The meeting, almost as quickly as everyone had assembled and dispersed, had come and gone... and Veho made known the consequences that the pack would face in the wake of not just one upcoming litter, but three. In addition to his and Amaryllis' own brood, Oula and Pip were also going to bear cubs over the next few months. This was not Rook's main concern, however, and before he was going to let the Leader leave his sights, he chased after his superior. "Veho!" he barked, a whine slipping past his muzzle as he followed the ashen man through the evergreens and away from the pack den. "Veho, wait!"
Rook could feel the unbidden tears threatening to well up in his eyes. He knew he was being punished, undeniably scolded and chastised for his behavior; and, while he knew it had been his fault to assume, he had just one thing to say. This wasn't to say he wanted the last word on the matter, but he did hope that Veho would hear him out before they allowed time and distance to separate them. Whether the gray-pelted man stopped or not, Rook didn't mind, so long as his piece was said. Even if it was to the back of that pale head. "I wish you'd 'ave told me about leaving beforehand, but I understand that you're hurt." The words came out in pants, as though it had taken a great amount of effort to keep up from trudging about in the path already made before him.
His pace slowed and he sniffled once, his heart breaking in his chest, not from the scorn but his own doing. "If this sabbatical is what you need, I won't keep you from it. I won't beg you to stay, but I do want you to know that I am sorry for not seeking your counsel before everything happened the way it did... and, that, when you come back, I hope we can talk then."