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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
So that was the big rock? And up there was a great view? Moving her eyes along the almost inclimable wall, feeling a growing desire taking its place at the ruling will in her mind. It was dangerous to climb up there. Dangeorus. See the word? That was what Reba was after. Eyes gleaming, wide grinn on her face as the black girl wagged her tail in enthusiasm, licking her nose before placing one paw on a rock that sticked out from the wall. First step of her climb.

What was it? Quickly turning her head, glancing over her shoulder. Somethign had moved in the snowy landscape. For sure. Placing the paw back to ground, the crazy attempt to climb on that outcrop during winter when it was partly covered wiht snow and probably layered with ice, needed to wait for a moment. Something was moving in there and she wanted to know what it was. Smart eyes traveling over the landscape, finally spotting movement. It was...
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Hawke Ismira
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i know it gets hard sometimes but i could never
leave your side no matter what i say

That empty feeling was taking over again, as though there was a void in her mind that needed to be filled by something - anything. There was no control, there was no feeling. It was just an empty void that was eating her up bit by bit until she wouldn't be able to feel anything ever again.

She had to make it stop.

Hawke's white and gray fur blended in well with the snowy, rocky landscape. If she hadn't been moving she would have been nearly invisible, hiding among the rocks and snow. However, there was no time for her to sit still. What could she possibly do to feel something?

That was when she saw it. A black speck, slightly higher up, starting to climb it's way up the side of a rocky wall. It looked like a wolf, so she figured it was. Even though she should have been cautious, she needed to feel, and if this would put her in some danger - possibly bringing bodily harm - then she was all for it right now. Her problem was that there were only two ways for her to get rid of the emptiness. Being with someone who completed her, filling the emptiness, or putting herself in harms way and getting hurt. She couldn't hurt herself - that was too much to ask for. So, in order to feel something she found other ways to get hurt. It made her feel like she had some sort of control over her life, and feeling hurt was better than feeling nothing at all.

So she ran, her tail in the air and snow flying from her feet, straight towards the black wolf. She slowed as she came closer, wondering if this wolf was someone who would like her and want to be friends with her. As she approached she didn't say anything, but waited for the wolf to speak or do something, curious and ready to feel something again.

'cause if i wanted to go i would have gone by now
but i really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca didn't turn her eyes away from the upcoming figure. Wolf it was, nothing dangerous which kinda made her disappointed, but at least she had the rocky wall next to her, it would give the danger. Wide, wild and impish grin on her face, eyes gleaming form the joy of danger that would soon take its place. <b>"Hello you. Wanna climb up with me?"</b> Reba inquired, lowering her head, grin widening, telling just how insane that black wolf was. It almost made her look like an joker who's lips are torn by too wide smile. Scary, some may say, crazy, Rebecca explained.

Wagging her tail, suddenly pulling her head up. It was just too muhc to be kept in! She wanted up there! The thing on the outcrop's wall could be called path, but it was very poor path indeed. Slippery, dangerous and icy. Just like the black girl wanted her path's. Tail wagging behind her as she placed her paw on the rock again. Glance over her shoulder: <b>"Come! This'll be so dangeorus!"</b> with voice lowered by her desire, then pulling her body higher against the wall, placing all four paws to one rock that was too small for them. Balancing, then jumping to a larger one, halting and glancing did the staranger follow or was she just an coward.
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2012, 08:17 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by anyu who has 30 posts.
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Hawke Ismira
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i know it gets hard sometimes but i could never
leave your side no matter what i say

Hawke tilted her head, watching the stranger with curiosity. What was going on in this wolf's mind? Hawke knew that she had problems, but this new wolf seemed as though she was from a different world. A rush of adrenaline surged through her body and her eyes brightened. This would be interesting indeed. "Sure," she said nonchalantly, as if it were something that she did every day. She needed the feelings that she was having right now. The endorphins that would be released if she joined in were a major temptation. She wanted to feel something, and right now this seemed like the best solution.

