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waiting for the... — Kingsfall 
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Played by Cade who has 80 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga
Random Event: Marigold, lightning strikes a tree right next to you. For @Micaden only.

Mar was on her way out, intending on taking a day or two to check in with some of the local prey herds. Of course, the weather waited until she'd nearly made it out into open country to turn. A hell of a sign that she should have stayed home, or so Marigold thought. She stood at the forest's end, where scrub brush and sky took over. Above her was still sunny and robin's-egg blue, but darkness was rolling in fast. The clouds were massive, and before her eyes the lightning started, playing across their deep navy bellies. Thunder rumbled moments after.

"God dammit," she exclaimed on impulse, reservations gone for believing herself alone. It was frustrating, to say the least. There was little she would be able to manage once the storm reached her, making the trip she'd just undertaken an utter waste. Pale eyes narrowed, and began to scan her surroundings. The wind was picking up around her, playing with her fur, bringing in a wave of fresh scents.

Maybe she could still find something worthwhile...
Played by PuppyThief who has 26 posts.
Lone Wolf X. Yearling
Micaden Smoke-Athesila

The air was too warm today, seeming to press down on him with a heavy weight, making even the giant redwoods feel claustrophobic. With this imminent need for open air, Micaden was faced with a choice between the nearer lake, or the further trek north to the lowlands; coming across the fresh trail of familiar scent, it was easy enough to decide.

Having left some time after his older sister, the yearling didn’t catch up until she stopped, arriving with the first roll of thunder. Unlike Marigold, Micaden was thrilled by the display above them, two colored eyes glowing up at the sky as he walked up next to her, tail swaying behind him. Dark lips parted, air leaving his chest in a sigh of awe as he simply stared at the flickering lights, ears twitching with every rumble, but remaining perked up.

The unusual exclamation did make him cock his head a little, a low, chuckly breath leaving his mouth, but he was too enthralled with the display to truly focus on Marigold. Later on perhaps, he might think back and find more humor in the break of her usual composure, but right now it was the forces of nature that captivated his attention.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Cade who has 80 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga
Marigold didn't hear the soft crunch of her brother's steps until he'd nearly reached her, causing her whole frame to twitch with surprise. There might have been a measure of aggression shown too had her mind taken a moment to catch up to who exactly it was catching her off-guard, but it only ever took a heartbeat to recognize family. She would have relaxed completely, were it not for the wretched storm.

Silver eyes watched him regard the show of nature's aggression with awe, and she couldn't help but wonder why she'd been the only one of her father's children to lack the peace apparently afforded to all her siblings. Like Auburn, the twins appeared to know only contentment, felt secure even when there was clear danger, and interacted with the world as though there were some kind of magic to it.

What was wrong with her?

"Were you following me?" she asked casually.
Played by PuppyThief who has 26 posts.
Lone Wolf X. Yearling
Micaden Smoke-Athesila

Thunder rumbled over the lowlands as lightning began to strike in the far distance, light flashing against the underside of the clouds. Micaden’s heart beat hard and fast against his ribs, but there was not a trace of fear on his face, pure excitement shining in his treasure-colored eyes.

A consequence of a sheltered upbringing perhaps, or simply a naturally carefree disposition, either way, Micaden did not see any danger in the display, simply enthralled by its beauty. With an audible thud, he planted his rear on the ground, tongue slipping out one side of his mouth as he panted happily. His tail tapped a slow rhythm, ears flicking with every thundercrack – each one louder and louder.

“Yup!” He answered simply, giving his chin a small jerk in her direction but otherwise keeping his attention on the sky; “Missed you.” As innocuous as the statement might seem, especially in the presently excited tone of his voice, this wasn’t childish hyperbole – he was long overdue for some one on one time with his older sister.

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