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And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Siki who has 497 posts.
Inactive No Rank
With @Wraith's acknowledgement and agreement, Craw only had eyes for Morganna, wanting to know how she planned to proceed. Her conclusion was pretty much in alignment with his own. The implications of this moment were fairly significant, not least the possibility that Hecate had indeed left the pack of her own free will. A ploy between herself and Skoll, to keep her child safe from Morganna? A disagreement between the brother and his bitch? On the chance that she was just out for a stroll, too, they would make sure it was a permanent one.

As Elettra peeled off with little more than a cursory glance to both men, Craw turned away himself, ready to get to business. Morganna's touch of gratitude and pointed glance was received with a soft rumble of assurance, and then his focus was only on Wraith and Hecate's trail. Tossing his head in the direction the pregnant woman had gone (that particular aspect of her scent making her even easier to distinguish and track) to indicate to Wraith that they were to leave, Craw took up a steady trot along the trail. He would pursue it until they either found her or it was clear that she had gone beyond the willows, and at that point would turn back to head directly for Morganna.

[Image: wm_by_euphoriclies-da4medx.png]
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Wraith's exit. Sorry for the wait.

As @Elettra glanced towards himself and @Craw, Wraith offered a polite nod in acknowledgement before granting the remainder of his attention to their new task. With @Morganna's grateful nudge, the northerner smiled kindly even if he held no particular love for this duty set at his paws. He understood the necessity for it, for the safety of the pups growing in Morganna's belly, but it didn't mean he had to like chasing a pregnant female from the safety a pack offered. He'd not had any real association for @Hecate and despite her laying with @Skoll, Wraith couldn't muster any animosity towards her.

When Craw turned and trotted off, Wraith followed along, keeping pace readily alongside his friend. Though he'd been uncharacteristically quiet about his feelings on the matter, with only Craw's presence now without the hard gaze of the pack's previous matriarch, Wraith found it easier to speak freely. "This doesn't sit well," he murmured while they tracked the female to the edge of the territory and beyond. "I'm glad she left on her own," he admitted. "Attacking a pregnant female goes against all that I've learned." Of course, even if she had not left of her own volition, Wraith would have fulfilled his duty. But he wouldn't do it with any amount of pleasure. But with his concerns voiced, he was able to continue on a bit easier, knowing that he'd been heard.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]