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Atlas Valle
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.... ooc name: Moonwings
.... current characters: Indigo (not born yet), Mouseling
.... how you found us: Been on the site half a year now
.... your character's initial fight stats: Pup
....a role play sample (200+ words):
Atlas watched his sisters scuffle on the other side of the clearing surrounding their den. He had just finished cleaning himself off from Kalysta’s attempts at dragging him into play. She seemed to have the most energy of all of them, despite her blindness. He was one to let her win, but he knew from experience Hera had no qualms about fighting just as hard as Kalysta.
He stared off into the bramble and low foliage that surrounded their den, kept them safe. He could smell the life teeming in the forest and his paws itched to go explore. He had received one warning already about wandering off when they were supposed to stay close to the den, but it did little to hinder the thoughts racing through his mind. He wanted to chase the sounds of chittering birds deeper into the dappled trees.
As the yips behind him turned whiny and pained, he lowered his head and sighed. Their babysitter emerged with a stern warning toward the middle sibling, who protested in return.
He glanced back and watched Hera be scooped up and deposited a taillength away from Kalysta. Soon enough the wolf watching them turned to him and barked an order to return closer to the den. With a grumble, he stood and padded back to the hole in the ground, received with a tug on his ear from one of his sisters.

and finally a bit about your character...
Atlas has been independent ever since he was able to crawl. As a pup, he explored the den chasing every sound and interesting smell. He would toddle off into the brush, only to be redirected back to the den by his mother and father. This independence is paired with an extreme wanderlust, a desire to explore the lands of his pack and beyond. From the outside Atlas appears quiet, withdrawn, and listless. He may pace when not allowed to stray. There is always a restlessness in his paws.
He does not feel a close bond with his family, though he loves them. He can be narrow minded and only think of his own needs, and not the needs of his pack. Atlas feels out of place, wrong in a way he cannot quite place. This has led to some shame in himself, but more so a stronger desire to lose himself in the forest’s embrace.
He is gentle, but not always kind. He does not like arguments or violence, and will often flinch or flee from such things. His words can have a bite that he does not intend, but is still there nonetheless. He will apologize if someone is visibly upset, but doesn’t understand why his words can hurt others.
Hey Moonwings! Before I can accept Atlas I just need to know where you want your stat! Every pup gets to pick 1 stat (CON, DEX, STR) to put 1 point on -- the others will be 0 until your pup becomes a yearling.
[Image: EMlxZQq.png]
(Jun 05, 2024, 07:33 PM)Torianna Wrote:  Hey Moonwings! Before I can accept Atlas I just need to know where you want your stat! Every pup gets to pick 1 stat (CON, DEX, STR) to put 1 point on -- the others will be 0 until your pup becomes a yearling.

I'll put it into DEX