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Gone Huntin' — Lost Lake 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Hey guys! Let's get some food for our bellies! First round, everyone needs to post by 5th May at the very latest. We'll keep the posting order that you guys arrive in.
We'll also split into two teams, chasers and hunters. I'm thinking we'll have Naira lead the chasers alongside Athena and the rest of us will pounce? I'm thinking we'll head into the forest on the other side of the lake (away from Relic Lore on the map) and try to find a deer herd there.
Let me know if you are/aren't happy with that! <3

<blockquote>The morning sun shone brightly down upon the land. The lake before the dark beast glittered beautifully beneath the sunrise, each rippled casting its own sparkle upon the morning. The weather was warm, nice enough to sunbathe but today wasn't a day for rest. With his toe healing nicely and his run now in tact, it was time to hunt.

Though he had said nothing, his female was starting to sport a rounded belly. At night he often felt the wriggling and squirming from the life on the inside. Everyday it was becoming more real to him, she was to have his children but for now, he didn't think about the puppies; he focused on her, on their pack and their life here; for once he had no master plan, no out there ideas of how he would mould the future, instead he was staying firmly in the present, refusing to acknowledge what would happen in the next few months. He was going to be a terrible father, just like his was. He was a terrible mate, a terrible wolf in general but a father? No... out of the question.

He had snuck out before the sun had risen, irritated by the sore points in his side where his females children had kicked him all night; he was certain they did it on purpose, just to annoy him. Finally he had enough and slipped out, like a shadow, into the still night. Hours had passed as he sat and watch the lake dance beneath the stars and eventually the sun. All around him the world was waking up, the distinct sounds of a few deer calling their young, of wolverines crawing to each other and birds greeting the dawn with a happy chirp.

With a sign to himself, he then tilted his head back and called forth to the members of his pack, his new family. It was time to hunt!
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Haha, why do I get the feeling the night kicker is Datura?

<blockquote>It had been another restless night. It would seem at least one of the critters in her stomach was a creatures of the night. Her mother had cursed her with little clones. She had heard endless stories about how her and her siblings had kept their parents awake, if it wasn’t one, it was the other... and as each day passed she was getting less and less of the rest she required.

It was no surprise when Rhysis’ call broke the still silence of the dawn. Pulling herself from the comfortable confines of their den she made her way to the lake from where he had called. Greeting her dark mate with an apologetic look and a loving nudge, she settled herself at his side to await the arrivals of the others. She had mentioned Vafri casually but to her knowledge this would be the first time they would meet. It should be interesting to say the least.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
It was only moments after the male's call that the dark shape snaked from the rocky den site, silhouetted against the pale light of the barely risen sun. Her paw-steps were fleet, and as she would follow the Poison Path out of the shadows of the sanctuary of rocks the sunlight would catch her amber gaze and glitter it with gold. There was no sleepiness to behold in her just-woken form: Ava <i>lived</i> for the hunt, and any call to order about one was certain to wake her in one second flat. Her loping pace slowed only once she reached the gathering near the lake, consisting yet of their leaders. Naira she would greet with a quick lick to the cheek, tail wagging gently through it remained low to the ground to show her submission - early morning + baby hormones = what? Ava wasn't too keen on finding out. To Rhysis (remembering his whole 'no touchy me' rule) she dipped her head, remaining submissive in posture, though a hint of a smile tugged at her dark lips and shone in her bright eyes. She couldn't help it the excitement.

