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Those who dance in the shadows — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Sunshine who has 59 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate

Olive green irises peered out over the quietness of the meadow from the safety of the receding treeline in contemplation, charcoal dipped ear twitching briefly. Kaeruka wasn't sure exactly how long it had been since her travel-weary paws managed to drag her back to the lore, but here she was again in the dead of winter. Luckily, though, it seemed mother nature had decided to take a small break from the near-constant onslaught of snow these past couple of days. Now was the perfect opportunity to explore the area a bit more.

The tawny female took another swift glance around the meadow before daring to remove herself from the shadows and into the glorious warmth from the rays of sun that shown down, causing the snow underfoot to glisten like minuscule diamonds. An inhale revealed no strangers in the direct vicinity and a small herd of deer just to the north of her current position, but even Kaeruka was smart enough to know others of her kind had passed through this area recently enough. What could attract them here?

Word Count: 179
Commision by Kumiho-kami
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
He and @Avella were on track for making their claim official the ensuing month, and he wanted very much to keep it that way. As such, Scully was busier than he had likely ever been before in his life. Ensuring that their presence and intentions were clear, contributing to the food supply, searching for others that might be willing to join the cause - it was the most responsibility he'd ever taken on by choice.

The man had to admit, he was looking forward to getting a chance to ease back and take a break, especially given the time of year that was coming up.

He prowled the meadow for large prey and other wolves alike, and spotted the mottled woman in the distance. Bingo. Scully let out a few amicable and loud barks, sure to carry over the length between them and make his presence clear. A casual trot brought him gradually to her.
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2022, 04:20 AM by Scully.)
Played by Sunshine who has 59 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate

Idle daydreaming and whatever thoughts danced through the tawny woman's mind were soon shattered by a series of loud barks that echoed across the meadow, signifying not only that solitude was something Kaeruka would not be graced with today but also the impending approach of a stranger. Ah, perhaps this was an owner to one of the various scents that lingered about the area. Not quite strong enough to raise suspicions in regards to potentially trespassing marked borders, but enough to keep one on their toes regardless.

Charcoal dusted audits momentarily pinned themselves back as Kaeruka's gaze swept over the expanse of the meadow to pinpoint where exactly the barks originated from. Across the way, an advancing silhouette of black and silver stood out starkly against the pale, ivory backdrop of snow sporting a pair of eyes equally as light. This stranger was a young male the woman could easily assume to be around her age with a build just slightly larger than her own, but not by much. Clearly in good health.

Inky lips released a chuff acknowledging this stranger as he approached while ensuring her frame maintained a neutral stance, olive green irises curiously studying him. "Hello there."

Word Count: 200
Commision by Kumiho-kami
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
The closer he got to the other wolf, the more deeply one thought in particular sunk in; she sure was a pretty thing, wasn't she? Scully's tail wagged behind him in arcs, flagging his friendliness while a crooked, toothy grin greeted her from his masked face.

"Hey," he returned, before testing the waters with a simple and innocuous inquiry, "What brings you to my little neck of the woods?"

Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Played by Sunshine who has 59 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
The closer this stranger drew toward her, the more Kaeruka noted minute details about him. Now it was more clear to see the dark mask that cloaked his face, highlighting the brightness of his silver-toned eyes that almost seemed to glow against the darker complexion that surrounded them. Mentally she admitted he was quite the looker, but that was neither here nor there.

Soon enough, though, her greeting was returned with one of his own followed by a few arched swishes of his tail in good nature before inquiring what brought lil ol' Ruka into his neck of the woods. Creamy shoulders gave a nonchalant shrug while her gaze roamed about the general area before settling back upon him. "Oh, y'know. Just thought I'd come to admire the view is all." A hint of playfulness laced her words as they fell from her lips, even a faint chuckle happening to slip while her own tail began to sway behind her.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
She answered him with levity, and he was glad enough even if all he so far learned was that she was, indeed, up for a friendly if not playful chat. Maintaining his own smirk of a smile, his tail continued to snake through the air, moving with restless energy. With naught but a glint in his eye he stepped forward, aligning himself alongside shoulder to shoulder. Close enough to capture their body heat in the air between them.

His silver eyes did a quick pan, a soft "hmm," humming from his lips as he considered things from her vantage point.

"Seein' anythin' worth stickin' around a while for yet?"
Played by Sunshine who has 59 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
The sudden glint tucked neatly behind those silver eyes was not amiss by the tawny female as her olive green gaze watched his frame slip forward to leave but the smallest gap between their shoulders, the heat radiating from their bodies being in such close proximity quickly filling the space. A charcoal dusted ear flicked in the man's direction upon hearing him utter a soft hmm before giving her shoulders another nonchalant shrug at first to silently respond to his posed question while allowing her gaze to leave the dark complexion of his mask and roam over the quietness of the meadow.

Purposely she let her silence hang thickly in the air before daring to meet his pale gaze, the corner of her inky lips twitching ever so slightly in an urge to smirk and break her honed composure. "There may be something worth hanging around for, I haven't decided yet." If one listened closely enough they could draw out the mischievousness that floated about the airy, feminine tones of her voice, russet tail giving an alluring sway off to the side. Little did he know, two could play this game and it was always better to play with someone else.
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2022, 05:26 AM by Kaeruka.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
She teased him by remaining aloof while providing the fishing line with soft, enticing tugs. His own lips lifted with unabashed ease, teeth showing through a wry grin that he'd learned often conveyed boyish charm and could frequently get him his way in the right company, which hopefully the beautiful woman was.

"Maybe I can help tip the scales," he all but purred the offer, "at least give ya enough reason to pause?"

What better personal guide to Southern Eden than a born-and-raised Archer?

"Lands got plenty to offer."
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
A nearby creek is full to the brim with fish. +3 Health
Played by Sunshine who has 59 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
So it would seem that this was indeed a game for two as charcoal ears drank in the purred words that he graciously fed Kaeruka, making the two of them come off as quite the interesting pair of players. Despite the flirtatious nature in their exchange, perhaps this was exactly the opportunity she was looking for. Meandering about such a massive terrain with hardly any intel was quite a nuisance if you asked her, yet here she was being served a knowledgeable guide on a silver platter. Only an idiot could pass that up right?

"I have no doubt about that." The tawny female hadn't set paw in this place for very long, but she could guarantee already that she wasn't disappointed. Yet. "Perhaps we could even share a bite to eat while I take a pause."