Lowering her head, slender limbs followed the bank of the shallow river Kaeruka had been using as a travel guide, toes sinking into the softened sand with each step and leaving behind a trail of pawprints in her wake. Typically the woman would have been cautious in regards to leaving such a blatant trail to follow, but the quietness of the forest she was leaving behind left her feeling confident nobody would dare be curious enough to investigate. What, a month or so had passed already since she first touched base within the Lore and only two other wolves had come across her path. Seemed like a pretty desolate place if you asked her.
Above a vulture cry had charcoal dusted ears pricking forward before pear green eyes shifted skyward once more to watch a duo of notorious scavengers circling just up ahead, piquing not only the tawny wolf's interest but that of her stomach as well which grumbled loudly. Vultures usually meant a carcass and that meant food. It couldn't hurt to see what the fuss was about plus it was probably for the best that she get a solid meal in before beginning her ascent. Not only would she need the strength, but who knew how long the trek would take and how abundant if at all a food source was once she was within the confines of the rocky heights.