Quietly she scanned the <span class='word'>aphotic</span> parts of the mountains where the huge shadows cast over one another until the sun was high enough to hide them away, awaiting the arrival of her other packmates. Athena she knew well, now, but Ava was quietly excited to see what they could make of their newest recruits. Hopefully, they would arrive sooner than later. Her black tail whipped behind her once while her pink tongue quickly snaked out from between her teeth, licking her muzzle with anticipation. The bloodlust was already growing within her.
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Dawn was fastly approaching, and with it came a howl. Chantille wriggled within the den, head lifting as her ears listened to her alpha's call. A small smirk played upon her maw as she slipped out from her realm of sleep and into the open. Briefly stretching, she soon began to trot towards the call, her eyes scanning around as she went along. Cream peltage would pick up the very first rays of light, casting an eerie pearly glow on her. As she approached the lake, she saw three wolves- Ava, Naira, and Rhysis. Tail wagging, she padded up to them, soon tucking her flocculent banner between her legs. Her body lowered and ears flattened against her head as she looked up to her fellow packmates. Dipping her head respectfully, she showed a great amount of submission to her new family.

Naira was getting round. The scent of hormones teased at her nostrils, and Chantille began wondering what sorts of herbs the woman would need to take for a healthy delivery. No time for that. She could feel the energy of her family begin to unravel, and like an aura, she was soon affected. A hunt was to begin. Oh, how she enjoyed the chase, the pounce...the kill. With an excited glimmer in her eyes, Chantille did would she could to prevent the film of bloodlust from covering her brown irises.

Looking to Ava, she dipped her head towards the woman, tail still lowered and wagging slightly. She could sense the excitement within the dark woman, and it seemed to bounce back and forth between the two. Looking back, she awaited the arrival of another packmate, Athena.

(This post was last modified: May 01, 2012, 07:47 PM by Chantille.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Her usual patrol had gone uneventful, besides from the usual stray of loner scent at some places. They did not bother her, however. If they were smart, they will not cross the borders or they will regret it. The unfamiliar scents faded as she made way up to her perch in the mountains to watch the sunset. Dawn was approaching, but she had got to her little perch early. Lying down to wait for the beautiful view to make its appearance, she could not help, but wonder what the others were doing. Naira would be defiantly patrolling and she could just see Rhysis chasing after her comically. A soft laugh filled the air as she thought of the funny sight. Her thoughts went back to what the subordinates could be doing. Ava for sure was patrolling or hunting, while the two newest members were a mystery. She just hoped they were caring their weight.

A masculine howl replaced the silence that was once around her. It was Rhysis, calling to all his members for a pack hunt. Finally. Slipping down from her perch, she descended down from the mountain, to were his voice led her. A good amount of time was consumed during her climb down the mountain and she started to fear that she would be late. She lopped down the last part and the lake was finally in her sights. She scanned the shoreline and spotted four pack-mates gathered. A sigh of relief was released when she realized that she was not the last one.

As she approached the group, her eyes first set on her two leaders adjusting her posture and tail as she approached them. She lovely gave Naira a nudge and lick on her tawny cheek, but as she turned to Rhysis, she was still hesitant to touch him. With his recent display of affection and support, she felt much better about his opinion about her. She then approached him also and gave him an unexpected nudge on the cheek. She assumed the others would hold their breath and watch to see if he lashed out at her, but she no longer feared that. A soft smile filled her face and she turned back to sit down with the group. Her eyes would then flicker to Ava first, giving her a bright smile before sitting down next to her. She looked over towards Chantille, giving her a polite nod and a soft smile.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry for the delay guys! This is before Vafri joined (as they're absent!) so it's the lady gang and Rhys this time around. :D

