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Needing guidance — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
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Trisden Lyall
Within GH borders, early morning.<blockquote>

It was a relief to be home, at least on the troubles and hardships of two very young wolves trying to pretend they could survive on their own. Trisden did not have to struggle for food anymore, or constantly watch out before leaving a makeshift den or wherever they had hunkered down to sleep. Her mother's scent filled her nose. All was well. Nothing could reach her here.

And that was a bittersweet concept. Though they had not found much danger in their time alone, and Trisden had found some kind of revelation, it had not come as swiftly as she had thought it would. It had been her naive belief that evil would beset her almost instantly upon stepping foot outside of purified Grizzly Hollow lands, but it had taken days before anything resembling the devil's work had crossed her path. And now, with hindsight, she was sure that had just been a freak chance of the weather.

She sighed heavily with woes disproportionate to her problems, but she felt dissatisfied with the outcome to her desperate search for answers - or if not answers, then something which would help give her direction. Trisden had yet to become the bold, headstrong girl she had been as a child, though the potential bubbled there. She was quieter now, more thoughtful, less prone to rash outbursts and actions. Theo's death still hung heavily on her conscious. She would never forgive herself for his fate, which was partly why she was so frustrated by the lack of answers, or at least guidance.

Perhaps it made sense. The devil would not want to make her path to redemption any easier.

Idly she pushed a small twig from side to side, enjoying the patterns it made in the thin snow which had managed to drift past the trees in this slightly thinner area of the forest. She enjoyed having the sky over her head. It felt like a connection to something stronger, something protective. For a moment, her gaze lifted to watch the white, snow-laden clouds drift overhead, pleased for the reminder of her beloved brother. A faint, wistful smile pulled her lips, but then it died, and she fell into thought again.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
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Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Thin, silver rays of light slowly touched down upon the floor of the small den that had sheltered him through the night as he'd dreamed. As though mother earth herself had extended a finger to slide down his face in order to rouse him, the gentle shadow of a man awoke to a most serene morning. Shadow cloaked the forest, and as he emerged from the denmouth his attention was drawn to the canopy of the cedar forest, glowing pale in contrast to the violet hues of the sky. Stretching the muscles of his back and neck, and not without a worthy yawn to greet the day, Kade set out on patrol.

Checking and reinforcing the borders was actually something that the male looked forward to. On the one hand, the act allowed for his acquaintance with the territory, and on another hand, it did instill in him a certain sense of pride; knowing that he belonged to someone, much less a <i>family of someones</i>, and was an integral part in keeping them safe and secure gave him purpose and a reason for being.

And so it was with the upmost discipline that the guardian made his way, sniffing here and pawing there as he went. By now the sun was well in the sky, which was mottled by an array of shades-of-grey clouds, and the forest was bright, beaming. The coming turning of the seasons could be felt in his bones - with what could have been the worst of winter behind them all, the days to come would be a vehicle of change, he was sure. After all, wasn't that all anyone could ever hope for? he thought.

...And then a most familiar scent would cross his path. Halting to survey the air, he both surprised and excited to come upon Trisden, who'd made such a memorable impression. Quietly the man pushed foward, and where the forest became thin he'd found her. The tawny girl before him, however, was quite different than the young lady he'd first met months before. A breath of maturity to her gaze as she peered at the snow, her eyes told of a girl who was looking for something without having known what it is she sought. A frown settled upon his face as he watched quietly from a distance for a moment. Briefly, he drew a parallel between Jaysyek and her daughter...They were certainly similar in their pondering.

The black and silver man approached without further hesitation, adopting a slow and steady pace. Cautious not to invade the child's personal space, he called out softly to her.

<b>"Good morning, Trisden."</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2012, 06:46 PM by Kade.)
Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Trisden Lyall
<blockquote>Having spent much deliberate time on her own since returning, Trisden was actually rather surprised to find herself with any company. Perhaps it was her own prejudice, but she was in a state of limbo regarding what she did and did not deserve, and the friendliness of others was one such curious matter. There were no satisfying answers to her questions, though. Only more questions.

