Walking under the snowy branches, her heavy steps leaving deep marks to the white snow. Kainda needed to hunt, but she didn't like hunting at all. It was a miracle she ahd stayed in very good conidtion through her loner travels. But soon she would probably need to find a home, a pack to join in. Somewhere here had to be packs, right?
Her scarred head hanged low, scarred feet carrying her forward, scarred body moving ahead. Thick, messy fur, tooth sticking form her mouth, that all made her to be very uncomfortable with herself. And the voice in her head kept reminnding her about her not so flattering outlook. If she could've attacked the voice, Kaid would've done it without hesitation and killed it. That voice ahd made her a killer, bloodhound, hellhound, like any other Wheatear. At least she wasn't disgrace to her linegae. Snorting, releasing a small cloud to the cold air, Kaid kept moving onward.