<blockquote>One by one they came, the females; surprisingly the most loyal of all females he had met. Most had been crazy, deranged, tried to attack him and ran off with their tail between their legs, but not these girls. They were fierce, loyal and just brilliant in their own rights. His female needed no telling how glorious she was, she made him smile, inside and out. Brought light to his life when there had been only darkness. They complimented each other than their own ways and he could no longer imagine his life without her.
Ava, the other shadow in their pack. He'd seen something in her when he had found her, a shadow of a wolf. He may have bribed her for loyalty, but she had gone above and beyond in return. He hadn't had much time to catch up with her since then, but her smell was always on Naira and as he had suspected, they must have been getting along wonderfully and he was glad for them both.
Chantille came next, the healer who had helped him over the mountains after his clash with Ice. She'd been quiet within the borders, but she had arrived in a timely fashion today. He would make a point of speaking to her again soon; it was always good to know more about your members.
Little Wolf came next, the warrior in disguise and his most prized member; the courage she had shown, not just on the battle field but in everything she did had warmed him to her. She was smart, sassy and bold as brass. As she approached him, almost cautiously he simply stood there, waiting to see what she was going to do. Almost shyly she approached and then landed her nose upon his cheek before she offered a smile and moved back to the group. He didn't snap, he didn't do anything but just gave her a nod. Though physical contact still wasn't his strong point, he had been getting better. Being back in a pack, instinct fulfilling its need did that to you.

Silence fell then as no one else came. Jedd had left now, but he was not forgotten and Rhysis, when things were more settled here, would be making it his mission to track down and kill the traitor. As for Fallen, the black male hadn’t been seen or his scent noticed in some time now. He could only assume the male had vanished without a word, but should he ever reappear, he too would have his head laid on a chopping block. With an inward sigh, he looked to the females gathered around him. So much for his glorious empire of warriors; they were all great in their own way, but it still wasn’t exactly what he had been dreaming of since he was a youngster… still, you made do with what you had. Rhysis was many things, but he was s survivor above all else and he always used what he could to his best advantage.

With his head held high, he began to address the members gathered before him. <b>”Thank you for coming ladies.”</b> he said, though he wished there was strong males in the group for him to address too. They needed strength, warriors…not a group of healers and a pint sized battle axe. <b>”It seems the males were no match for your feminine charms so we are all that stands Poisoned today. With that being said, there are less mouths to feed so every cloud, aye?”</b> he said with a roll of his shoulder before he looked at each of the females. <b>”So. Today we’ll split into two teams. Naira and Athena will be the chasers, myself, Ava and Chantille will bring down the kill.”</b> he said, glancing then to Athena giving her <i>the look</i>, in hopes that Naira would be safe. Chasing was the safer option for the pregnant female and so long as she kept her distance she’d be fine. <b>”I figured our best bets would be to head east, explore the forests further from the mountains and see what we can find there unless anyone has any better suggestions?”</b> he asked with a quirked brow. He hadn’t had too much time for food explorations but hoped that someone amongst them had something.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote> Even though she was half asleep she managed a smirk at Rhysis’s quip about feminine charms. She listened closely to his plan and her eyes narrowed, she even saw the look he gave to Athena. If he didn’t want her at risk why was she even called? She was beginning to grow frustrated by his overprotectiveness but today she would have another target to take her annoyance out on.

His suggestion to explore the forest more made sense. Perhaps they would stumble across more of those strange deer she and Athena had hunted together... Rhysis still hadn’t shown any sign of knowing of the little adventure they had shared... what had Athena called them? <b>”Mule deer... There were some tracks headed that way a few days ago...”</b> she mentioned with a casual shrug. She felt bad for holding the white wolf back from the attacking team, but with her speed she had no doubt the smaller wolf would find herself in the thick of it regardless.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Ava's head rose to the arrival of Chantille who surprisingly shared within her gaze the violence that Ava's own bright depths had. Strange, she had not expected at all for the submissive healer to fawn for the thrill of the kill, but perhaps it would make for great fun, so she awarded the cream-colored female with a crooked grin. The arrival of their pale second was next, completing their poisoned gathering as the sun dared to creep over the horizon. Her fur carried the scent of the mountain's cold stone; Athena was not one to let her duties end where the territory of the Lake's boundary did. She matched her brilliant smile and warmly welcomed the second's seat behind her. With the lady gang complete she turned her eyes upon their lanky leader, dark ears perked forward to his instruction.

