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Lesson No. 1 — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
That would be fine and he would be glad to teach her about patrolling the borders.

After having watched Moonshadow fish Kajika was sure that she would have what it took to make herself a valuable member of the pack. It was what he wanted for her and most importantly what he felt she wanted as well. When he had brought her to Fallen Tree Cove he had told her that she could make this her new home with a new family and he didn’t want her to be disappointed when he had gotten the distinct feeling that was what she had been looking for. It was what he had found within the borders of Fallen Tree Cove and he hoped that others would as well. He thought it a waste that others hadn’t found their way into the family that was Fallen Tree Cove pack since he felt that they truly were a family. Kajika would do whatever he could to help Moonshadow to fit I the best that she could and become what she wanted while in the pack.

After catching the fish and heading to the shore he dropped the fish a few feet back from the water so it didn’t flip back in, ”Thanks,” he stated once he didn’t have the fish in his mouth anymore. Before they started their breakfast though he wanted to make sure that Moonshadow had a complete lesson and that all of her questions were answered. She made a comment about him using his shadow to cover the hole, a smile crossed his features, “Yes, It does make them think the ice is still there and it also works when there isn’t any ice by making them think there is a tree or rocky overhang so they think it is a place they can hide and they are more apt to come out,”<b/> he explained his reasoning for using that particular technique. It was important that she understood they why’s as well as the how’s. She also had a question which he was glad to answer, “Well not always,” he stated, “When it starts to become more spring like the ice will become thinner so it’s best to test it before you fully step onto it. You should always test any ice before stepping onto it because it may seem thick around the edges but the further out you get it could be too thin to hold your weight,” he cautioned.

(This post was last modified: Jun 09, 2016, 06:53 PM by Kajika.)
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
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Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! Awesome! Do you want to wrap this thread up then start a new one? :)

Dark audits pressed forward as her teacher answered her question about the ice. The yearling was eager to learn as much as she possibly could as fast as she could possibly learn it. Smiling happily with her tail sweeping the ground behind her Moonshadow listened to his words. The fish were drawn to his shadow because it tricks them into thinking it’s a safe place to go thus making it easier to catch them. The girl liked this technique and planned on using it in the future.

Kajika told the young girl to always test the ice before stepping on it. She figured that one should always do that but what she didn’t know was that the ice could possibly be thinner in the middle. She would have guessed that it would have been thinner towards the edges and thicker in the middle. It was good information for the girl to know. “Oh alright! That makes sense” she replied. Her belly rumbled quietly, she hadn’t eaten in a few days due to the anticipation of Kajika’s return. The ebony yearling hadn’t wanted to wander far from her make shift den just in case he had come back. The girl eyed her now still fish at her feet and then looked back at her new teacher with a smile. She would wait for him to start eating because despite being on her own for so long she was still taught that those older than she were to eat first.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis
Sure, We can end the thread here. You can post one more time if you want or archive after you've read it and then we can start a new one.

Even though Moonshadow had only just arrived within Fallen Tree Cove Kajika knew that there was so much that she had to learn about living in this pack. However he thought that if she kept learning as she was and asking questions then he felt she would catch on soon enough. He also knew that for her to become the part of the pack she wanted to be he would have to help her in whatever way he could and answering her questions was a big part of that. However, there was a moment or two in the last answer that he feared he might have elaborated too much but in the end he thought it might be better for her to have too much information than not enough. He wanted her to survive this place and by having more information than she needed she would be able to do better for herself.

This was why he had explained to her that the ice needed to be tested before stepping on to it in case it was too thin to hold her weight. The last thing that he wanted to happen to her was to fall through and no one to be around to help. “I’m glad that it does. It’s important to understand so that there is no question about it later.” He felt that if she still had questions later than he might not be doing his job to the best of his ability. With the lesson over and questions answered he thought it was time to dig into their well earned breakfast. “Shall we get started then?” He said his tongue running across his lips in anticipation of the meal ahead. Finally he bit into his fish eager to satisfy his morning hunger and get on with his morning routine which he thought he might take Moonshadow with hi so that she could develop a routine as well, it would help her to settle in.

(This post was last modified: Jun 26, 2016, 03:42 PM by Kajika.)
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