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What A Beautiful View? — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Dusk; Clear — Current Temperature: 43° F

She ran

Bounding over boulders, sped around sharp corners, she was like lightning. One second you would look up and see the mountainside then look down and out of the corner of your eye; you would see a flash of white go by. You would look up and see the mountainside and nothing else. Nothing was chasing the white girl, she just ran. For the fun of it, to blow off steam, whatever the reason was. She just ran as fast as white lightning.

As she came to an outcrop, the one she always came to watch the sunrise and sunset when she was a loner. The view was amazing; you could see all of Relic Lore. Indeed, the pressure was high and the air was colder, this was still her favorite spot. This was the place where she met nellaF. The only wolf that she let her guard down with. He was the one she could call a good friend. Now, she missed his company. Well, him actually. His cheery demeanor, his shy conversations, and his willing to help.

She had hurt her leg when she foolishly jumped down a steep part of the mountain and landed on her leg wrong. She had sprained it, thankfully, she met ariaN, and she helped her leg heal. Now she can walk perfectly fine, besides her faint limp that she has because of her father. However, she is used to it, so it does not bother her one bit.

It was almost time for the sunset; the land would soon fall into darkness. That would mean she would have to walk back to her den in Swift River in the dark. However, she did not really mind. It was worth it. The white lady walked towards her usual spot on the outcrop and laid there waiting for the beautiful scene to come.
(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2012, 03:32 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oh! Do you wanna do this after Athena joined the pack, or before??? :D

The cold, winter air was too cold. Spring was returning in the farther regions of his home, Relic Lore. He peered cautiously at the ledge where he had fallen. Poor Fallen... And what was worse, was that he landed not on a big outcrop, nor did he fall to his death [ surely he's here now, how would he fall to his death?], he landed on a female. Athena, as in the Greek goddess. She wasn't a goddess, but her aura seemed as if she'd fallen from Mt. Olympus. She had told him that she loved this place, so did he. The view.... the higher than life elevation... the possibility that maybe you'd fall. Thus, you'd have to earn your way up here, just like Mt. Olympus.

Like something that seemed a ghostly phantom, scaling the whole mountain. A blur, it seemed as if she was speeding past. He shook his head, hoping the higher elevation he wasn't used to, wasn't make him feel woozy and hallucinate. He stepped forward, curios. From, a distance, he watched the blur turn to a white female, and she looked oddly familiar. Fallen, who just turned 4 years old, was beginning to get bad eyes. Cautiously, he inched forward and his eyes couldn't believe the sight.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The sunset would soon appear like every night. Every night and every morning was the same routine for her. Get up before any one else and travel to the mountains, find her spot and lay down to watch. After the day's events, she would go back and watch the sunset. Traveling home in the dark was the same old same old nothing was different. First one to get up, last one to go to sleep. Sometimes she liked this. It felt like she was keeping guard for any wolf that dare trespass. She would be the first to catch them if they chose the morning or night to invade.

The weird sensation of being watch crept over her petite frame and she glanced back cautiously to see if there was anything there. The wind was not in her favor and she foolishly did not think off keeping watch for herself. She would be in deep trouble if the creature that was watching her, met harm. She would either fall to her death or hold on to long enough for the others to come help her, which would be much longer since she was deep in the mountains.

Thankfully, her soft amber eyes fell on Fallen, the black male that she met in these very mountains. Moreover, an involuntary smile crossed her face as he stood there. He did not change much, but who really could in a couple of months. Indeed, he was skinny, but he was not starving skinny. He looked as handsome as ever, but Athena did not really pay attention to that. She moved over slightly over, making room if he wanted to sit or lay down beside her to watch the evening sunset in peace.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Since you've already put nellaF's joining a surprise, let's not talk about the pack, if that's okay with you. And plump, does not mean fat!!! XD

He offered a brief smile, now that his excitement was contained. anehtA-she didn't look as skinny as him, but she wasn't <span class='word'>pyknic</span>. As she slightly scooted over, he was delighted to join her to watch the suns bright rays set upon the great, abundant land. This was not a moment to talk, so he did not offer any words. His eyes scanned the ground, checking if it was safe, you know accidents can happen. He nodded, pleased as he jumped down, and lightly joining the female.

The silence was assuring. Assuring the way that, this was a peaceful moment and one to be treasured. Indeed, this mountain had a great view, and it was extra spectacular since many other creatures hadn't taken time out of their schedule to watch the sunset. Now, his eyes darted over to anehtA. She looked as stunning as ever, but considering the season she was plump, not skinny. He did smell other wolves on her, but since it was none of his businesses, he simply shrugged it off.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Ahahah xD she would so take that the wrong way too! & sure that's not a problem(:

Her smile widened as he finally jumped down to join her. She could not believe that he was actually here, but it was reassuring now that he was. She loved being in his company. He was always comfortable to be around and nothing was ever awkward for them. He was almost like the best friend she never had, but she has not realized this yet. In time, she will though.

