There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.
Not really sure what's gonna come of this thread, open to any packmates though! Maybe one or two?
Daesamar sighed softly as he caught his reflection inside the Tarn’s clear pool. The young wolf had been back from his little bout around the mountain for a day or so now, he wanted to be sure that the others knew he wasn't just going to vanish like others had. AT least, that’s what he himself was hoping he wouldn’t be doing. The trip along the creek, the mountaintop, and the falls had left him feeling an old familiar itch inside of his paws. The almost all-consuming desire to set his broad pads down on new roads. Something held him back though. The pack, the place he had called home, he didn’t want to abandon them, but could he do both? Explore a bit and still; serve the pack? That was his biggest fear, that he'd have to choose.
Not knowing what to do, he raised his muzzle skyward, howling out his stress and frustration. He called for someone, any of his packmates. Someone had to have an answer, at least he hoped so. One that could ease his desires to do both, because having to absolutely choose to leave the pack just to explore would tear the loyal tarn wolf apart, but could he also ignore this restlessness. He grunts and settles down, trying to ease himself by staring at his reflection.