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OOC name: Tasha
Current Characters: Kiona
How you found us: I live here
Your character's initial fight stats: Already set
A role play sample (200+ words): The tracking of the herd. She had fallen into strange company, but that company enabled her better chances of survival, so she’d remained determined to keep it so long as it proved fruitful to her. Perhaps it was the echoes of her home, teaching her that survival came before all else. I will not die today. It was a mantra that had lived on repeat in her head since she had left home, as if every day was a victory she could rub in her parents’ faces… as if she could prove there was more to life than what they thought.

The grotto was a welcome change from the falls that they had passed by to get to it. The water rushing and cold, though it had been nice for quenching her thirst. She hummed gently as she looked out across it, the strong scent of prey filling her nostrils, and the sight of a few young deer looking their way… except they did not run as Kiona had expected, her mouth watering at the idea that they might be stupid enough to remain.

They began to move closer, the adults not yet having noticed their scent… or if they did, they were equally as oblivious. Her tail twitched, a quick lash as her eyes narrowed on it. How long could they keep her belly full for?
And finally a bit about your character... Seri's returned for a small jaunt looking for his daughter