Christmas RE from here! Gor anyone, just wanted to get it up & I'm super late.
The Coho pool was a favored little spot close to home. A small fall, but the crinkling waters still put Ozark's mind at ease, even if it was not quite the same as the crashing of waves. Though she missed the open seas, in ways the forestry teeming with freshwater was something which Ozark had come to love all the same. It was no wonder her father had found himself coming back to these forests and a good thing, lest she and her sister never been born!
This afternoon, with the crisp winter air yet the warm sun on her back, she toyed around in the shallows of the icy waters. Below, many little pebbles lie under the frozen surface further out. Ozark knew well enough they were eggs of the salmon, one of the best times of year during spawning season. One day, these eggs might turn into big ol fish and she would eat them up.
Settling down with these thoughts as the day faded, she would only rise again to the sound of... what was that? She might have thought bells, if she knew what they were. When she opened her eyes to the new day, settled before her in a pile along the pool's edge were gifts! "Well I'll be black spotted!" She yips with a delight and begins shuffling though her Christmas gifts: A broken piece of a reindeer antler, hunks of dried meat from the same animal, a beautiful reindeer fur and, oddly enough, a conch.
This afternoon, with the crisp winter air yet the warm sun on her back, she toyed around in the shallows of the icy waters. Below, many little pebbles lie under the frozen surface further out. Ozark knew well enough they were eggs of the salmon, one of the best times of year during spawning season. One day, these eggs might turn into big ol fish and she would eat them up.
Settling down with these thoughts as the day faded, she would only rise again to the sound of... what was that? She might have thought bells, if she knew what they were. When she opened her eyes to the new day, settled before her in a pile along the pool's edge were gifts! "Well I'll be black spotted!" She yips with a delight and begins shuffling though her Christmas gifts: A broken piece of a reindeer antler, hunks of dried meat from the same animal, a beautiful reindeer fur and, oddly enough, a conch.