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I'll Burn This Whole World Down — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Clear — Current Temperature: 57° F/14° C

<blockquote>Just when it would seem that his dreams had gotten the best of him, a touch of dawn's light ascended, taking the sky and touching the tops of the cedarwoods that sheltered the wolf. Waking with just one eye open, the male greeted the morning with a melodramatic yawn before proceeding to rub his face down the length of his forearms in an attempt to rid the corners of his eyes of the solidifying waste of his dreams' tears. He had been tucked away for the night in a crevace belonging to an eroded hillside, concave enough to hide him from the nightly winds that made their ways though the territory. Though out of sight, the site was not face from the dens of his superiors; he wouldn't want to stray too far, lest the pack have one less buffer between comfortable slumber and the world outside Grizzly Hollow.

Stretching his back and legs, the dark man shook the sleep from his body before surveying the weather. The skies were yet to embrace morning, still darker shades of pink, violet, and blue, with only scattered cloud coverage. No doubt, it was going to be a beautiful day, fit for activity, perhaps fit for a strong hunt. Looking first toward the shadowy west, then to the lightening east and north, the sooty brute padded southeastward, deciding on a large, neighboring clearing as an appropriate location. As his travels took him further from Cedarwood Forest, considerations of possible prey weighed heavy on his mind. Though smaller targets were attainable and convenient, a big kill would be most beneficial. Perhaps, he thought, a number of his packmates would join him. He and Jaysyek were certainly capable, but what could they accomplish if accompanied by one or two others? This thought brought the male to a halt, and he turned to look back on the path he'd forged; if any of his packmates were obliged, his trail was fresh. To avoid waking those who may still be asleep, a smooth, low howl called out briefly - an invitation.

Stealthily, Kade pressed forward, eyes and ears open as he traced his way to Hush Meadow.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 05, 2012, 09:36 PM by Kade.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Once more Elettra would push herself from the boundaries of her home, if not for the search of fresh herbal remedies (granted the winter season) then for food for her pack, as the second took it upon herself to often help feed and guard the children, where else she lacked in affection and play where the other second might harbor. Often if not always stern and serious, she moved with direct reason then endless and mindless wondering.
She would pass the drooping willows yet again, a place south of her home and favored in her mind, beautiful and elegant, with still the smell of cedar in the distance and the smell of the wild red flowers of the meadow just beyond. If she'd ever a plan for her own pack, should she ever find herself a man with the abilities to handle her often ruthless and picky nature, then it would be this place here. The woman was in no rush for children, but as the lands grew more and more active with rogue wolves, Elettra was both weary and anxious. For the moment, she was very much happy with her placement as Jays second, fiercely protective and devout.
In her roaming along the lands boarders, where she could see the fireweed rise glow of red in the distance and the meadow before her, she knew this land was perfect with open landscapes for hunting, a large body of water just near and a patchy canopy for the pack's own cover. As she watched, pausing in her search for food, it would be Kade which she finds first, just as he reaches his muzzle up for a howl. The dark woman would follow the black male's call with her own, low and growled with eagerness in acceptance for the hunt. She would approach him swiftly, her tail only but slightly raised, her ears perked and mainly she remained relaxed amongst her fellow member as she would silently come to his side.
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
Valtyr had originally come to this area to scout out the pack that lived nearby. Grizzly Hollow, he'd heard it called by other lone wolves. It was a small pack. It could use him. At least, the onyx brute hoped it could. Already he'd been a lone wolf far too long for his liking. His months of traveling by himself had taken its toll on his body, but with the assistance of some other loners he'd paired with, he'd managed to get some good meals in his belly. His strength was slowly but surely returning. His onyx coat, once dull and unkempt, was beginning to glisten again. Life was returning to him -- not only to his body, but to his heart as well.

Traversing along the edges of the meadow, but being careful not to stray into the pack's territory, Valtyr had been on the lookout for any small, easy prey he could take down himself for a morning snack. Just as the fresh scent of a hare caught his nose, he heard a male voice calling out, inviting someone to draw near. He forgot about the rabbit for the time being and focused on the direction the call had come from. Sampling the air, Valtyr realized it was a member of Grizzly Hollow who had called. Was the call for his packmates only? It did not sound like a specific invitation. In any case, the obsidian beast was more than ready for a pack again. He had intended to wait along the borders of the territory and wait for acceptance, but a chance like this would not easily come again.

He decided to take the plunge. Loping steadily in the direction of the call, it did not take long for his gleaming yellow eyes to see two wolves standing together -- a black male, like himself, and a multi-colored female. Deciding this distance was close enough for now, Valtyr threw his head up and called softly to them both to politely alert them of his presence. It was also a request to approach them. He made sure to keep his tail low, but loose, lowering his head once his call was done in a gesture of submission. And now, to wait...
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2012, 02:09 PM by Valtyr.)
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>His call was met by the song of the Second, a low, melodious tone; as she approached, the male's tail fell slightly, his conveyance of submission, to a level position, accordingly. Though the two had yet to form much of any bond, he was both glad and surprised to see her, a most able addition to the hunt. <b>"<i>Elettra Archer</i>, good morning,"</b> he greeted her openly, noting the silver hues of her coat as the sunlight fell upon it. He, himself, was not one for small talk, and unsure of Elettra's nature in the morning, he nodded his appeciation of her presence.

