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.... ooc name: Tasha
.... current characters: Aquene, Miriam, Nadine, Torianna
.... how you found us: I live here
.... your character's initial fight stats: Rogue
....a role play sample (200+ words): Miriam had been there for some time. She had come to know some but not many of her packmates, and she had certainly come to learn the land. As she traced along the edges of the border, marking it as she went she had time to think… and those thoughts led her to wonder how she might best serve. She knew what she would be best with: she was a teacher. She enjoyed working with younger wolves, not that she had a lot of experience being a younger wolf herself, but she’d helped raise a few of her siblings before she had left for her pilgrimage.

And so, that is what drew her away halfway through her patrol. It drew her towards following Finley’s scent rather than simply calling for her and waiting. Miriam had decided it was something that she wanted to address right away, and she would not be deterred. She had briefly considered being a scout too, but it seemed like a lot of travelling and while she did enjoy a good travel, she was certainly more of a homebody than most. She liked being internal to pack lands.

Only once following her scent led to stronger trails would she raise her maw and call for the woman, knowing she was nearby. She took a seat, her tail thumping lightly against the ground in excitement as she waited.
and finally a bit about your character... Another Lore descendant finding her way to her father's roots