She had to admit that she was a little nervous at the prospect of trying to climb up the dangerous path. True, it would give her the rush she so desired, but she wasn't quite sure she was ready to die just yet. Her need to feel something had a limit for the most part. However, at the female's urging she climbed up onto the first foothold, feeling her paws slide a bit on the snow and ice. The rush of adrenaline as she slid on that first rock pushed her onward to the next one, one by one following the black female up the precipice. She could feel again! and it was glorious.
'cause if i wanted to go i would have gone by now
but i really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge
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(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2012, 11:28 PM by Hawke.)
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Crazy giggle escaping from her throat as she noticed the other actually followed her. Rarely Reba saw wolves crazy enough to join in her insane actions. Continuing her climb, here wasn't any rgood rocks to place your paws on. Just snow and cracks on the rock, places on different level, everything having a good layer of ice. Using her claws and apws to get a good hold from the icey rock, Rebebba slowly headed higher. Finally, something that seemed a path. Veyr small, she could barely place her paw on it, two paws next to each other... No, they didn't fit. Leg in front of another, she kept going, avoiding to look down.

At least she had her high, eyes shining and tongue hanging out of mouth, insanity running thoruhg her heated veins. It felt so awesome. So awesome... Stepping ahead, using her tail to keep balance on the very narrow path. It went pretty well at least she hadn't fallen yet. And look, there was the top! But... The path didn't take all way there. There was a hugr gap, and the rock will headed straight down, wiht nothing on it. No cracks, no outcoming rocks, nothing. Just smooth rock. Halting, feeling disappointed. Climbing all the way up here and then, in final steps..! There had to be some way over. Wind blew and almost knocked the black wolf off guard. One paw slipped, but she managed to correct the fatal movement. Glanicng down... Yaeks she was high!
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by anyu who has 30 posts.
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Hawke Ismira
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i know it gets hard sometimes but i could never
leave your side no matter what i say
She followed the precarious path of the black female, slipping here and there but enjoying the rush of adrenaline each time. Her tail helped with her balance and she was suddenly very grateful for the appendage. It wasn't something she had ever really thought about before. Her paws were starting to get sore from the tension of trying not to slip. It was almost as if she was trying to grip the rock that she was climbing, and the snow and ice was making that nearly impossible.

Hawke hesitated when the footholds ran out. She knew that she wasn't strong enough to drag herself up using the cracks and small, nearly invisible holds on the rocks. Her body wasn't built for strength. There was no way her paws and legs would support that kind of activity. She huffed in frustration, trapped where she was because she was unable to go any farther and she wasn't ready to head back just yet. She was enjoying the feeling of, well, feeling just a little too much right now. The emptiness was gone. So, instead of moving forward or backing up she looked up to the female who was also stuck, it seemed, because she was unable to go any farther.

So, what was she supposed to do now?
'cause if i wanted to go i would have gone by now
but i really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Not having a chance to go forward, the other female behind her, so backing away wasn't a chance, the black girl turned her head up. It was the only way right now. And it was only about three meters to the top, rather gradual slope. But it had a thick layer of ice with only small cracks or occasional rocks in it. But it was the only way, so...

Rebecca wasn't strong. She definitely wasn't, but the black insane was fast. Maybe she could use it? Strength would be vey handy now, as well as sharp claws. Though she could take littel hold with her claws, it really was nothing segnificent. The attempt was crazy anyway, but she was going to give it a try.

Rapidly turning, stomach now against the rock wall, back facing the emptyness. Only hind paws were on the narrow path, front legs pushed against the rock. Snow fell down due her wuick movements, tail doing it's best to balance her. Then, muscles from back legs tighning like springs, launching herslef upwards. Front paws did their best to pull her up, using her ability for speed to do it all quickly. Back paws did the same as front paws, the small cracks and random stones sticking from the ice giving her everything she needed to pretty muhc run up the slope. Stomach was held close to the rock, still she was almost falling. But just when her balance was almost lost and front paws losing their grip, the slope ended and the crazy black wolf was ontop of the outcrop.