<i>Ladies</i>, he addressed them, and she could not help but smile wickedly. Oh, they were a fine and handsome bunch, were they not? A group of she-wolves, loyal and fair. But Naira was head-strong and defended her borders with a level head and teeth when necessary. She had seen Athena's battle wounds and undefiable loyalty when the pale wolf had even shadowed her to Blackberry Fields, where <i>she</i> had watched Ava wrench flesh from the psychopath who had crossed her. Action had been little for Chantille, but it was not her fault, and she was certain by that wild look within her chocolate-colored eyes that she would show their enermies a ferocity when the time came. Part-time warriors, perhaps they were, but Ava knew of their strength: quiet, hidden behind the lacey mask of beauty, but <i>vicious</i>. Her smile could only widen as he spoke of their feminine charms, her tailtip twitching at the humor. Hopefully, he would not be disappointed by them today.

Though she had caught the look toward Athena when he announced the chasing team, she had to admit it was worth more than its face value. A wolf of great size (not speaking about merely the roundness of her belly, but her strong stature) would easily scare prey on the move, and Athena was small and lithe and could chase them both quickly and without easy tire. Ava and Rhysis had the advantage of blending in to the forests shadows for now, but the sun would easily rise soon and Chantille's help would be sorely needed. Within her mind she went over the inventory of creatures they'd find among their home, disregarding the mountain goats and stoats and hares for once. With their number they could take something much greater. Naira's lead piqued her interest; she had chased the weird looking deer only once or twice, as she rarely took to their side of the mountains, but they would be easier to find and kill than the elk that occasionally made an appearance at the bottom of the mountain.

"<b>With the greenery of spring in flourish the <i>unique</i> looking creatures will be easier to find,</b>" she stated with a nod toward Naira to show her support. She'd never fallen one before... oh how <i>exciting</i> that would be.
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chantille's tail-tip flicked happily as Ava threw her a grin. Looking to Rhysis, she listened to his words, soon letting a wicked smile come across her elegant face. She was enjoying being Poisoned. With a high of excitement flowing through her body, she looked to Naira, who spoke of mule deer. The creamy woman had seen those creatures only a few times- quite the unique set of antlers they had. They forked off one another, seeming to attempt to make up for the large ears they possessed. With the smirk still plastered upon her muzzle, she now turned her chocolate gaze to Ava.

Her head bobbed in agreement at the dark woman. She did not speak; for she would listen as to what her leaders wished to do. Stepping forward, Chantille could feel her muscles ripple beneath her smooth, well-groomed coat. She was gaining more strength as of recent- the mountains were giving her a workout. Chant had grown to be more agile, knowing how to scale across the jagged, dangerous rocks that the mountain contained.

Attempting to contain the excitement that burned within her, Chant began pumping her legs. A warm-up. Best to stretch her muscles, for taking down a large animal would be no simple task. She was glad that she was assigned the task of pouncer, though. Her fangs and jaws missed the feeling of snapping onto a creature and holding on for dear life while you took theirs. The heavy breathing, the flow of adrenaline through one's body. It all seemed to happen so fast.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Sorry for the delay! I'm so horrible.

A grin appeared on her maw when Rhysis mentioned their lady gang. It might not be the pack that he once wanted, full of fighters and tough guys. Instead, he got a bunch of loyal-ass females. It is better than cowards that are like Jedd, who run away when they hear bad news. However, it would be nice to have testosterone in the pack.

The look that she got from Rhysis did not go unnoticed and she understood fully what he wanted her to do. Look after Naira and make she does not do anything stupid. Which was hard to prevent, nowadays. Chasing crew fit her just well, even though she would have liked to be apart of the take down crew, but oh well whatever Rhysis preferred. Being as loyal as she was, she will not be arguing.

So the target was Mule Deer. How nice. An animal Athena was partially fond of and used to. She had hunted some with Naira and they succeed and thankfully without any harm done to themselves. Rhysis would probably still be furious if he found out that she let Naira hunt, but luckily, Naira did not feel like being yelled at either.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||