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That Yummy Food — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fallen's mission was clear. Fallen felt hungry and yearned for the stray wild fruit. Blackberries, that sounded good. <i>Blackberries.</i> The word on his lips just made his lips water with delight. Now, he was stealthily stomping toward the bundles of bushes located at the end of the field. The field was considered dangerous for any animal, because of the wide area with a great view. A hunter could see you, and you would not see him as he was hiding in the bushes.

He felt tired from the long walf from Bramble Falls. Maybe he would rest in the comforts of the long grass, which would conceal him, not mattering on his pelt. He sat on his haunches, near a bigger stone and maybe he would take a few blinks.....
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
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Accailia Sora
Accailia had taken a few days to travel around Relic Lore when she stumbled upon Blackberry Fields. She decided she could rest here for a little while. Accailia walked closer to the bushes when she noticed a black male a little ways away. She slowly crept forward silently and examined him. His grey eyes stood out against his black pelt. He was larger than she was but he appeared to be a couple years older than her as well. As she got closer she made some noise as she walked, so she wouldn't scare him off.

Accailia was a few wolf lengths away from the male when she stopped and breathed in his scent. "Hello sir. I'm Accailia, It's nice to meet you." She sat back on her haunches, smiling at the strange male. She cocked her head to the side as she noticed the scars on his left flank. They appeared to be old and nothing to worry about. "What's your name stranger?"
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>A yearling.</i> He instantly took the smell, and by a turn of his head he immediatletly turned evaluated her as a juvenile. What was up with the newcomers now a days? Why did they just introduce themselves without considering the wolf might be hostile. It worried him. And sir? It made him feel so old. But since this femme seemed like a warm face, he would be nice.

<b>"No need for sir. It happens to make me feel old."</b> he chuckled softly. <b>"I'm Fallen. A Lone wolf."</b> He turned around completely, sitting back on his haunches. <b>"Be careful, there's maybe a hunter hiding. Stay low."</b> he whispered. Wait? Accalia? That made his heart pound. <i>Shoomp. Pound.</i>

It was his old friend....Lia.
(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2012, 01:49 AM by Fallen.)
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
She smiled at him and laughed a little. "Alright I'm sorry Fallen." Fallen, Fallen, why did that name sound so familiar? She shook her head, turning back to him as he spoke again. A hunter? Here? Accailia got low to the ground. She kept wondering why he looked so familiar. She figured it was because he kind of reminded her of her old childhood friend, he had the same name but there was no way it could be him.

She paused for a moment to breath his scent in and her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the scent. It was her friend Fall. She looked him over, excited. "Fall? Do you remember me?"
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fall? Nobody called him Fall, except LIa. A huge grin formed on his maw, as he couldn't help but jump, yelping. He spoke in excited bursts. <b>'Lia! Rememebr when you where born I was only 2 Years! Ah!"</b> It would take some time for the male to calm down. As he jumped so more, a hidden bird flew from the safety of a nearby reed bed.

That was a prey opportunity missed. He was hungry, but now the hunger subsided as he recalled the events with Lia. Wow! How had missed her and any friend that was traveling along with his. It was called a lone family pack in those days. It was a group of lone families who were traveling to the same area. Lia's family was in the group with them. Oh, good times. Fallen was the oldest "child" and he took care of Lia and the many pups.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
Accailia stared at Fall, surprised to see her old friend again, and that he remembered her. She assumed he had forgotten about her by now. He began jumping around excitedly. A large smile formed on Accailia's face as she attempted to tackle her old friend.

She looked back at all of her memories of the two of them. He was always so kind and willing to play with all the pups. He had clearly grown into a handsome wolf now. His eyes were still stunning, like always.
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Slight powerplay, if you don't mind. And sorry for the short post.

Accalia jumped and pounced on him, tackling him forcing him to stop jumping around like a deranged baboon. Again, Fallen had seen that at a zoo. What would Accalia be thinking? How he had grown, how he had reacted to his jumping.

Fallen felt his heart pounding, only his heart pounding in his ears, and his faint breathing. How was he so excited he felt like this? Lia was going to be excited too, when she finds out the wonders of Relic Lore and his mission for today.
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
Accailia nudged his nose with her own and licked his cheek, smiling before speaking. "I've missed you Fall. How have you been?" She wanted to know all about his life here in Relic Lore and maybe he would let her tag along for a little while.

"You have become a very handsome wolf Fall, I bet you have the ladies here all over you huh?" She enjoyed teasing her old. A large smile grew on her face as she playfully pinned him down.
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b>"Ah!"</b> Fallen gave out a short laugh indicating his disbelief. <b>"Obviously, you shouldn't say my name and handsome together in one sentence."</b> He spoke in a joking manner. <i>Unless</i> he thought. <i>You say "Oh Fallen, what a handsome rabbit you got there!</i> Mentally, laughing, he flicked his tail to leave the matter.

Now, what was his story that everyone had when they came to Relic Lore? <b>"Well. You know after my parents left me, I took care of my sister. Remember her? She died because of hypothermia. Then, I met this wolf. She became my best friend. Then I found Relic Lore, and I might want to seek a pack. Don't you see I'm getting awfully thin now?"</b>
Played by Lia who has 31 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Accailia Sora
She laughed at him before she spoke. "Clearly you haven't gotten a good look at yourself. You are a very handsome wolf." She smiled at him, teasing and being honest at the same time. She saw him flick his tail, it seemed he was getting a little annoyed. "I'm sorry Fall, you know I'm only messing with you."

So he's going to join a pack huh? It's too bad about his sister, but he seemed to dismiss it and moved on to talk about his friend fairly quickly. Accailia didn't remember his sister very well. "Honestly the only one I really remember is you. And yes, I did notice you seemed thin. Have you been able to get enough to eat?"