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My Mind For Hire — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She was surprised by Danica's sudden show of affection, but it warmed her heart, and she eagerly reciprocated, pressing her muzzle into the young mother's thick, creamy fur. "And I yours." She murmured into a silver ear as reply before pulling back, feeling tears press behind her eyes. She blinked a few times to clear them, before meeting the other's emerald gaze, nodding lightly; "I understand, the world can be... Scary." She smiled, happy to see that Danica finally seemed comfortable in her company. "I do hope that you will let Daniel meet the rest of us though, we would all like to help teach him. You're his only mother, but raising a pup... Well it's a job for the whole pack." She said it warmly with no sign of pressure, in the end it would be Danica's choice how she raised her son, and though Aideen was above her in rank, it was not her place to tell the mother what she should or shouldn't do; Except in medicinal situations. As a medic she had no specific say over Daniel or his mother though, and the vast majority of her knowledge about childrearing was theoretical. Still she could offer advice like this.

Movement in the bushes made both women turn their heads and broad, loving smiles spread across both muzzle when the dark pup finally appeared; "And here he is!" Aideen crooned softly, copper eyes full of adoration as she watched Daniel walk up to his mother. The boy introduced himself, eliciting an almost purring sound from the orange healer. Then he turned his shifting eyes to his mother, sharing a bright, adoring smile with her before turning back to Aideen. Danica confirmed his question, nudging the lad forwards, and the medic's head was lowered in response, ears turning back in a friendly expression; "It is very nice to meet you Daniel." She said softly, eager to greet him physically, buy holding back, not wanting to overwhelm the little man; Or his mother... Glancing back up at the proud mother, Aideen offered a bright smile; "He's wonderful, Danica. A beautiful little gentleman."

Word count: 353

"Speech" Thoughts

(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2015, 08:19 PM by Aideen.)
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Wrap up? Vague pp of Daniel.)

The whole time the women spoke Daniel remained respectful, chiming in when it seemed okay to do so. He smiled and giggled, talking with a chidish voice that to his mother was music. She loved her son so and had allowed him to chat with Aideen for a little, grooming him while he did so. Of course he complained some about this, but tolerated his ovessive mother's actions. 

Rising up to Aideen's level Danica said, "Only time will tell what is to happen, but for now, thank you for your comapany. You're welcome to visit us anytime you wish, our den is just beyond those bushes...made from that of a fallen tree." She beamed then added, "And thank you for the compliment earlier, I must agree that my task of raising a gentlemant ins't that far off...but the help of a pack wouldn't be bad." Still grining ear to ear the mother deptarted with a bow and began to head off. Little paws trodded after her talking in excited gibberish about the woman they had just met.

(Aideen is welcomed to stop her, and since I left it vague, you're welcomed to say that discussed other topics as well.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

They talked of nothing specific once Daniel had joined them, merely chatting back and forth of this and that; Simple things. Aideen was happy for this chance to discretely inspect the child, whom his mother had been so insistent on keeping from the pack. He looked healthy enough, if a little well thin, but nothing alarming, and his tongue and brain suddenly didn't falter. Despite Danica's over protective nature, or perhaps because of it, the child seemed to be thriving, and was curious and lively. All through their little discussion, the medic was smiling, shooting friendly, approving glances at Danica, to both sooth and commend the first time mother. The cream pelted girl might be very young, but she had had Nina's example to follow, and even if her choices were peculiar, they seemed to be paying off.

After a time, it was clear that Daniel was starting to tire, and Danica, attentive as she was, reacted promptly. With a joyous smile, she quickly said her goodbyes, and Aideen smiled back, lifting herself up to once more be level with the boy's mother rather than him. The disclosure of their den location came as a surprise to the medic, but one she cherished, and she showed so by bowing her head lightly. Furthermore, Danica seemed to be willing to introduce her child to the rest of the pack soon, which the vixen lass took as another victory. All in all, she felt quite happy and accomplished as she watched the two disappear between the bushes, tri-colored tail waving high behind her as a last farewell. Then she too turned, making her way back to her infirmary with a satisfied smile on her lips.

Word count: 283

Thoughts ”Speech”