In a second his head whipped to the side in response to a call in the distance; the brute's silver eyes pierced a dark figure, and for a moment he faced the consideration that it may or may not be the female who he'd encountered a couple of times closer to home. Without lifting his gaze from the stranger, he waited, knowing it would be the wolf at his side who would address the wayfarer.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2012, 10:37 PM by Kade.)
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
"Kade." She nodded delicately in turn, his first name and only this, as only this is what she knew. Her pale gaze was a narrow, the new sun cast down upon them now that she was out from the shadows of the forestry. Flecks of silver and gold catch the light from the otherwise dark woman and she licks her creamy lips before her attention is directed to yet another. He is dark, as Kade, though there is a vast difference in size and where Kade's gaze is pale in silver-gray as her own, his is of gold. She takes a sniff, noting the Mackenzie blood which matched her own and she remains tense and weary at his approach.
He stops quite a way from them, offering a howl in request to come forth and join. It is not the first time Elettra has hunted with a stranger, even as a member of another pack and Elettra is willing for him to join. A hunt was a hunt and with more members, equaled a larger kill and a more likeliness of success. It is no surprise to El that they would run into a rogue, granted the influx of scents. Perhaps this way the pack would grow larger and stronger with an addition?
She noted that although Kade had called for this hunt, he awaited Elettra's answer as the second of the pack and so, with a lifting of her skull, did she call out in a low response. He was to join, if he wished, in the hunt. There would be no objecting the help of a rogue, mainly when life was already hard for one during the winter, she'd been in such a position before herself.
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
As Valtyr watched the two wolves greet each other, a slight twinge of jealousy plucked at his heart. He missed pack life. He missed the socialization and the way everyone worked together for the common good of all. But perhaps if he played his cards right with these two, he would be able to join their pack. The very thought made his heart beat faster and his breath quicken. He then realized both of the wolves in the distance had taken notice of him. The female then called to Valtyr, inviting him to come over. Slightly surprised that the female had called and not the male, the obsidian brute uttered a woof in response and started towards them at a quick-paced lope. He was elated.

Valtyr slowed and stopped before the two, keeping a respectful distance, his tail low and his ears facing behind him to express his goodwill. <b>"Good morning to you both,"</b> he said in his quiet, deep voice. <b>"Did I understand correctly that you mean to hunt this morning? If so, I will gladly lend my experience and strength to you."</b>

His gleaming eyes carefully studied the two before him. The female held herself higher than the male -- clearly she outranked him. They both appeared to be in good health. But it also would seem that neither were the alpha. Only slightly disappointed, Valtyr offered his introduction.

<b>"I am Valtyr Hanar Melian."</b>
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>Due largely in part to the suspicion that he had initially met when he'd first come to Grizzly Hollow, the coal coated male watched emotionlessly through narrowed, steele eyes as the rogue eagerly approached. It was not lost on him, however, that the stranger appeared healthy, and he would certainly not exclude him, as such, if El had no objections. Although the benefit of the doubt would be given, Kade would continue to watch him warily; he may not outrank Elettra, or be near pack territory, but he was still male - the only of the pack on the hunt today - and there would be no hesitation in quashing any foolery that may occur from and by the dark joiner.

<b>"That is our intention,"</b> he replied, briefly overlooking this Valtyr. <b>"Valtyr, I am Kade, and this is Elettra Archer."</b> It would have been rude not to introduce her, though in the back of his mind he was unsure how she'd perceive his ready response. In all honesty, there was a tinge of curiosity about the woman which he had yet to grasp. The ebony and silver brute did not intend to waste any more time; this was a golden opportunity to be seized, and now that the group was well-equipped, it was time to push forward. <b>"Come,"</b> he stated as he started toward the rising sun, yet to reach peak height.

The land had seemingly escaped from winter's hold, if only temporarily. Where, only days before, the ground and much of the vegetation had been covered by layers of ice and snow, now was largely thawed, spotted with scattered slicks of ice that remained. As he padded, bits of mud clung to the fur of his belly and thick legs, unnoticed. Here and there, he would halt to survey the air, a forepaw lifted thoughtlessly as he tracked the hunted - a small group of caribou, perhaps belonging to the horde that had migrated. There were several mature females, and fatefully only a handful (perhaps two or three) males, all yet to reach full maturation. The fawns - also more limited in quantity - were larger than he'd hoped, birthed in early spring of the previous year. Though they were initially targeted, it was the scent of an impregnated female that made his jaws water...She would fight fearlessly to protect herself, perhaps until the end; but if she could be taken down, her body would provide a greater amount of meat, and it was certain that she was healthy. Really, the entire pack could potentially be able to feed for several weeks, should she be compromised...