Shaking from the hard effort, gasping and collapsing to the ground, wild shine in her eyes, crazy grinn on her face. But what about the other? Could she do the same? Never mind, that had been so dangerous!!!
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by anyu who has 30 posts.
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Hawke Ismira
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i know it gets hard sometimes but i could never
leave your side no matter what i say
Hawke knew that she could not do what the black female was doing. She would have been a fool to try it - it would have been deadly. However, she believed that she could see another way to the top that had more footholds. She could actually reach a rather large one if she could jump far enough. But could she make that jump?Hawke tensed her legs and prepared to leap, moving herself to the very edge of the small outcrop she was standing on. She judged the length she needed to jump and then pushed off with her hind legs, stretching her body out to fly farther. She landed on the outcrop with a thump, her back end almost slipping off when a back paw slipped. Once she managed to stabilize herself she looked around to regain her bearings.

There were more ledges here and she was able to climb up on them, one by one, slowing making her way up the outcrop. It was arguably more dangerous than before; she could barely fit two paws side-by-side on the narrow ledges and there was plenty of leftover snow on them. She moved carefully. Finally she reached the top and leaped up. Unfortunately, in following the ledges she had also ended up far from the black female. Curious as to why she had seemed so eager to climb the cliff, Hawke turned and head up the top of the outcrop, relieved that there were no more ledges she had to climb on. And she had seen an easier way down.

Finally she reached the black female. Without saying a word, she sat down several feet away, not quite sure what to do next. While Hawke was somewhere between psychotic and neurotic, she wasn't quite as crazy as her companion.
'cause if i wanted to go i would have gone by now
but i really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Ah, there she was. Coming from different direction than she had, but coming anyway. Pulling herself to sitting position, giving a wide grin and furious wag of her tail, Rebecca eyed the femme. Eyes were still bright rfom all that danger and the joy hadn't disappeared anywhere. In overall, Rebecca felt really good. <b>"Hi you. Finally I found someone who doesn't shy away from danger"</b> Reba spoke to her with happy face. Tail still wagged, mouth was turned into wide smile. <b>"My name is Rebecca Wheatear. Yours?"</b> she inquired, rising to heer feet and shaking her black fur.

Rebecca wasn't sure how crazy her new companion was, maybe even moreinsane than she was. But Reba couldn't be sure, not yet. Tilting her head, the black girl scratched her neck, those iching, healing wounds on her neck. They felt so annoying, but soon she would have beatiful scars... Ah, Reba couldn't wait.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by anyu who has 30 posts.
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Hawke Ismira
Sorry for the long wait. Things have been busy lately and I've been spending more time on the thread that has three other people waiting for me to post.

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i know it gets hard sometimes but i could never
leave your side no matter what i say
Hawke was amazed at the attitude of the black female, who seemed to have no concern about her own safety. Yes, there were times when Hawke threw all caution to the wind just so she could feel something - anything, really. But she did not have a death wish. Part of her wondered if this female did.

"Danger keeps the emptiness from returning," she said with a simple shrug, as if it were an everyday thing. The truth was that she needed to attach herself to someone in order to feel whole. Without someone else - a close friend or a lover - she was lost, empty, and out of control. Of course, there were still frequent, violent mood swings when she was attached to someone, but that was another story all together. Right now she was calm and calculating, seemingly unfazed by the dangerous climb up the cliff face. But at any moment she could become an angry, terrifying bitch on a rampage. She could become angry and violent with just a single, misplaced word from her new companion.

"I'm Hawke," she responded calmly. "Hawke Ismira. What is your reason for searching for danger?" she asked, genuinely curious. Was this Rebecca character like herself, with a need for danger to fight off other feelings, such as emptiness? Or was she merely insane, and she appeared to be?
'cause if i wanted to go i would have gone by now
but i really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge
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