Her eyes widened at his voice, and she turned her head automatically to stare at him, the man who also stood in effective limbo; a man whose face and scent she knew well, knew for many months now, but whose heart and mind she was unclear. He closeness to her mother was evident, and Trisden did not begrudge her parent that. But Kade was a strange person to her, a vision of security but also mystery - but in the end, her ignorance was her own fault. She could not deny her own reclusiveness.

<b>"Good morning,"</b> she echoed, a little emptily. <b>"... Kade."</b> Should she avoid her gaze? But she could not help but stare at him, suddenly overcome by the desire to make this small thing right, to get to know the man who cared so much for her mother. To think that Hocus had once thought the wolf evil. They had been such children, then.

<b>"Are the borders quiet?"</b> she asked, a dull topic, an easy topic. Perhaps he was just passing through. Perhaps he would not have time to talk with a girl such as she.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
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Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Ears foward, now erect at the sound of the young Lyall's words, the dark man didn't move a muscle as his greeting was returned. The chasm of her voice was not quite what he had expected from the bold child, <i>the boldest</i> of the Hollow pups...It was not until her question was posed that he reflected on the change, wondering what could be weighing on her mind.

<b>"They are..."</b> he replied reassuringly, his lips curled slightly into the makings of a smile. Realizing that she may not understand what exactly that meant, he continued with some clarification. <b>"...Well, <i>they are secure</i>, anyway...There has been an increase of activity, but some of the souls who had lingered along the outskirts of Cedarwood Forest have since been accepted into our ranks."</b> Such an adult conversation...It seemed strange that Trisden was on the other end of it, but a part of him was very proud of her.

Prudently, he would advance only a few steps closer before settling, admiring the texture of the snow as it held his prints before rolling to his haunches. Calmly, his silver eyes would look to the morning sky in admiration, noting the way silver clouds seemed to melt into the warm, violet and blue background in which they were suspended.

The beautiful sight, however, did not distract him from the fact that she was out here alone in a state of disinterest. In a way he could identify with the isolation - sometimes solidarity could be comforting, and beneficial when he had a lot on his mind. Though a part of him felt like a puppy again, nervous to reach out to a potential friend, another part felt as though he should <i>at least</i> be the adult and make an attempt. After all, she <i>was</i> family to him, and he <i>wanted</i> to get to know her. He hoped she might feel the same.

<b>"...May I ask what brings you here, so early in the day?"</b> He was genuinely curious, and hoped that his sincerity had been carried by the tone of his voice. Plush tail wrapping around his haunches, the male calmly slid to his belly, which tensed for a moment as it first touched the snow.</blockquote>

Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Trisden Lyall
I'm sorry this is turning out a post-a-week deal - so busy in the weekdays! Its okay if I bump this to after the pack meeting, so they have more to talk about? I'm really thankful to you for joining, btw - and I love Kade, like you have no idea <3

<blockquote>She was bizarrely pleased when he stopped to answer her question, a more elaborate reply than she deserved, and her respect for the man grew. He was kind, patient, and made her feel at peace; everything she got from her mother, and nothing she did from her blood father. Abruptly, she wished that Kade had been the one to form Grizzly Hollow with her mother. Then Prosper would not have died, he would not have vanished, her mother would not have been heartbroken - and, perhaps, the evil would never have reached Trisden. Maybe even Theo would have still been alive. Everything would have been different... better.

Though she usually maintained airy indifference to Borden, suddenly she felt a spike of resentment. Why couldn't he have been Kade?

Having nothing much to say about the new arrivals, for it was not her business - and evil was not able to taint the Hollow, anyway, so she was safe - she nodded dumbly in response to his report, watching as he took a few steps towards her. She marvelled at him as he stopped, then, joining her in her peaceful moment, and she found that she did not mind. This man she barely knew, yet she was comfortable with his presence. Perhaps that was why mother had elevated him? She watched him silently, watched the subtle discomfort and hesitation on his face, wondered if she had imagined it. His question was out of the blue, but suited the situation, and she showed no surprise at hearing it.

