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.... ooc name: Tuft
.... current characters: Toklo
.... how you found us: Affiliated sight
.... your character's initial fight stats: Rogue
....a role play sample (200+ words):

Yolotl traversed the open mountain side looking for a place of shelter. He kept close to the ground wanting to be as discrete as he went through the sagebrush. The scent of lavender bombarded his nose, the plant being everywhere around him. He took each step carefully, making sure that he didn't snap a spare twig or brush against a single branch.

What he didn't see was that a female mountain lion was stalking him. She had been following him from quite the distance for a while now, and was just about to seize this opportunity to attack him while he was alone in the not-so-covered brush. Yolotl had only a split second, as the cougar finally made its way over to him and attacked.

“Hey you mangy dirty cat!” Yolotl barked out. Hot blood started to seep out of a wound on the right side of his torso. Adrenaline made the pain numb as he quickly dashed away, trying to find someplace that the cougar couldn’t go to. He spotted a turn in the upcoming trail that was right next to the cliff.

He desperately ran all the way right up to the edge of the cliff. He turned so that he was parallel with the edge of the mountain and goaded the cat. When the cougar was right next to him, he jumped out of the way, letting the cougar ran right off the mountainside. A sickly yowl echoed across the mountain as she fell to her doom.

“Serves you right you mangy little kitten!” Yolotl boasted. Injured, tired and hungry, he stepped away from the cliff to lay down and rest for a minute.
and finally a bit about your character....

Yolotl is shy and soft spoken. Once you become friends with him, he sticks to them like glue, but the hard part is the "becoming friends". He has major trust issues, which is why he abandoned his original family pack.
Excited to see another character from ya! Everything looks great except the role play sample needs to be made longer, please. It needs to be a minimum of 200 words and is currently clocking in at 125. Once this is fixed just post again and we'll get Yolotl accepted. (:
Whoops sorry! Thanks, I’m super excited for this too!

Here is the new and improved version:

Yolotl traversed the open mountain side looking for a place of shelter. He kept close to the ground wanting to be as discrete as he went through the sagebrush. The scent of lavender bombarded his nose, the plant being everywhere around him. He took each step carefully, making sure that he didn't snap a spare twig or brush against a single branch.

What he didn't see was that a female mountain lion was stalking him. She had been following him from quite the distance for a while now, and was just about to seize this opportunity to attack him while he was alone in the not-so-covered brush. Yolotl had only a split second, as the cougar finally made its way over to him and attacked.

“Hey you mangy dirty cat!” Yolotl barked out. Hot blood started to seep out of a wound on the right side of his torso. Adrenaline made the pain numb as he quickly dashed away, trying to find someplace that the cougar couldn’t go to. He spotted a turn in the upcoming trail that was right next to the cliff.

He desperately ran all the way right up to the edge of the cliff. He turned so that he was parallel with the edge of the mountain and goaded the cat. When the cougar was right next to him, he jumped out of the way, letting the cougar ran right off the mountainside. A sickly yowl echoed across the mountain as she fell to her doom.

“Serves you right you mangy little kitten!” Yolotl boasted. Injured, tired and hungry, he stepped away from the cliff to lay down and rest for a minute.