The silence was like a peaceful blanket wrapped around them. Neither of them felt it was overwhelming. It just felt good to have peace and quite while gazing out into the horizon. Speaking of the sunset, it was finally making it's appearance, as beautiful as the morning before. Good thing she always spent her time here in the morning or she would miss out on such a beautiful scene.

As the sunset began to disappear into the darkness, she glanced back at nellaF to watch his expression. She wondered what he was thinking right then and wished that somehow she could be gifted with the ability to read minds. How amazing would that be. "Wasn't that just beautiful?" She said deciding to break the peaceful silence with her elegant words. She looked back towards the horizon where a moment ago the most beautiful scene filled the sky. It was sad how quickly beautiful things slip through your fingers before you get a good grasp on them.
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 03:32 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
XD You're so fast! Since everything is mirrored, I typed my name backwards! I think it would work....XD

Elegant words that were well-thought out was what nellaF appreciated. He thought for a moment to reply back cleverly. <b>"It's amazing how something quite so beautiful can disappear in such a moment, but the drab sights seem to stray in front of our eyes for a time that seems forever. Like a flower for instance: when we walk by, it merely passes our sight. Maybe the ugly things are more noticeable."</b> He hoped his words, seemed to make sense. But to him, as he replayed them in his mind, they seemed quite clever. Maybe aging a year did make a difference.

Though also, he hoped his words weren't boring. Like an old scholar, who just keeps blabbing and blabbing...But here he was, appreciating the sunset with a wolf who enjoyed company and he hoped she enjoyed his, too. But his words, they didn't leave his mind. It reminded him of love. You find the one, and it slips threw, away, gone. But the ones that are ugly, and drab in mind, personality are the ones you choose. The ones that deceive you and use you. But once and while, you receive back your old eyes, and find the most precious thing.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Haha, nope didn't work xD

She listened carefully to what he said. It was like he was speaking in code that she could not deceiver. At first it was a little confusing until he added the part about the flower. Then she was able to make sense of his words. It was all true though, you have to search for something that was beauty and true, but finding something ugly and nasty was much easier than finding something beautiful and valuable. She could not help but wonder if there was something behind those words. Did her just say them for the hell of it or was there something behind them that she has to deceiver out?

"You're so right. Everything beautiful slips right through your paws before you can get a real good grasp on it." She said glancing at him for a moment, then looking back at the sky. The sky transformed into a dark blue paradise of darkness overlooking the dense forest of Relic Lore. Up here in peaks, you can see everything far and near in the beautiful land. She glanced back at him, searching for his answer with her soft amber eyes.
(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 03:31 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<i>You're so right. Everything beautiful slips right through your paws before you can get a real good grasp on it.</i> Athena said, glancing at him. The sky just a moment ago, was the shade of purples, oranges, and blues. Now, the sky was dark and the clouds were no longer completely white. Beauty is rare and once you find it, you can't let go, but you have to. Just because you, yourself was not strong enough to hold on to it.

Her eyes drifted to his, but his head was looking towards the outer region of relic lore. He'd been there...and there...there, too. Many of these places he'd been before, often stumbling there by chance, and loving it there, but often forgetting its location. It would be better for every wolf, if they just recieved somehow a map of this land. Maybe somehow on a leaf. He looked to Athena, and gave her a smile. <b>"Maybe once and a while our eyes will clear up, and just let us witness beauty a little bit more."</b>
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

As he spoke, her eyes laid on the once sun streaked land that is now black. The birds no longer sing, but are nestled in their trees. They too are waiting for the sunrise once again; as Athena will once, she gets back to her den. Indeed, it was late and she should be heading back before it gets too late, but she cannot get herself to move. This has been the first time she has been at peace since the formation of her new pack. It may be because of Fallen, but the tranquil air and landscape is what is having an affect on her the most.

She stayed silent after his comment. She didn’t even meet his eyes this time. His words were a riddle that Athena could not figure out. Was he just talking about beauty all around us? Or did he mean something deeper than that? She could not figure this out. A good rest on it might be clear it up a little. However, she hoped that he truly was not talking in a deeper since that might involve her. She could not do anything stupid right now Rhysis and Naira would need her soon and having something going on with Fallen would be agley.

She did not offer a comment after his; she just wanted to sit in peace for a moment. Take in the tranquil moment and hope that it last forever. Sadly, she knows good things end and she will have to get back to the chaos of reality. However, if felt good, just to sit in good company and watch the stars pop out across the moonlight sky. If she could stay right her forever, she would immediately.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Kckc1289 who has 69 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She seemed to avoid his stare. Did he do something wrong? Was his comment offending to his friend? He hoped not. His eyes turned to confused looks at his paws. He turned to Athena, to see what caught more attention then his confusing words. Didn't his symbolic sentences make some creatures want to look at him in confusion? Well, he would just watch the great majestic hunter assemble his bow and arrows and take his most honorable position among the other bejeweled heroes.

Orion, in his opinion, was one of the most deserving heroes to lay upon the dark silhouette of the sky. His story, his odyssey, his aspiration to keep on going was something that everyone should admire. And just for love. No matter what lay in his way,nothing would stop him from marrying his love. He smiled to himself. Love...