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You're starting to sound like some Wes Carpenter flick or something — Darkwater Rapids 
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Played by becuffin who has 9 posts.
Diego Archer
You hear a scream in the dead of night -- is it a coyote, or something else?
Have a little faith in me
Diego Archer

Diego had followed the boy further and further north. Sure it seemed odd that they hadn't found his pack yet, but at least, Diego tried to reassure himself on a daily basis, he hadn't just left @Sachiel to the cat.

Speaking of the kid, he hadn't seen him for a few hours. Brows drew down over amber eyes as he peered towards the raging river, the sound of distant thundering falls clear in his ears as his lips drew themselves into an even tighter line. Surely not... No, no the kid was clever he wouldn't... would he?

The yearling was ripped from his thoughts by a blood-curdling scream, the fur along his spine rising in starled spikes as he darted towards the sound without a thought, bottlebrush tail held level with his spine. "Kid?" he called with a strangled bellow. He had jinxed himself, hadn't he?

Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

Why was there so much screaming in the north? Sachiel was rooted to the spot, his mismatched gaze sweeping through the trees as he struggled to locate the origin of the screaming. Maybe venturing away from the vale hadn’t been such a good idea after all… something was lurking in the woods and the boy was not keen on finding out what was behind the scream. Was it that cat, back to finish the job? The tip of his tail had just finished healing, scars hidden behind a fresh layer of fur. He wasn’t ready to add more injuries to the collection. Not now, not ever.

A familiar voice captured his attention, causing him to stumble forward as he was realized from his daze. Somehow, in his wandering, he had found his way back to the amber-eyed Archer. A sigh of relief escaped him, but it was short lived. Diego had not made the sound—there was no way a wolf could make something so terrifying.

“D?” He called out, his voice small as it rang through the trees. 

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others