Hours had passed as he'd tracked the unsuspecting herd, which had now passed into a narrow gorge that was sheltered on one side by a steep, lone outcrop at the easternmost edge of the meadow. Kade's pace quickly slowed as he stepped lightly through a patch of conifers, their limbs obscuring the wolves from the afternoon sunlight. From this position, he was able to look down upon them, counting their numbers as he took note of each potential victim's position. Silver eyes darting calculatingly, his ambitions lie on the expecting mother who lacked a legitimate buck to protect her as she grazed the dried, dying grasses, her belly protruding. </blockquote>
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
He came then, trotting forth and happily at that, which pleased the dark tri-colored woman. Not only this, but his stance, respectful towards the two pack wolves, despite the fact that this was neutral territory. Everyone deserved respect, less that right be broken, after all. When he spoke, he introduced himself well and kindly, his deep voice a boom in her ears and his name was given by it's whole and near formerly, in which Elettra responded well to. Their was a more proper, respectful air to him, and power, by his obvious size.
Before she'd the chance to introduce herself, Kade had already done the bidding for her. She'd rather speak it herself, but did not mind, granted he had done well enough to mention her full name. Archer. It was a proud and well-known name in another place and although she spoke it proudly with the nobility it carried, she knew it meant little here, less she made a name for it herself.
"Valtyr Hanar Melian...." She spoke his name then, low and precise, in hopes she had gotten in right. She was good with names and faces, after all. "It is a pleasure." And with only that, her silver gaze would cast away from him, which had otherwise took the time to examine him up and down for strengths and weaknesses alike. Its then that she followed Kade, keeping silent all the white as they traveled for hours on end, without a word, as it was obvious her time was taken to examine Kade's every move. He'd done well in the pack thus far and, still she would watch him further to see how he would handle leading this hunt. She'd pause to stand by Kade's side, her eyes following his own to trail over the group of caribou down the gorge. Still, she said nothing, sure that Kade would lend direction when he was ready.
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valtyr Hanar Melian
((OOC: Val is presently a member of GH, but this is still backdated to his loner days. Just in case there was any confusion!))

Valtyr glanced among the two dark wolves, realizing just how many others there were in Relic Lore with similar coloring. It was surprising to him -- in the south, his black pelt had been a rarity. It was definitely not the case here. Perhaps it was due to the fact that it was far colder here and dark hides were needed to absorb the sun's rays, weak as they were in the winter. No matter, though. He listened carefully as the male introduced both himself and the female -- Kade and Elettra Archer. Strong, proud names to be sure. He hoped they saw his own as such. They both were appearing at least somewhat friendly, but very courteous. They spoke little, which was just fine with him. Valtyr himself was not a wolf of many words.

<b>"Elettra Archer, Kade, it's a pleasure to meet you both."</b>

As the three of then whisked away into the morning, the obsidian beast made sure to keep a respectful distance, letting the others lead while sticking close, yet not in a position that would be too familiar. He kept up well, despite still not being in completely optimal health. Well, who truly was in the winter, anyway? Valtyr knew his part, anyway -- keep out of the way and offer no advice unless asked for it. He was very sure he had more hunting experience than the both of them, but at this point, it was not important to boast it. This was their pack hunt, not his.

Valtyr stopped with the others, standing on the other side of Kade, but a little off to the side. His gleaming yellow eyes were doing the same calculations as the male beside him. Finding a good target was one of his specialties. He was quite <span class='word'>perspicacious</span> when it came to picking out a sick or elderly animal out of a herd. Sampling the wind, he noted a particularly large buck with advanced arthritis. He was old and his antlers were proudly large to state that fact. But he was also weak and slow. The three of them had a shot at him.

But he did not voice his opinion. Instead, he waited for either of the two others to speak.
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting, and for a post like this one :/

<blockquote>The silver tips of his ebony coat swayed with the breeze as the trio stalked from their position overwind of the small herd. He took notice of Valtyr's attention as it fixated on a fickle elder; <i>good eye</i>. Though it was not what he'd had in mind at the day's start, it could prove to be the easiest target to take down. Between the tree of them - dark dealers of death - he was confident Grizzly Hollow would not sleep with growling stomachs tonight.

The narrowing angle of the ravine would make for a clean ambush. With sharp focus and a glance to both partners, he withdrew to head silently back on their path. He would wait at the mouth to ensure the old man caribou would not slip past their reach, poised to deliver the killshot if need be, though he was quite eager to see how Elettra and Valtyr worked independently and together, and with him.

Triangle ears pressed to his black crown, the brute moved with a near-feline stealth through the foliage as he pocketed his way closer. With the plush of his tail level at his back, dark figure blended with afternoon shadow, he took position.</blockquote>