012, 06:39 PM by Cailean.)