<b>"Thinking,"</b> she said quietly, her tone honest but carrying a hint of closure; she did not especially want to discuss what weighed on her mind. So she made the effort to change the subject - and despite that, her face did light up a little as she spoke, the sentiment not forced at all. <b>"Congratulations, by the way. I'm glad that mother isn't leading alone any more."</b> Tradition dictated that the leaders ran together, bred together, but Trisden hadn't gotten the impression that Kade and Jaysyek had done anything more than agree on a business deal - or had the sterility of that particular announcement just been due to not wanting to upset Borden? Trisden could not sympathise with that. Borden could go dance with the devil for all she cared.</blockquote>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
No worries, it happens to the best of us, right? After the meeting sounds perfect :) And thank you so much, that's really sweet. I am glad to have found you guys, and I'm glad you enjoy having me around because I don't know what I'd do without all of you. ;) And P.S.: My muse committed suicide long ago, so I apologize now.

<blockquote><i>"Thinking,"</i> was the princess' response, and a riteful one. The golden hues of her eyes seemed to sparkle as a diamond would in the sunlight, though he could be sure she'd not allowed them such an action. Before the man could inquire further, the young Lyall would offer her congratulations, something he certainly did not expect. As blood rushed to his cheeks, the dark figure would catch himself as he was inclined to allow him gaze to fall to the ground shyly, contrarily holding eye contact with the youngster.

In all honesty, his ascention had been a source of stress, and outlet for Borden and Kiche's open ridicule. Many days, the division within the pack was a constant reminder that matters were not in order as they had been, as they should be, and - it dawned on him finally - <i>as they never would be again.</i> Grizzly Hollow was toxic, and although he knew the circumstances were not forged from his fault, the man felt as though it was he who should be cleaning up the mess, as though it were one of his duties now. The adverse thought, however, was only that - a thought - and was swiftly forsaken as he found himself remantled by the cunning hope displayed in the child's thoughtful eyes.

<b>"You and me both,"</b> he returned, <b>"and thank you."</b> <i>Thank you for your support, thank you for your discretion, thank you for your acceptance </i>were all things he could have outed to her, but the weight those words carried were not for her shoulders. <b>"I am thankful that her burden is lessened, and hope that, in the coming days, Grizzly Hollow may benefit from my service."</b> It was a distant hope, and one he'd almost declined to entertain. The sooty male would grow quiet briefly before pursuing a casual inquisition about Trisden's silence at the meeting. Perhaps the small talk would ease her mind.

<b>"I took notice to your silence the other night..."</b> he spoke, gently gulping down whatever awkwardness may have remained between them. <b>"Perhaps no role interests you?...No doubt the pack would benefit from your resilience and sharp mind..."</b> There was no denying who would inherit the kingdom of Grizzly Hollow, in such circumstances. But it was obvious that the girl was on the edge of something bigger than herself, or her pack - on the verge of some revelation that had been weighing on her mind.

The man's ears slid forward curiously.</blockquote>

Played by Siki who has 152 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Trisden Lyall
<blockquote>His touched reply brought a small smile to her face, and she was pleased that her support meant anything at all. As he spoke, her respect for the man only grew; here he was, doing everything for her mother, just as it should have been. Borden and Kade continued to grow leagues apart, and Trisden did not regret where she stood in it all. Her smile deepened at his comment regarding the Hollow needing his service. Oh, it did, perhaps more than he knew. Surely he did not doubt the good that had come to this place because of him?

In the coming moments, he shifted the topic, and she instantly regretted not saying something further on the matter of his ascension. Her ears twisted back in discomfort, in parallel motion to Kade's which turned forwards, and she momentarily considered brushing the topic aside. But that would go against the respect she had just declared for the man. No, she could not dismiss him; he deserved more than that.

Her breathing became deeper, more controlled, and she looked away again, returning her eyes to the sky. It was easier that way. Resilience. Sharp mind. Feh. <b>"When I was younger, I wanted to be a Guardian. I only wanted to protect my family."</b> She fought hard to keep the pain from her voice, but though she had learnt much of putting up emotional barriers, she was no hardened ice queen; she was still such a child, and it pained her to know that. <b>"But then..."</b> She hesitated, and her bright, sad eyes turned to Kade, seeking comfort, strength. That it still haunted her after so long was both a curse and a blessing. She never wanted to forget, never wanted to let her failure be forgiven through nothing but the passage of time.

<b>"Do you know what happened to Theo?"</b> she whispered, the name nearly catching in her throat. She had no idea if Elettra and her mother had been frank about her brother's demise. Did Kade know the terrible truth?</blockquote>