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the wheel never stops — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Cade who has 613 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Second
Eros Valle

He let down the guardrails and the other party shut down, an extremely familiar consequence. Eros felt relief at his father's complete concession, but it was the only win, and stood starkly against the mountain of losses. In his own eyes though, despite Viorel's catastrophizing, @Ally's future was all the more secured now, no matter what choices she made. At this point, that was worth almost anything.

His co-leader's parting sentence made it clear that regardless of this outcome, the points Eros had been trying to make had been utterly lost upon his parent's ears. All he could muster was a breath out, something of a sigh, as he watched Viorel's back turn. A vivid memory came to him then, of asking his brother in childhood to leave with him to start their own pack in blatant opposition to his father's control. The problems they'd had then had been so much smaller, insignificant even in comparison. Yet there was this miserably sad, sinking feeling that their worlds could have been so much different, and better, if he'd followed that instinct.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda. The story of Eros Valle's life.