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Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sorry, I was busy. Trying to sneak one in.

A smile was returned. This is what Fallen wanted. Not an answer of wise returns. No. Just a smile or a laugh. This told the brute that she was not all businesses. His smile slowly faded as she asked a question. The thicket was a good home. Full of fresh prey, especially with spring around the corner. But a pack was what he needed.

Again, he thought his answer through, contemplating what to say, and how to say it without possibly offending anyone. <b>"I-I am afraid no one will have me. Possibly leaders would deem me unworthy to be in their pack with wolves who have been in a pack throughout all their life. I have been in a pack, but only in a few months, before my parents got challenged and defeated..."</b> he admitted honestly. This was the truth, the honest truth....
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He stumbles over his words, though quickly corrects himself despite his hesitance, explaining it all. She nods delicately, her ears falling back for a moment and her thik hips shifting her weight as she still stood. ”Only a few months...?” It was repeated of what he had said, as though she couldn't believe it. She would take another sniff of him and she was right in believing he could not be far from her own age. Only living a few months or more in a pack before living your whole like as a rogue must have been hard, mainly when starting off as a child. Surely, he had quite a bit of survival skills, to live this long as a pack animal all on his own, but, too, it was unlikely that he had any knowledge of pack skills what so ever, other then what little he might have learned as a child so long ago.
Perhaps he was not adroit when it came to the workings of a pack, but he was a survivalist, a wolf whom had fought tooth and nail, struggling to live in the years he had remained as a rogue. It meant he was tough- it was meant he could take a lot and enough to dish it back. The thought brought a smirk to her expression and once more her silver gaze found itself wondering him up and down in examination.

oh, its fine! :D
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fallen nodded, surprised that Elettra who seemed kinda hard to get to, was amazed or well surprised too. After all the talks of pack joining and seriousness, he wanted to end the talk on a happy note, and he still needed to do something. <b>"Forgive me."</b> he said, blinking slowly and offering a smile. <b>"I haven't introduce myself yet, huh? My name is Fallen. And yes a few months when I was a mere pup."</b> He said confirming her disbelief.

He disliked too much talking, talking wasn't bad just not his style. The art of talking provided many things: information the most important. But information, could be told as well through movements. He wagged his tail, hopping she would catch on. He hoped she wouldn't spot his scars on his flank, though. They were a reminder to him, of what his parents did for him, and how much he returned to them.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Small talk was certainly something Elettra cared not for, usually her interactions with others brief, if only because she merely passed by, or because she quickly got irritated with them and attacked. Much of her time, if with others, was because she was hunting with them, or treating them for injuries (lately, training them in the art of healing). Business, it seemed, was her main reason when it came to socializing- hunting, training, meeting others at the boarders, keeping wolves in their place....
However, here she was, standing before another man, black as the deep night, with a flower settled before his paws whom she had met within the heart of the meadow. “I admire your survival skills then, Fallen.” She speaks and, after a few moments of silence becomes them, he would offer a slight wave of his tail. It was a friendly gesture, playful even, and although Elettra could 'sometimes' be friendly to others (as she was now) rare to none did she ever allow herself a moment's peace to play. Such a thing was above her, something of which Elettra did not hold the pleasure of doing as a child. Her strict up-keep did not hold room for such things, and so, only did Elettra in response turn one of her ears back, her head offering but the slightest of tilts. What was this....'play'?
(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2012, 01:25 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He bowed his head. <b>"Thank you, my lady."</b> He said, trying to change the title that arttelE deserved. And ''lady'' seemed most deserving. Then it seemed that a on the lady's face befell a confused look-possibly from his playful gesture. And so a confused also befell upon his face. Specifically speaking- she did seem she had come from a strict family, but how strict were they when upon a gesture of playfulness, arttelE already had a confused and baffled look on her dappled face.

Well, he would handle this situation calmly. Of course, it is not one's fault how they are brought up, so then he tail drooped, but instead he would drop the small talk by more small talk, {which seemed to make no sense}, but he put it in action, then it's true purposes would reveal itself. <b>"Do you wanna race?" You seem to be on the swift side, Lady arttelE."</b> Bam. Handled.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Lady. It was a title that not only this male said, but a good handful which had come before him. Kanosak had said this. Valkyrja, and surely more in their wake. She had nearly become accustom to such a title and could only presume it had been handed to her ether by rank, or by her royal stature. His tail fell then, and hers would remain leveled, his own confused look offered in turn, but when he spoke, that single ear which fell back would perk once more, a small, subtle smirk pressing upon her lips. Was this a challenge? Be as simple as it may, none the less Elettra enjoyed challenges and would accept it with ease. “Oh yeah?” She allowed, her body moving forth a few steps closer to him, arching around his body as she would lower just the slightest, ready to spring. “Ever been to the blackberry fields? It's not far- first one to make it to the other side of the clearing wins.” But what they won was still left to be determined. She would have to figure something out, surely already that she would beat the man to the punch.
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
A challenge was sent back. For every wolf, Fallen met, he had a goal to do for them. For now, when he met Elettra, his goal was to get her to get loose and play. No matter how unfamiliar the word. <i>Oh yeah?</i> This was the beginning of a challenge and that was so ever the best. His goal was close. Even though, Elettra would only compete this one time, with him, then maybe, just the slightest chance, she'd do it with him once more. That made him satisfied.

Elettra stepped forward, her hindquarters weaving back and forth ready to spring at him. A smirk appeared on her face, and a grin appeared on his dark face. His grey ghostly eyes scanned her body movements, anticipating an attack, possibly a playful one, which Fallen guessed was rare for the lady who had stricken him with a serious demeanor. <b>"Are you ready...Elettra?"</b> Such no "lady" was acceptable for a race.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He questions, and she offers not an ounce of hesitance for the other black wolf. She would spring upwards as high as her back limbs might allow and towards him, her attempt to jump fully over the length of his body. But she would not stop here. She was ready for this race and in a burst of speed, once she landed, took off running into the direction of the blackberry fields, determined to make it to the finish line before him.
Perhaps a race was only such a simple thing, but it might seem that Elettra had grown more accustom to the more relaxing scene of the lands of relic lore. Hunting kept her adrenaline going, whilst searching for herbs took up much of her time, and the rest had been dedicated to watching her pack's boarders. However, the feeling of the wind through her molted black fur brought forth a smile from her lips as they parted for a pant, feeling good to just run and without a care in the world.
(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2012, 01:51 AM by Elettra.)