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Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
Rios was a sly wolf. He knew what it took to make his way to the top. He also knew the male above him, <i>Vander</i>, wasn't as strong as him. Rios was a strong fighter and now that his shoulder had fully healed, he was ready to take on the older, cream pelted male. He lifted his muzzle into the air and howled, summoning Vander.

He barely knew the brute but that didn't matter. He could care less about the male as long as he stayed on the leaders sides, for now. All Rios had to do was play nice and work his way up. He called for Vander again, getting a little impatient. He stood there, ready for the challenge, as he waited.
Played by - who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

He was slowly getting into a rhythem of daily life in a pack again. It was to have a fuller belly, and also to catch food to store. He wasn't very familiar with anyone yet, but in time he hoped that would change. He was sure there would probably be little ones to protect, and feed he was doing what he could until then.

He was strolling along the stream, enjoying the quiet song, and how the sun was warming the earth up. Spring, not quite his favorite season, but it appealed to him. Winter had gone on too long for him. Now, to see signs of things awakening it put him in a good mood. That was until he heard someone bellowing for him, not once but twice. Already someone was wanting his place? This would be interesting. He was not eager to heed the call. It wasn't the best way to be summoned, but he did want to defend his rank.

The blond male followed his ears, letting his large paws fall upon the ground in a slow march. Better to get it over with. He looked bored on the outside, but his golden-green tinted eyes were alive, sweeping around the landscape in case this brute did not play fair. He made it in one piece, sizing up the dark male before him. His fine colored hackles slowly began to risealong his spine, withers, and skull. He his lip would curl to reveal his large teeth, and a deep growl sounded in his throat. He was not going to hand anything over. He loomed forward, widening his frame, and protecting his delicate neck. Ready or not.

Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
Thanatos waited as patiently as was possible for him. He tried his best, but he wasn't a very patient wolf by nature. He growled softly, wondering what was taking so long as he became more and more impatient. Finally, the older wolf showed up. <i>Took long enough.</i> Rios wanted to say that but knew it was best not to if he wanted to gain the other's trust and respect. The cream male appeared to be bored based on his facial expression. If the challenge bored him so, why didn't he just give up his rank and leave it at that?

The cream male was roughly the same size as Rios. Vanders hackles rose and a growl escaped between his lips that had formed into a snarl. Vander was clearly not going to back down easily, but now that Rios was back to full health, he felt prepared to finish the challenge quickly. The other male widened his frame and protected his neck, ready to fight.

Rios let his hackles rise as a snarl formed on his face. He let out a low, menacing growl. He felt his muscles tense up as he prepared himself for the oncoming fight. <b>"Vander I challenge you for your rank"</b> It came out more as a growl than anything else. Rios gave Vander a moment, in case he decided to change his mind and back down without a fight. Figuring he waited long enough, Rios lunged for the wolf. He tried to bite down on Vander's shoulder, hoping to get a good grip on him. He lifted up a paw, trying to claw at the cream chest.