The clouds were revealing light. It might have warmed Belun's skin had the trees not been so grand and bulky over his head. They draped their long fingertips of conifer needles and branches over him, keeping the light just out of his reach. The morning had been frost-ridden and chilly, and the day was turning out to be no better.
"Reh-nuh-gayd," said the brown wolf. He could hear a raven from high above him. It crowed. "Rennih-gayd!" His voice was not as hushed the second time, but the syllables were all jumbled together. CRAWW! laughed the raven. "RENNEGAYD!" he yelled at the raven, and began to laugh light-heartedly when it flew away. As he chuckled to himself, he lay down on a bed of dirt and uncomfortable branches and ferns. "Not nice.. bird," he murmured, staring up at the canopy.
Practicing English was something he had been trying to do often since he had arrived in Swift River. Fenru had taught him many words, and had been very kind to him. But, Belun was well aware that it was tiring to have someone follow your every step the moment you arrived home; he remembered when his brothers and sisters were youngsters, and he was supposed to look after them on occasion. They were always full of questions like why this and why that. They would ask him why he was brown and they were grey, why the sky changed colors throughout the day and what strange noises came from the forest. He remembered their faces, and it pained him to know that they were never coming back.
Lately he reminded himself of a pup. He was certainly much bouncier than he had been in nearly a year, happy to have found a home, and what he hoped was a family. Belun wanted to communicate with them and yammer away the way they did. When they spoke, they spoke quickly, and to him it sounded like, takka takka takka, but he wanted to learn to do it too. "Renegade," he whispered.