RE: There is a meteor shower tonight
Awake in the darkness, Nayeli rolled into a more alert position, blinking as she gazed into the deep shadows of the den around her. Darrah and Zera were both lying nearby, presumably deep into some adventure in the lands of slumber. Although she wished she could join them there, sleep had continued to elude the Stormwright woman this night. After trying to drift off for what felt like hours, she had had enough. It wasn't that anything in particular was weighing on her mind - more than usual, at any rate - she just felt so very awake. Perhaps sleep just wasn't in the stars for her tonight.
Getting to her feet as carefully and quietly as she could, Nayeli stepped over the warm little lumps that were her children, careful not to disturb them, and crept from the den out into the night.
She didn't go far - perhaps she couldn't get must rest tonight, but she could keep a better watch out here than from within the den. Cool currents of night air danced freely out here, playing through her fur in a way that the still air within the den had certainly not. The grass was soft and slightly damp with dew, and the night chorus of summer sounds was softly humming - insects, owls, the breeze.... selecting a spot a short distance from the mouth of the den, Nayeli sat. It wasn't long before a flash of movement caught her eye - but this was no intruder, nor anything of an earthly nature at all. A star had streaked bright across the blackness, trailing light behind it as it flew. The sight brought a small, bittersweet smile to the dark woman's maw, and she reclined a little more, lifting her gaze to study the heavens. Moments later another flash seared across the sky, prompting a sigh to escape from the restless Stormwright - she found herself thinking of her old home.