What was that unholy smell? She wiped her tongue on the roof of her mouth, letting it hang out. It was almost gag worthy. Surely she had never in her life got a whiff of the likes of it. When she searched all her memories she never thought her father had described something so.....over powering. So, gut churning. Had one of those boo things died? Or those stranger shaggy beasts? She'd figured they would have smelled like all other deteriorating carcasses. This was like...like twenty cougars had decided to piss in one spot or something.. But, what did she know? Zip. How easily she could have headed to the lake again, and have fresh air. Rem just had to know where it was coming from. What else did she have to do?
Long cream colored legs shifted course, where she would stop and take another breath. Deciding if it was stronger. "Ugh, yep." She wasn't sure this was worth satisfying her curiosity. Even if it was something dead, she'd never be able to eat it. This was better than waiting, standing around doing nothing. Forward, she went little by little making rather slow progress. Thankful at least the sky promised some form of storm, and may help clear the air.